Times Cryptic Jumbo No 1400 – 7th September. The uncertainty principle

Hi all.  I had to fit this into a number of separate snatched moments, which is unfortunate because it makes it difficult to form any coherent overview of the puzzle.  Based on what I can remember, and a very limited sample size, I would guess it was a whisker above average Jumbo difficulty.  However, there are a couple of clues I can’t quite explain to my satisfaction, 20a and 24d, and one where I’m worrying I may be missing something entirely, 49a.  (Other 27ds may be available.)  I have no doubt you can help!

Choosing favourites is something I often find hard, but not today: I loved 7d.  That was by no means the only clue to bring a smile to my face though.  I could mention 10a or 23d — and, indeed, I just did.  Thanks setter.

Definitions are underlined in the clues below.  In the explanations, quoted indicators are in italics, [deletions] in square brackets, and I’ve capitalised and emboldened letters which appear in the ANSWER.

1 Clinging drunk associated with southern family (4-5)
SKIN-TIGHT TIGHT (drunk) next to (associated with) S (southern) and KIN (family)
6 Structure made with cunning technique (7)
ARCHWAY — The required structure is made with ARCH (cunning) and WAY (technique)
10 Move slowly, having stomach and large behind (5)
CRAWL CRAW (stomach), and L after it (behind)
13 Believe lover creates restriction on finances (6,7)
14 Diplomacy round breaks ice after time in game Yanks play (3-3-3)
TIC-TAC-TOE TACT (diplomacy) plus O (round) goes inside (breaks) ICE (from the clue), all following (after) T (time).  While none of the elements were hard, this took some untangling!
15 Soft cheese where little kipper could be devoured by girl (7)
RICOTTA COT (where little kipper — sleeper — could be) inside (devoured by) RITA (girl)
16 Corpse found in vehicle crossing channel (7)
CADAVER CAR (vehicle) around (crossing) DAVE (channel)
17 Something sweet rascal occasionally placed in box? (7)
TREACLE — Alternate letters of (… occasionally) rAsCaL placed in TREE (box?)
18 Separate from partner in the underworld? (12)
DISASSOCIATE — A partner (associate) in the underworld (Dis) might be termed an underworld partner, or DIS ASSOCIATE
20 Where certain marathon runners are, no matter what? (2,3,5)
IN ANY EVENT — Well, my guess is that certain marathon runners can be IN ANY EVENT, but I’m at a loss to explain further.  Edit: marathon runners might be IN A NY EVENT (the NY Marathon).  Thanks to Kevingregg for this one
23 Better to avoid extremes — gentle stroll results (5)
AMBLE — [g]AMBLE[r] without the outer letters (to avoid extremes)
24 Broadside showing America badly in decline (9)
FUSILLADE US (America) and ILL (badly) in FADE (decline)
25 Oxfordshire town worker splits pay (7)
WANTAGE ANT (worker) is inserted into (splits) WAGE (pay)
26 Eight fooled cast in sitcom (3,4,4)
THE GOOD LIFE EIGHT FOOLED anagrammed (cast)
28 Footballer once slim was willing (7,4)
OUTSIDE LEFT OUTSIDE (slim, as in outside/slim chance) plus LEFT (was willing, left in a will)
30 Kinswoman of marvellous masculine variant (11)
GRANDMOTHER — A charade of GRAND (marvellous), M (masculine), and OTHER (variant)
32 We stop to eat exotic vegetable (5,6)
SWEET POTATO WE STOP TO EAT anagrammed (exotic)
34 Old canine bizarrely beginning to talk (7)
ANCIENT CANINE anagrammed (bizarrely) and the first letter of (beginning to) Talk
36 Bones find peace at last in green hillside (9)
VERTEBRAE — The final letter of (… at last) peacE in VERT (green) + BRAE (hills)
38 One must put out second fire in room (5)
INGLE — [s]INGLE (one), has to have the removal of (must put out) S (single)
39 Global section of border company providing connections present (10)
HEMISPHERE HEM (border), ISP (internet service provider, company providing connections), and HERE (present)
41 Appropriate recognition informally given in Garbo’s career? (7,5)
ACADEMY AWARD — The informal name for an Academy Award (appropriate recognition, informally) is given in GarbOS CAReer
45 Girl is deceitful, we hear — examine closely (7)
ANALYSE — Sounds like (… we hear) ANNA (girl) LIES (is deceitful)
46 Unrated article by father with covering letter (3-4)
TAX-FREE A (article) + X (by) + FR (father) with TEE (letter) surrounding (covering)
47 Disease is to claim one hundred peasants (7)
RUSTICS RUST (disease) and S (‘s, is) going around (to claim) I (one) and C (hundred)
49 Moves perhaps from A to B without stopping? (9)
GLISSANDI — A cryptic definition … unless I’m missing some wordplay, and I can’t shake the feeling I am
50 Particle detector close to big mountain opposite (6,7)
GEIGER COUNTER — The last letter of (close to) biG, then EIGER (mountain) and COUNTER (opposite)
52 Contesting teams to bring fish aboard? (5)
SIDES — The instruction here is to put IDE (fish) in SS (screw steamship), to bring fish aboard
53 Brain perhaps working — there’s logic to this (7)
ORGANON ORGAN (brain perhaps) + ON (working)
54 Crisis to develop with Conservative lying in state (9)
EMERGENCY EMERGE (to develop) with C (Conservative) in (lying in) NY (state)
1 Children keeping dog that’s fast (7)
SECURED SEED (children) containing (keeping) CUR (dog)
2 Outrageous old copper furious lesbian detains (11)
INEXCUSABLE EX (old) and CU (copper), which an anagram of (furious) LESBIAN surrounds (detains)
3 Corruption in Britain today (5)
TAINT — The answer is embedded in BriTAIN Today
4 Old police make move receiving directions to bug (7)
GESTAPO GO (make move) containing (receiving) E, S (directions) and TAP (to bug)
5 Mostly stressed foreign consonant (3)
TAU Mostly TAUt (stressed)
6 Tale can do with alteration as story (9)
ANECDOTAL TALE CAN DO made into an anagram (with alteration)
7 Chop stick? (6)
CLEAVE — A double definition.  Cleave, of course, is noted for being its own opposite, but this is something special.  It’s a shame chopstick is one word — I feel like mounting a campaign to use two as often as possible until that becomes standard usage, thus making this clue even better!
8 Weather turned bad — game becomes forgotten event (5,5,3,6)
9 Mexican state feline found in many fens? (7)
YUCATAN CAT (feline) found in YUAN (many fens.  A fen is 100th of a yuan)
10 Unreliable character arrived carrying hotel sign with name (9)
CHAMELEON CAME (arrived) containing (carrying) H (hotel), followed by LEO (sign) with N (name)
11 Diplomatic incident? That could get the papers carried away! (7,4)
ATTACHÉ CASE — A diplomatic incident could be described as an ATTACHÉ CASE
12 Vassal for example tucking into pork pie (5)
LIEGE EG (for example) inside (tucking into) LIE (pork pie)
16 Lofted shots and all needed in play (5,4,10)
19 Drug member of rock group losing head (7)
STEROID — [a]STEROID (member of rock group) without the first letter (losing head).  I’ll bet it’s been done before, but I loved “member of rock group”
21 Cardinal travelled in Irish county without resistance (6-3)
TWENTY-ONE WENT (travelled) in TY[r]ONE (Irish county) without R (resistance)
22 Not about you in French dialect (6)
PATOIS PAS (not) around (about) TOIS (you), both in French
23 One’s handle in one’s hand? (9)
AUTOGRAPH — A cryptic definition: one’s handle/name in one’s hand[writing].  I thought this very cute indeed
24 Diminishing sound of clairvoyant uncertain when heard (4-3)
FADE-OUT — Sounds like (… when heard) FEY DOUBT.  Fey (or the alternative spelling fay) is our clairvoyant, but doubt would give us uncertainty, so I think we need to read it together as saying an uncertain clairvoyant might have FEY DOUBT … but I still have doubts of my own
25 Cockney’s suit in stretch to accommodate good man (7)
WHISTLE WHILE (stretch) containing (to accommodate) ST (good man)
27 Mistakes from Mister Rorschach (6)
ERRORS — Found in (from) MistER RORSchach
29 Time invested in symphony and certain literature? (7)
EROTICA T (time) inside (invested in) EROICA (symphony)
31 Partnered ace clubs comedian being funny about piano (11)
ACCOMPANIED A (ace), C (clubs), and then an anagram of (… being funny) COMEDIAN around (about) P (piano)
33 Republic in which dog is brown (11)
AFGHANISTAN — In which AFGHAN (dog) IS (is) TAN (brown)
35 Incomplete system is as unstable for writers (9)
ESSAYISTS — An anagram of (… unstable) all but the last letter of (incomplete) SYSTEm with IS AS
37 About ninety in euros converted — enough for trip (9)
EXCURSION — Around (about) XC (ninety) is IN EUROS, anagrammed (… converted)
40 Eat heartily in Oz, when one from Germany stuffs spicy duck (3,4)
HOE INTO EIN (one from Germany) goes inside (stuffs) HOT (spicy) + O (duck)
42 Amazing motorway chase involving learner (7)
MIRACLE MI (M1, motorway) and RACE (chase) containing (involving) L (learner)
43 One having to leave departs ancient city ruin (7)
DESTROY — I think this is DE[part]S with PART (one) removed (having to leave) + TROY (ancient city)
44 Second in command co-ordinates facts — it’s inspired (6)
OXYGEN — The second letter of (second in) cOmmand, XY (axes), and GEN (facts)
45 Serviceman in rising tide finds protection (5)
AEGIS GI (serviceman) in the reversal of (rising) SEA (tide)
48 Wounded animal rolls over under stone (5)
STUNG GNU (animal) is reversed (rolls) after (under, in a down answer) ST (stone)
51 Listened to melody before (3)
ERE — A homophone of (listened to) AIR (melody)

16 comments on “Times Cryptic Jumbo No 1400 – 7th September. The uncertainty principle”

  1. As usual in a Jumbo, a couple of DNKs: WHISTLE, DAVE (I still don’t understand), HOE INTO, THE GOOD LIFE, and ‘fen’. And as is all too common with me, I missed the hidden in 41ac and simply biffed. (That makes 3 hiddens: 41ac, 3d, 27d; can they do that?) LOI 38ac. I liked TAX-FREE & OXYGEN, but COD to CLEAVE.

    Edited at 2019-09-21 06:19 am (UTC)

    1. Dave is a free-to-air TV channel in the UK. “The home of witty banter”, it has a timeshift version called, inevitably, Dave ja vu.
  2. I see Kevin has already explained 20A. As for 24D I parsed it as you did, Kitty, although uncertain = doubt seems a bit dodgy. In 49A a glissando is made by running a finger across a range of keys on the piano, in this case starting on an A and running up (or down) to a B somewhere further up (or down) the keyboard, so yes it’s just a cryptic definition.

    Edited at 2019-09-21 07:27 am (UTC)

    1. Hardly seemed cryptic to me; the only wordplay I saw was that ‘glissandi’ being a plural noun, ‘moves’ needs to be a noun for the definition, but looks like a verb.
    2. I could see how it works as a cryptic(ish) definition, but I’m always wary of missing clever &lits – not only missing them, but dis-missing them as only a weak cd. It’s good to have reassurance.
  3. I took about 40 minutes for this entertaining Jumbo. Like Kevin, I didn’t know that meaning of WHISTLE and HOE INTO and had to verify that many fens make a Yuan. I have several clues with a tick against them on my paper copy. I liked CADAVER, the cunning hidden at 41A, GEIGER COUNTER, SIDES, TWENTY-ONE, DESTROY and my COD, OXYGEN. I would have included CLEAVE but I think I’ve seen that elsewhere recently. Thanks Kitty and setter.

    Edited at 2019-09-21 08:01 am (UTC)

  4. I had to confirm the Aussie HOE INTO, once I’d derived it, but knew Whistle and flute for suit. I saw GLISSANDI as a cryptic definition too. Didn’t know ORGANON, but the wordplay was clear. I enjoyed this puzzle, which took me 55:23, which is just on the easy side of average for me. Thanks setter and Kitty.
    1. I associate it with Francis Bacon’s ‘New Organon’, which has one of my favorite Bacon-bits:
      The men of experiment are like the ant, they only collect and use; the reasoners resemble spiders, who make cobwebs out of their own substance. But the bee takes a middle course: it gathers its material from the flowers of the garden and of the field, but transforms and digests it by a power of its own.
        1. I imagine his best-known quote is, “What is truth, asked jesting Pilate, and would not stay for an answer.”
  5. I wish I had remembered a word and piece of GK that I had to look up when solving this as it would have given me an answer in today’s main puzzle, roughly the reverse of the same clue. Unfortunately both had already fallen out of memory so I had to cheat all over again.

    Edited at 2019-09-21 01:11 pm (UTC)

  6. 24d makes an adjective have doubts, which is damn devious in my book. I really think that’s what it is! Thoughts?

    A very smile-worthy Jummbo this one, thanks setter, and thanks Kitty for a really nice blog.

  7. The two words “fey” and “doubt” are just two words.. they don’t have to be treated as a phrase

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