Times Quick Cryptic 900 by Izetti

Posted on Categories Quick Cryptic
This one took me 8 minutes with no real hold-ups. Most of the vocabulary is straightforward although there is a two-word expression at 5dn that may not be familiar to all. It’s clearly an anagram though and both words are common enough in themselves, so with a few checkers in place I doubt it will be too hard to come up with the correct answer.

So here we are at Quick Cryptic 900 – or 901 actually as the puzzle published on-line on Christmas Day 2014 was not included in the numbering system for some reason. I can’t see that there’s anything special going on here to mark the occasion (other than having Izetti set one of his usual distinctive puzzles, of course) but perhaps we have to wait for QC 1000 for that, which by my reckoning will appear on Monday 7th January next year.

As usual definitions are underlined in bold italics, {deletions are in curly brackets} and [anagrinds, containment, reversal and other indicators in square ones]

1 Strange facts I discovered about insect — amazing! (9)
FANTASTIC – Anagram [strange] of FACTS I containing [discovered about] ANT (insect)
6 Greek character in part of river (5)
DELTA – Two definitions
8 Big celeb displays wonderful heavenly body (9)
SUPERSTAR – SUPER (wonderful), STAR (heavenly body)
9 Drink after second game (5)
SPORT – S (second), PORT (drink)
10 Plant running rampant in isles, weed (9)
EDELWEISS – Anagram (running rampant) of ISLES WEED
12 At university groups creating disturbances (6)
UPSETS – UP (at university), SETS (groups)
13 I am taken aback when rule is introduced in country (6)
MALAWI – I AM reversed [taken aback] with LAW inside it [introduced]
16 A bishop, tainted, made Lenten observance? (9)
ABSTAINED – A, B (bishop – chess),  STAINED (tainted). Lent being a period of fasting between Ash Wednesday and Easter.
18 Chemical coming from Vietnam in explosive (5)
AMINE –  Hidden in [coming from] {Vietn}AM IN E{xplosive}. A derivative of ammonia.
19 Nun is involved with trio making encroachment (9)
INTRUSION – Anagram [involved] of NUN IS TRIO
21 Silver not seen around kingdom (5)
TONGA – AG (silver) + NOT reversed [seen around]. Solvers of a certain vintage may remember Queen Salote of Tonga who attended HMQ’s coronation in 1953.
22 Genial Reg mixed drink (6,3)
GINGER ALE – Anagram [mixed] of GENIAL REG
1 Female when given exam is quicker than all the others (7)
FASTEST – F (female), AS (when), TEST (exam)
2 Something that’s gripping for a youngster (6)
NIPPER – Two meanings
3 School dismissing head — sign to show the way ahead? (5)
ARROW – {h}ARROW(school) [dismissing head]. “School’s head confiscating weapon” was a clue in the main puzzle as recently as 8th August, also blogged by me. I was at school on the same hill so saw quite a lot of it.
4 Rubbish concealed by statistics (3)
TAT – Hidden in [concealed by] {s}TAT{istics}
5 More modern times could make saint charier (9,3)
CHRISTIAN ERA – Anagram of [could make] SAINT CHARIER. Solvers who follow the main puzzle may remember discussions earlier this month of the term  ‘Common Era’ also known as ‘Current Era’, both secular versions of the answer here. They all refer to the period from AD1 onwards which can be loosely interpreted as ‘modern times’ as opposed to what came before.
6 Record our getting older: it’s depressing (12)
DISCOURAGING – DISC (record), OUR, AGING (getting older)
7 One getting on is embraced by the French, giving praises (8)
LIONISES – I (one) + ON + IS contained  [embraced] by LES (the, French)
11 Being motionless I cannot … I must move! (8)
INACTION – Anagram [must move] of I CANNOT I
14 Sort of movement created by a new Italian poet (7)
ANDANTE – A, N (new), DANTE (Italian poet). In music ANDANTE is a slowish walking pace and the term may be applied to a passage, a whole piece or a single movement of a piece.
15 An alcoholic drink goes with a medical condition (6)
ANGINA – AN, GIN (alcoholic drink), A
17 A darling becoming intense (5)
ACUTE – A, CUTE (darling). I think ‘cute’ and ‘darling’ have to be adjectives to be synonymous, as in ‘a cute or darling dress’.
20 Container idiot knocked over (3)
TIN – NIT (idiot) reversed [knocked over]

20 comments on “Times Quick Cryptic 900 by Izetti”

  1. I have tried to retrieve my solution, but all I can get, on the new, improved site, is my time. Which was 6’58. The Times boffins do seem to have a knack for fumbling the ball.
    1. I have found that unless you review the puzzle with the same device AND same browser you used to do the puzzle, you get your time and a blank grid. Most annoying!
    1. Would it be because a ‘nit’ is an idiot and a ‘nut’ is a ‘crazy person’? Not quite the same? JJ
      1. Yep, I had TUN but can’t defend it. Thought at the time that nut was a strange synonym for idiot. Should have thought for a second longer.
        1. I also had TUN, which is a large barrel usually used for storing wine, and thus definitely a container. I think NUT is as good as NIT for idiot
  2. 23 minutes, half spent on 19a, 11d and 17d.

    Due to the number of anagrams I stopped trying to solve 19a and 11d, looking for nun synonyms etc and searched for an anagram, sure enough they went in easily.

    Wasn’t sure about cute = darling and wanted to put amuse, although it doesn’t fit intense.

    LOI acute.
    COD intrusion

  3. I had NUT and can’t see anything wrong with it. The Concise had a similar issue with 16a today so I am now in a grumpy mood as my day has started with two failed crosswords. Grrhh. 10:03. Thanks Jack.
  4. Definitely one of Izetti’s gentler offerings, completed in 15:14. I, like Vinyl, was left at the end with the checkers for 7d and it took awhile to get to the answer.
  5. Not a major thing, but I think 7 Jan 2018 is a Sunday. I think 1000 might be on the following Tuesday 9 Jan allowing for there being no Times on Christmas Day which is a Monday.
    1. Well we shall see. A QC was published on-line on Christmas Day 2014 when it fell on a Thursday (unnumbered as mentioned above) and on Christmas Day 2015 (#469) which was a Friday. There was nothing in 2016 which was a Sunday, but this year, a Monday, I imagine we will get one, but whether it will be numbered or treated as a special one-off is anyone’s guess.

      Edited at 2017-08-21 05:16 pm (UTC)

  6. A steady solve today. I spent a bit of time trying to fit star into the first 4 letters of 7a for some reason and was unsure of the order of the e and l in 10a until I had the checker from 2d.
    My LOI was also 7d which went in after 21 minutes.
  7. A smidge under fourteen minutes, some of it taken up by overthinking, for example not considering that “our” could be wordplay for, er, “our”. D’oh. Thanks, setter and blogger.
  8. Thinking that 900 would be a toughie I got a touch of fridayitis and came in late!



    Being grumpy is my bag, johndun!

  9. About 20 minutes for this enjoyable puzzle.
    LOI was 7d.
    And I had Tun for 20d which seems fine to me- even with hindsight.
    I looked at the 15×15 first today as my wife had the T2 so I shall go back to that now.

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