Solving time 15:31, very slow to get started (I think 23ac was the first one in), but built upwards from there and soon had it done. Nothing too tricky apart from the wordplay to 9ac.
Across | |
1 | LOGISTIC – LO (look) + IC (in command), around GIST (essence). |
6 | CHOOSY – COSY (comfortable) around HO (house). |
9 | INSUBSTANTIAL – SUB (reserve) inside INSTANT (second) + I (current) + A(ccount) + L(eft). |
10 | MISUSE – MISSUS (wife) without one of the S’s, + (troubl)E. |
11 | PROSPECT – PROSPER (get on) minus the R for rex (king), + CT (court). |
13 | BRAINPOWER – R.A. (artist) + IN + P (piano, quietly), all inside BOWER (shady place). |
15 | OATH – H(orse) next to OAT (grass). |
16 | STUN – NUTS (round the bend) reversed. |
18 | NOBLE METAL – (men to label)*. e.g. metals such as gold, platinum, iridium etc. |
21 | MATERIAL – MATE (pair with) + LAIR (hideaway) reversed. |
22 | PEARLY – EAR (attention) inside PLY (layer). |
23 | CONSERVATOIRE – (Rare voices not)* |
25 | TENNIS – SIN (wrong) + NET (overall), all reversed. |
26 | APOSTATE – A + POST (situation) + ATE (put away). |
Down | |
2 | OLIVIER – OLIVE (green) + R(oom) around I (one). |
3 | INSOUCIANCE – CIA (spies) inside (unions)*, + CE (church). |
4 | TABLE – B(readth) inside TALE (yarn). |
5 | CAT’S PAW – C(old) + (tap was)* |
6 | CONCOURSE – CONCURS (agrees) around O (nothing) + (debat)E. |
7 | OBI – GOBI (desert) minus the G for good. |
8 | SOLICIT – SO (very) LICIT (allowable). |
12 | PROLETARIAT – PT (point) around ROLE (job), + ARIA (song) + T(ime). |
14 | PENNILESS – PENS (enclosures) around NILE (river) + S(pades). |
17 | TRANCHE – TRANCE (electronic music) around H(ot). |
19 | BOLIVIA – LIVI(d) (endlessly wild) inside BOA (snake). |
20 | AILMENT – L(arge) + MEN (fellows), inside AIT (island). |
22 | PUTTO – PUT (set) + TO (against). |
24 | NUN – hidden inside “can unpack”. |
Re Misuse – liked “missus” for wife – don’t think I’ve seen that substitution before.