Standard fare, with a few unknown words or ideas thrown in along the way. Fell into the trap at 49D of confidently writing in BRASS with no checkers in place and then puzzled a bit over the acrosses in that corner. There seemed to be a lot less across clues than normal, which suggests more long answers, but I am not sure this means much!
Across | |
1 | AFRESH – S=succeeded in EH=what, after A FR=father=priest. The whole is “again” |
5 | CAPABLE – PA=secretary in CABLE=computer connection |
9 | DUTY PAID – DUTY=work, I=one enters PAD=bedsit, for “with no tax outstanding”, which may not be totally correct if we assume duty to be a subset of “tax”, but that is just being picky!! |
13 | BE TOLD WHERE ONE GETS OFF – double def/slightly tongue in cheek. |
14 | HEIRLESS – sounds like “airless” for close. |
15 | TESSERA – Tess Durbeyfield (for the ill-educated such as myself) is the eponymous heroine of the “of the D’urbevilles” |
16 | SPOONY – (gu)Y after SPOON for the old golf club. |
17 | ASPIDISTRA – (par its said)* |
20 | PESTILENTIAL – (little spanie)* the whole being “bothersome” |
23 | EMMA – Lady Emma Hamilton was the mistress of Nelson, and Emma is also a book |
24 | MILKMAID – weak cryptic as long as you have 5D already as COWES ! |
26 | MICRODOT – MI=intelligence, ROD = staff, in COT=bed. Need to lift and separate “Intelligence Staff” |
29 | PARENTHESISE – (inset phrase)* then E(nglish) |
30 | TASKMASTER – ASK=seek, inside T(ottenha)M, then ASTER=plant, for the “hard boss” |
32 | DISBELIEVE – BELIE=disguise, next to S(quadron), inside DIVE=sleazy bar |
34 | CROSS CURRENT – labradoodle is a CROSS breed, CURRENT is present. |
36 | FOOTSTEP – FOOT’s then PET reversed, where pet clued by dog is signalled by the ? |
38 | DALESMAN – SALESMAN is the representative, loses head before reapplying D. |
39 | PAGE – double def – one a character from Merry wives of Windsor |
41 | WAREHOUSEMAN – WAR=conflict, HOUSEMAN=doctor, around E for drug. |
43 | CANZONETTA – ZONE=area, inside CANT(a)TA= choral work, rejecting A, for the Italian “simple song” |
44 | RUFFLE – double def |
46 | ORTOLAN – Joe ORTON is the English playwright, around LA the US city. The whole is “bunting” as a bird |
48 | TINSELLY – SELL=”be snapped up” in TINY=minute (with a different sound to the surface) |
50 | TRIP THE LIGHT FANTASTIC – TRIP=tour, THE LIGHT=underweight people, FANTASTIC=great. The whole is “dance”. Quite a nice succinct way of cluing so many different parts, although I am not sure I have ever heard of the idea of “the light” for underweight. |
51 | PRISONER – PRISER=”one who wielded a jemmy”, around ON, the definition is “being, arrested” as in arrested person. |
52 | EMPIRES – MP=politician, in EIRE=republic, before S(ubvert) |
53 | LADDER – double def, with the misleading part being the hose for the firefighting item, or the garment. |
Down | |
2 | FABLE – FAB=super, LE=french article |
3 | EXTERMINATE – (v)ERMIN = pests initially disregarded, in EX TATE=old gallery. whole is “destroy” |
4 | HELVETIA – HE=male, VET=surgeon, AIL=worry, reversed around VET. |
5 | COWES – Jersey and Guernsey are types of cows, as well as the sorts of locations you may find yachts!. COWES has a well known regatta of its own. |
6 | PLECTRA – CT=court, with R=right, inside PLEA=itself!! The plucky types being guitarists. I suspect cluing plea without a synonym was okay given the relatively lesser known answer, or perhaps as a double-crossing trick, but it felt a bit wrong to me ?? |
7 | BREASTPLATE – R=resistance, in BEAST=animal, then PLATE=river in South America. |
8 | ERNIE – ERNE=sea eagle, around I=island. The definition “One regularly drawing” refers to the well known computer that “draws” the winning premium bonds numbers. I believe it stands for Electronic Random Number Indicating Equipment ! |
9 | DOGMATISM – A setter would sit on a “DOG MAT”, then IS M(emorable) for the bigotry. It is an oft used trick to interchange the setter as the crossword writer, and as the dog. |
10 | TITUS – hidden in (though)T IT US(eful). This uses a common trick for hidden words which is to run them over two lines to make it harder to see. |
11 | PROPORTIONS – PRIONS=infectious agents, around O=old, PORT=seaside town. Did not know the word PRIONS, so this was one of the last few in. |
12 | INFANTA – IN=elected, FAN=supporter, TA=cheers, for the Spanish Princess. |
18 | SIMPATICO – IMP=little devil, inside (a cot is)* for congenial. |
19 | TRIREME – TRI sounds like try=essay, RE, ME are engineers |
21 | SEDITIOUS – EDITIO(n) = issue briefly, inside S, US = south america |
22 | ENCOMIUM – EN= in, french, CO=company, MUM=silent, about I, for the panygeric |
25 | KAISERDOM – (so i marked)* |
27 | OVERNIGHT – OVERSIGHT=supervision, with N(ursery) replacing S(on) for “Sudden” |
28 | STILETTO – L IT = large italian, raised inside SET TO = argument |
31 | SUSTAIN – (its a)* inside SUN=paper. Whole is “Bear” |
33 | BUTTERFLIES – double definition, a copper being a type of butterfly |
34 | COLONELSHIP – CO=senior officer, L=left, inside LONE SHIP=unescorted vessel. Definition is just “Rank” |
35 | REPRESENTED – DEER=browsers, possibly, raised around PRESENT=here, for the whole of “stood for” |
37 | PISTOLEER – Didnt know this reference, but PISTOL is a Shakesperean character who was an ensign. Add E’ER for perpetually, and you get the armed soldier. |
40 | CORNWALL – O=old, RN=royal navy=sailors, CALL=invitation around, for the Duchy. |
42 | ABUTTER – A BUTTER is a goat as in “an animal that butts”. An ABUTTER is something that ABUTS, such as a neighbour. |
43 | CONIFER – CONFER = exchange views, outside I(ndonesian), for the tree. |
45 | EATEN – ATE=consumed, in E and N. “and generally” suggests that it (consumed) is the definition also. |
47 | TRIPE – double def. |
48 | TUNIS – (n suit)* |
49 | LUCRE – (pu)R(se) inside LUCE = big fish. I suspect this was clued to lure people into putting in BRASS (which works also, but does not fit with the other clues). I did exactly this early on, which delayed matters for 48A, 50A and 53A !! |
Thank you for your efforts over the last year. The jumbo blogger’s job seems a particularly thankless one since not only is it twice the usual size, but also the long time lag before publication means that they attract fewer comments. Often I can’t remember much about the thing by the time the blog comes out, but I do always look at them and do appreciate them!
I second Jerry’s comments on the Jumbo bloggers. Especially as I almost always have questions on a couple of the clues, I make a point of making notes and holding on to the puzzle until blogging day, and I’m always enlightened.