Hi all. I had to fit this into a number of separate snatched moments, which is unfortunate because it makes it difficult to form any coherent overview of the puzzle. Based on what I can remember, and a very limited sample size, I would guess it was a whisker above average Jumbo difficulty. However, there are a couple of clues I can’t quite explain to my satisfaction, 20a and 24d, and one where I’m worrying I may be missing something entirely, 49a. (Other 27ds may be available.) I have no doubt you can help!
Choosing favourites is something I often find hard, but not today: I loved 7d. That was by no means the only clue to bring a smile to my face though. I could mention 10a or 23d — and, indeed, I just did. Thanks setter.
Definitions are underlined in the clues below. In the explanations, quoted indicators are in italics, [deletions] in square brackets, and I’ve capitalised and emboldened letters which appear in the ANSWER.
Across | |
1 | Clinging drunk associated with southern family (4-5) |
SKIN-TIGHT — TIGHT (drunk) next to (associated with) S (southern) and KIN (family) | |
6 | Structure made with cunning technique (7) |
ARCHWAY — The required structure is made with ARCH (cunning) and WAY (technique) | |
10 | Move slowly, having stomach and large behind (5) |
CRAWL — CRAW (stomach), and L after it (behind) | |
13 | Believe lover creates restriction on finances (6,7) |
CREDIT SQUEEZE — CREDIT (believe) + SQUEEZE (lover) | |
14 | Diplomacy round breaks ice after time in game Yanks play (3-3-3) |
TIC-TAC-TOE — TACT (diplomacy) plus O (round) goes inside (breaks) ICE (from the clue), all following (after) T (time). While none of the elements were hard, this took some untangling! | |
15 | Soft cheese where little kipper could be devoured by girl (7) |
RICOTTA — COT (where little kipper — sleeper — could be) inside (devoured by) RITA (girl) | |
16 | Corpse found in vehicle crossing channel (7) |
CADAVER — CAR (vehicle) around (crossing) DAVE (channel) | |
17 | Something sweet rascal occasionally placed in box? (7) |
TREACLE — Alternate letters of (… occasionally) rAsCaL placed in TREE (box?) | |
18 | Separate from partner in the underworld? (12) |
DISASSOCIATE — A partner (associate) in the underworld (Dis) might be termed an underworld partner, or DIS ASSOCIATE | |
20 | Where certain marathon runners are, no matter what? (2,3,5) |
IN ANY EVENT — Well, my guess is that certain marathon runners can be IN ANY EVENT, but I’m at a loss to explain further. Edit: marathon runners might be IN A NY EVENT (the NY Marathon). Thanks to Kevingregg for this one | |
23 | Better to avoid extremes — gentle stroll results (5) |
AMBLE — [g]AMBLE[r] without the outer letters (to avoid extremes) | |
24 | Broadside showing America badly in decline (9) |
FUSILLADE — US (America) and ILL (badly) in FADE (decline) | |
25 | Oxfordshire town worker splits pay (7) |
WANTAGE — ANT (worker) is inserted into (splits) WAGE (pay) | |
26 | Eight fooled cast in sitcom (3,4,4) |
THE GOOD LIFE — EIGHT FOOLED anagrammed (cast) | |
28 | Footballer once slim was willing (7,4) |
OUTSIDE LEFT — OUTSIDE (slim, as in outside/slim chance) plus LEFT (was willing, left in a will) | |
30 | Kinswoman of marvellous masculine variant (11) |
GRANDMOTHER — A charade of GRAND (marvellous), M (masculine), and OTHER (variant) | |
32 | We stop to eat exotic vegetable (5,6) |
SWEET POTATO — WE STOP TO EAT anagrammed (exotic) | |
34 | Old canine bizarrely beginning to talk (7) |
ANCIENT — CANINE anagrammed (bizarrely) and the first letter of (beginning to) Talk | |
36 | Bones find peace at last in green hillside (9) |
VERTEBRAE — The final letter of (… at last) peacE in VERT (green) + BRAE (hills) | |
38 | One must put out second fire in room (5) |
INGLE — [s]INGLE (one), has to have the removal of (must put out) S (single) | |
39 | Global section of border company providing connections present (10) |
HEMISPHERE — HEM (border), ISP (internet service provider, company providing connections), and HERE (present) | |
41 | Appropriate recognition informally given in Garbo’s career? (7,5) |
ACADEMY AWARD — The informal name for an Academy Award (appropriate recognition, informally) is given in GarbO‘S CAReer | |
45 | Girl is deceitful, we hear — examine closely (7) |
ANALYSE — Sounds like (… we hear) ANNA (girl) LIES (is deceitful) | |
46 | Unrated article by father with covering letter (3-4) |
TAX-FREE — A (article) + X (by) + FR (father) with TEE (letter) surrounding (covering) | |
47 | Disease is to claim one hundred peasants (7) |
RUSTICS — RUST (disease) and S (‘s, is) going around (to claim) I (one) and C (hundred) | |
49 | Moves perhaps from A to B without stopping? (9) |
GLISSANDI — A cryptic definition … unless I’m missing some wordplay, and I can’t shake the feeling I am | |
50 | Particle detector close to big mountain opposite (6,7) |
GEIGER COUNTER — The last letter of (close to) biG, then EIGER (mountain) and COUNTER (opposite) | |
52 | Contesting teams to bring fish aboard? (5) |
SIDES — The instruction here is to put IDE (fish) in SS (screw steamship), to bring fish aboard | |
53 | Brain perhaps working — there’s logic to this (7) |
ORGANON — ORGAN (brain perhaps) + ON (working) | |
54 | Crisis to develop with Conservative lying in state (9) |
EMERGENCY — EMERGE (to develop) with C (Conservative) in (lying in) NY (state) |
Down | |
1 | Children keeping dog that’s fast (7) |
SECURED — SEED (children) containing (keeping) CUR (dog) | |
2 | Outrageous old copper furious lesbian detains (11) |
INEXCUSABLE — EX (old) and CU (copper), which an anagram of (furious) LESBIAN surrounds (detains) | |
3 | Corruption in Britain today (5) |
TAINT — The answer is embedded in BriTAIN Today | |
4 | Old police make move receiving directions to bug (7) |
GESTAPO — GO (make move) containing (receiving) E, S (directions) and TAP (to bug) | |
5 | Mostly stressed foreign consonant (3) |
TAU — Mostly TAUt (stressed) | |
6 | Tale can do with alteration as story (9) |
ANECDOTAL — TALE CAN DO made into an anagram (with alteration) | |
7 | Chop stick? (6) |
CLEAVE — A double definition. Cleave, of course, is noted for being its own opposite, but this is something special. It’s a shame chopstick is one word — I feel like mounting a campaign to use two as often as possible until that becomes standard usage, thus making this clue even better! | |
8 | Weather turned bad — game becomes forgotten event (5,5,3,6) |
WATER UNDER THE BRIDGE — WEATHER TURNED anagrammed (bad) plus BRIDGE (game) | |
9 | Mexican state feline found in many fens? (7) |
YUCATAN — CAT (feline) found in YUAN (many fens. A fen is 100th of a yuan) | |
10 | Unreliable character arrived carrying hotel sign with name (9) |
CHAMELEON — CAME (arrived) containing (carrying) H (hotel), followed by LEO (sign) with N (name) | |
11 | Diplomatic incident? That could get the papers carried away! (7,4) |
ATTACHÉ CASE — A diplomatic incident could be described as an ATTACHÉ CASE | |
12 | Vassal for example tucking into pork pie (5) |
LIEGE — EG (for example) inside (tucking into) LIE (pork pie) | |
16 | Lofted shots and all needed in play (5,4,10) |
CHIPS WITH EVERYTHING — CHIPS (lofted shots) + WITH (and) + EVERYTHING (all) | |
19 | Drug member of rock group losing head (7) |
STEROID — [a]STEROID (member of rock group) without the first letter (losing head). I’ll bet it’s been done before, but I loved “member of rock group” | |
21 | Cardinal travelled in Irish county without resistance (6-3) |
TWENTY-ONE — WENT (travelled) in TY[r]ONE (Irish county) without R (resistance) | |
22 | Not about you in French dialect (6) |
PATOIS — PAS (not) around (about) TOIS (you), both in French | |
23 | One’s handle in one’s hand? (9) |
AUTOGRAPH — A cryptic definition: one’s handle/name in one’s hand[writing]. I thought this very cute indeed | |
24 | Diminishing sound of clairvoyant uncertain when heard (4-3) |
FADE-OUT — Sounds like (… when heard) FEY DOUBT. Fey (or the alternative spelling fay) is our clairvoyant, but doubt would give us uncertainty, so I think we need to read it together as saying an uncertain clairvoyant might have FEY DOUBT … but I still have doubts of my own | |
25 | Cockney’s suit in stretch to accommodate good man (7) |
WHISTLE — WHILE (stretch) containing (to accommodate) ST (good man) | |
27 | Mistakes from Mister Rorschach (6) |
ERRORS — Found in (from) MistER RORSchach | |
29 | Time invested in symphony and certain literature? (7) |
EROTICA — T (time) inside (invested in) EROICA (symphony) | |
31 | Partnered ace clubs comedian being funny about piano (11) |
ACCOMPANIED — A (ace), C (clubs), and then an anagram of (… being funny) COMEDIAN around (about) P (piano) | |
33 | Republic in which dog is brown (11) |
AFGHANISTAN — In which AFGHAN (dog) IS (is) TAN (brown) | |
35 | Incomplete system is as unstable for writers (9) |
ESSAYISTS — An anagram of (… unstable) all but the last letter of (incomplete) SYSTEm with IS AS | |
37 | About ninety in euros converted — enough for trip (9) |
EXCURSION — Around (about) XC (ninety) is IN EUROS, anagrammed (… converted) | |
40 | Eat heartily in Oz, when one from Germany stuffs spicy duck (3,4) |
HOE INTO — EIN (one from Germany) goes inside (stuffs) HOT (spicy) + O (duck) | |
42 | Amazing motorway chase involving learner (7) |
MIRACLE — MI (M1, motorway) and RACE (chase) containing (involving) L (learner) | |
43 | One having to leave departs ancient city ruin (7) |
DESTROY — I think this is DE[part]S with PART (one) removed (having to leave) + TROY (ancient city) | |
44 | Second in command co-ordinates facts — it’s inspired (6) |
OXYGEN — The second letter of (second in) cOmmand, XY (axes), and GEN (facts) | |
45 | Serviceman in rising tide finds protection (5) |
AEGIS — GI (serviceman) in the reversal of (rising) SEA (tide) | |
48 | Wounded animal rolls over under stone (5) |
STUNG — GNU (animal) is reversed (rolls) after (under, in a down answer) ST (stone) | |
51 | Listened to melody before (3) |
ERE — A homophone of (listened to) AIR (melody) |
Edited at 2019-09-21 06:19 am (UTC)
Edited at 2019-09-21 07:27 am (UTC)
Edited at 2019-09-21 08:01 am (UTC)
The men of experiment are like the ant, they only collect and use; the reasoners resemble spiders, who make cobwebs out of their own substance. But the bee takes a middle course: it gathers its material from the flowers of the garden and of the field, but transforms and digests it by a power of its own.
Edited at 2019-09-21 01:11 pm (UTC)
A very smile-worthy Jummbo this one, thanks setter, and thanks Kitty for a really nice blog.