I noticed a large number of the letter S in the grid on completion, and counting them, found 15 occurrences out of the 114 required letters. With a frequency distribution of 13.2%, this is about double that expected for the letter S in standard English text. I just thought you should know that!
7 Thick-skinned type taking fruit by Italian river (5)
HIPPO – HIP (fruit) and PO (seemingly the only river in Italy according to Crosswordland.
8 Traipse around Virginia? That’s hard work (7)
TRAVAIL – TRAIL (traipse, which can mean to straggle or lag) surrounding (around) VA (standard abbreviation for Virginia). Travail means excessive labour or toil, but isn’t a word that I hear very often.
10 Genuine as our type, ultimately (7)
SINCERE – SINCE (as, because of) and ouR and typE (ultimately, last letters of).
11 Initially horror and despair engulf sufferers here (5)
HADES – &Lit (or is it Semi &Lit? I can never tell the difference) using first letters (initially) of Horrors And Despair Engulf Sufferers
12 Throw a party – and do some conjuring, perhaps? (9)
ENTERTAIN – Simple Double definition, I think – I can’t see anything else here.
14 Friend having drink knocked back (3)
PAL – LAP (drink) reversed (knocked back)
15 Tree that’s not quite stable (3)
FIR – FIRm (stable), not quite meaning to drop the last letter.
16 Non-Christian minister’s ties misrepresented in section of media (9)
PRIESTESS – Anagram (misrepresented) of [TIES] inside PRESS (section of media). I wondered about whether or not a Priestess could be Christian, but my Chambers is quite definite – ‘Priestess – a female priest in non-Christian religions’.
18 Church official of greater seniority (5)
ELDER – Double definition
20 Family member spent so recklessly (7)
STEPSON – Anagram (recklessly) of [SPENT SO].
22 Go off at a tangent about son in rented accommodation (7)
DIGRESS – RE (about) and S{on} inside (in) DIGS (rented accommodation).
23 Leader of Mexicans in America less (5)
MINUS – M{exicans} (leader of) IN (in) and US (America). This is a bit of a clunky surface.
1 Derbyshire town developing leftish creed (12)
CHESTERFIELD – Anagram (developing) of [LEFTISH CREED].
2 Society dramatist welcoming second unmarried woman (8)
SPINSTER – S{ociety} and PINTER (dramatist, Harold, famous for The Birthday Party) and including (welcoming) S{econd}.
3 It’s nothing darling (4)
LOVE – Double definition.
4 In defeat he named a Greek goddess (6)
ATHENA – Hidden answer in {defe}AT HE NA{med}. ATHENA was the Greek goddess of wisdom.
5 Huge amounts of corporal punishment (8)
LASHINGS – Double definition, reminding me of Billy Bunter and Famous Five stories, ‘… all washed down with lashings of ginger beer’.
6 Palid daughter getting stick (4)
WAND – WAN (palid) and D{aughter}.
9 Lack of enthusiasm, a disadvantage to shoppers? (12)
LISTLESSNESS – Cryptic hint – being without a shopping list could be a disadvantage when shopping.
13 Soldiers go separate ways, initially enjoying easy banter (8)
REPARTEE – RE (soldiers, Royal Engineers) with PART (go separate ways) and E{njoying} E{asy} (initially).
14 Affable countryman crossing lake (8)
PLEASANT – PEASANT (countryman) crossing L{ake}.
17 Demand little sibling enters in time (6)
INSIST – SIS (little sibling – short for sister) inside (enters) IN (in) and T{ime}.
19 Magistrate in Venice finally meeting man’s best friend (4)
DOGE – {venic}E (finally) ‘meeting’ DOG (man’s best friend). Venice may be doing double duty, as the DOGE was the former name of the Chief Magistrate in Venice and Genoa, so it could also be part of the definition, as well as providing the necessary E.
21 English graduate digesting opening of major novel (4)
EMMA – E{nglish) and MA (graduate, Master of the Arts) containing another M, opening of M{ajor}. The novel is by Jane Austen and has spawned many dramatizations and films.
Didn’t parse SINCERE, thanks Rotter. And ENTERTAIN seemed a little odd.
Edited at 2021-08-19 06:05 am (UTC)
Definitely on the gentle side as I came in under 15 minutes. I didn’t think I knew any Derbyshire towns, but managed to pull up Chesterfield after getting a couple of across clues. That helped the rest fall into place. I did biff sincere and fir so thanks Rotter for the explantation on those two.
Time to Complete: 49 minutes
Clues Answered Correctly without aids: 21
Clues Answered with Aids: 3
Clues Unanswered: 0
Wrong Answers: 0
Total Correctly Answered (incl. aids): 24/24
Aids Used: Chambers
An enjoyable QC with some tricky clues. I managed to get LISTLESSNESS and PRIESTESS quite early on, which helped. CHESTERFIELD had me thinking for longer than I should have. I saw FIELD, but the rest of the letters would not rearrange themselves correctly for some time.
I answered 10a SINCERE., although much of the clue did not make sense to me, namely “as our type”. However, therotter explained it clearly, and now I see.
Many thanks to Rotter for the blog
Edited at 2021-08-19 05:07 pm (UTC)
Thanks to Rotter
More haste and all that
Thanks Orpheus and therotter
All done except for WAND which I simply couldn’t work out and now wonder why on earth not.
And, like others, hesitated on PRIESTESS but it couldn’t have been anything else.
Thank you Orpheus and Rotter.
TIME 3:21
I had forgotten HIP as a fruit.
Thanks again for puzzle and blog
Edited at 2021-08-19 08:38 am (UTC)
As noted this was easier than previous days.
I was nearly finished in 8 minutes but was held up by PRIESTESS and LOI REPARTEE where I had been trying to justify RESERVES.
10 minutes in the end. Could not parse ENTERTAIN which I returned to a number of times.
LOI was PLEASANT, not for any particular reason. I am often affected by LISTLESSNESS when forced to accompany my wife shopping, so that was my COD.
Edited at 2021-08-19 09:57 am (UTC)
Crikey, some muy rapido times today. There was I feeling quietly pleased. Well done everyone!
FOI TRAVAIL, LOI & COD LISTLESSNESS (I really liked that, excellent clue), time 07:14 for an estimated 1.5K and a Very Good Day.
Thanks Orpheus and Rotter.
Once I had identified the town with the crooked spire at 1d, I picked up speed.
I’ve noticed I’ve developed a habit of applying “initial letter indicators” to the first following word only, which meant that 11 ac “hades” had to be revisited, at which point it became very obvious.
COD 8 ac “travail”, a word which has increasingly become associated with my golf game over recent years!
Thanks to the Rotter for an interesting blog and to Orpheus
The two long clues down each side were fairly straightforward, but I got bogged down with 12ac “Entertain” thinking it was something more than it was. 5dn was a bit of a chestnut, but still took longer than it should have, as did 16ac “Priestess”.
FOI — 4dn “Athena”
LOI — 17dn “Insist”
COD — 13dn “Repartee”
Thanks as usual!
COD: LISTLESSNESS (although we enjoyed LASHINGS too)
Thanks Orpheus and Rotter.
Last 2 wand and listlessness.
Cod listlessness.
Hades is Semi &Lit because of the tacked on “here”which is not part of the wordplay.
LOI – 13dn REPARTEE, but only because it was the last clue I read
Thanks to Orpheus for the puzzle and Rotter for the blog
38 mins. Had a lot of blanks after the first run through but then made slow but steady progress. Like others, my last 2 in were LASHINGS and PRIESTRSS. COD to 9d Listlessness which made me chuckle. Thanks to Rotter and Orpheus
Thanks to Rotter for the blog — as others I couldn’t see why Sincere. (LOI). I thought that both Entertain and Listlessness left a bit of a Hmmm feeling…but otherwise generally fair to middling!
Thanks all
John George
Agree 23d a bit clunky. Could have been “Mexican leader in …”, surely?
Otherwise, easier than I have found Orpheus to be in the past, an enjoyable 30 mins or so..
Edited at 2021-08-19 02:01 pm (UTC)
Mrs Random continued her excellent run of form with an 18-minutes solve today, and she’s nowjust off to the garden centre to buy something for her Mum’s birthday tomorrow.
Many thanks to Orpheus and therotter.
peasant/pleasant is a chestnut I think.
12a ENTERTAIN: This seems a pretty weak clue, or I’m missing something clever
COD LISTLESSNESS : what a great clue
Now staying at relations the answers came.
Obviously my mind wouldn’t work earlier.
Thanks all.
FOI Pal — and I got that wrong initially by not reading the clue properly and putting Lap in!
LOI Love — very slow to see what was going on there
COD Listlessness
Thanks Orpheus and Rotter