A shade harder than average, I’d say, taking me 15 minutes (with one wrong). A couple of bits of obscurity, for me anyway, with 17d and 22ac going in with a shrug: the first I’ve no doubt seen before and forgotten; the second is more of a gap in knowledge. That left 3d and 13ac still to go at the 13 minute mark. Before I could get 3d I had to write it in the position one will assume following its administration, which is a convoluted way of saying “out in the horizontal”. I’ve seen this idea enough times that I really shouldn’t have needed to. Perhaps I was a bit slow today, evidence for which might be the last 90ish seconds being spent staring blankly at “IN_A_T” for “baby”, trying to think of a more plausible three letter word for cooler than CAN. Unable to do so, in it went: not “unlucky!”, just not good. Apart from that, much enjoyed – many thanks to Tracy!
Across | |
1 |
Easy to carry, wine and beer bachelor brought in (8) PORTABLE: PORT (wine) and ALE (beer) with B(achelor) brought in. |
5 | A group of detectives, sharp (4) ACID: A ; CID (group of detectives) |
8 | MC in saloon crashing with bus, losing this? (2-6,5) NO-CLAIMS BONUS: &lit, with an anagram (crashing) of MC IN SALOON [with] BUS, resulting in the possible loss of the answer (not if it was the bus’s fault, of course). |
10 | Louts vandalised plant (5) LOTUS: Anagram (vandalised) of LOUTS. Not a great deal of vandalism going on in this anagram, to be fair. |
11 | Returning once more, artist falls (7) NIAGARA: AGAIN (once more) returning = reverse it ; RA (artist) |
12 | Ostentatiously stylish, like hotel described by pilot (6) FLASHY: FLY (pilot) describing/writing about AS (like) H (hotel) |
13 | In cooler temperature delivers baby (6) INFANT: IN ; FAN (cooler) ; T(emperature). |
16 |
Judge a Republican, one using his teeth (7) ARBITER: A R(epublican), BITER (one using his teeth). |
18 | Almost missing header at the start (5) EARLY: nEARLY (almost, missing header). |
20 | Dutchman errs, sprinkling on fine condiment (6,7) FRENCH MUSTARD: anagram (sprinkling) of DUTCHMAN ERRS going on/after F (fine). |
21 |
Enjoy corresponding (4) LIKE: double definition. |
22 | Two kings on board a majestic old flagship (3,5) ARK ROYAL: R, K (two kings) on board A ROYAL (a majestic). The English flagship at the time of the Spanish Armada. |
Down | |
1 | Piece of glass left in section of door (5) PANEL: PANE (piece of glass) L(eft). |
2 |
Soft cheese actor spread with it (7) RICOTTA: anagram (spread) of ACTOR with IT. |
3 | Article on tasteful number? (11) ANAESTHETIC: AN (article) on AESTHETIC (tasteful): number, a thing that numbs. |
4 | Celebrity raised in outskirts of Limoges, French city (2,4) LE MANS: NAME (celebrity) “raised” in LS (outskirts of Limoges) |
6 |
Dance in study with Georgia (5) CONGA: CON (study) with Ga (Georgia). |
7 | Stand it, working far away? (7) DISTANT: anagram (working) of STAND IT. |
9 | Egghead having drinks with ‘er: problem! (5-6) BRAIN-TEASER: BRAIN (egghead) having TEAS (drinks) with ER. |
12 |
Afraid, female, over reprimand (7) FEARFUL: F(emale) over EARFUL (reprimand). |
14 | A pound, cash thus far (7) ALREADY: A ; L (pound) ; READY (cash). |
15 |
Slight earthquake in heart of Castries, revolutionary capital (6) TREMOR: TR (heart of Castries) ; ROME (capital), spinning. |
17 |
Cold and raw fish (5) BLEAK: double definition, which could have been “cold ; raw fish” for all I knew. Nope, it’s just a small river fish. |
19 |
Sing in Tokyo, delightfully (5) YODEL: “in” the letters of TokYO DELightfully. |
Particularly liked flashy, arbiter and COD 20a French mustard.
Why RK for two kings?
Ah and number = thing that numbs…. well that explains it…. sigh.
And already = thus far? Mmm not in my world.
Fun puzzle though.
My COD 8a
Edited at 2017-04-27 05:27 am (UTC)
K=king (chess)
Favourite clue was 12dn, it takes a setter to see the earful in fearful
Thanks to Tracy and blogger
Somewhat ironically it was 3dn and 9dn that gave me most problems, stretching 12 minutes for the bulk of the puzzle to 20 minutes total.
Eventually completed in 14 minutes.
DNK bleak=fish (thanks Roly), LOI infant (had the same trouble as others with ‘can’), COD 4dn.
COD 1d.
I have just started to read Bleak House so I’d better stop now; just another 800 pages to go. David
I got a bit stuck when I got to the condiment but eventually had enough checkers so that I didn’t have to write the letters out. FOI CONGA LOI ALREADY COD LE MANS
I only got round to your Easter crossword the other day, by the way. It was really good fun – great idea, thanks a lot!
I biffed 17dn also, but got 13ac has I recognised fan for cooler. I am sure we only had arbiter a few days ago, hence why 16ac seem to come a little easier.
Why does Con = Study?
FOI 1dn, COD 9dn
As for “number”, I think it would be pretty tricky to work it out from first principles – I certainly didn’t.