A gentle workout today, though I overthought 4 down because of a common 15×15 trigger word. 6 minutes for me.
Across |
1 | Finally wheel in lots of compost (5) |
MULCH – L (last letter of wheel) inside MUCH | |
4 | Improve cutting edge of small instrument in from France (7) |
SHARPEN – S (small) + HARP + EN (French for in) | |
8 | Fans in a train embracing singer (7) |
SINATRA – hidden word: fanS IN A TRAin | |
9 | John’s English, imprecise (5) |
LOOSE – LOO (John) + S + E | |
10 | Go-between, tidy earner, I’m excited (12) |
INTERMEDIARY – anagram (‘excited’) of TIDY EARNER IM | |
12 | You heard about top Greek mathematician (6) |
EUCLID – EU (you, ‘heard’) + C + LID | |
13 | Boy following college agreement (6) |
UNISON – UNI (college) + SON (boy) | |
16 | Rishi trained reservist’s dog (5,7) |
IRISH TERRIER – anagram (‘trained’) of RISHI, then TERRIER (reservist). Terrier is an informal name for a member of the British Territorial Army. | |
18 | Trade union recalled offence, capital (5) |
TUNIS – TU (trade union) + SIN backwards | |
20 | Island very behind time cut off (7) |
21 | Look to mature nobles (7) |
PEERAGE – PEER + AGE. Nobles collectively are the peerage. | |
22 | Very small golfers’ support provided by New York (5) |
Down | |
1 | Devious smile is weapon (7) |
MISSILE – anagram (‘devious’) of SMILE IS | |
2 | Eccentric minority’s bizarre fencing ritual (7,6) |
LUNATIC FRINGE – anagram (‘bizarre’) of FENCING RITUAL | |
3 | Greeting hill girl with no guarantee of result (3,2,4) |
4 | Flower section found in forest amenity (6) |
STAMEN – hidden word: foreST AMENity, In the 15 x 15, ‘flower’ nearly always means river (something that flows) | |
5 | By the sound of it, everyone’s hand tool (3) |
AWL – sounds like ALL | |
6 | Spectator upset with rain delay (13) |
PROCRASTINATE – anagram (‘upset’) of SPECTATOR RAIN | |
7 | Ultimately drawn to the traditional Christmas (4) |
NOEL – Last letters of drawN tO thE traditionaL. Arrgh, Christmas clues already! It’s not even October! | |
11 | Private hotel on lively Rome street (9) |
INNERMOST – INN + (anagram (‘lively’) of ROME) + ST | |
14 | Run over on regular basis, see army’s place for young (7) |
NURSERY – NUR (run backwards) + alternate letters of SeE aRmY. | |
15 | Spat, extremely prevalent conflict (6) |
STRIFE – ST (extremes of ‘spat’) + RIFE | |
17 | Short distance seeing favourites upset (4) |
STEP – PETS backwards | |
19 | When speaking, catch sight of the drink (3) |
SEA – sounds like ‘see’ |
My COD was the fairly simple NOEL, because it was such a lovely surface!
Thanks Hurley and curarist.
Edited at 2019-09-20 08:35 am (UTC)
TIME 4:13
13:28. David
Thanks for the blog