A similar story to yesterday, for me, in which most of the answers flew in before I got stuck on some head-scratchers. I thought 15dn was brilliant – it had me almost panicking when I couldn’t work out what was going on, then finally gave way to a very satsfying PDM! That led to my LOI 20ac (another devious definition) and a respectful tip of the hat to Wurm. Here’s hoping you fell on the satistfied side of the frustration fence, too.
Definitions underlined.
Across | |
1 | Crustacean in pub clean when cooked (8) |
BARNACLE – BAR (pub), then an anagram of (when cooked) CLEAN. | |
5 | Reasonable travel cost announced (4) |
FAIR – sounds like (announced) “fare” (travel cost). | |
7 | British crowd returned device for detonation (4) |
BOMB – B (British) and MOB (crowd) all reversed (returned). | |
8 | Obsession, not initially serious, developed (8) |
NEUROSIS – first letter of (initially) Not, then an anagram of (developed) SERIOUS. | |
9 | Arthurian knight taking his weapon back to lake (8) |
LANCELOT – LANCE (a knight’s (his) weapon), then a reversal of (back) TO and L (lake). | |
11 | Hoofed mammal in Kansas occasionally (3) |
ASS – every other letter from (occasionally) kAnSaS. | |
13 | Manic Monday for energetic person (6) |
DYNAMO – anagram of (manic) MONDAY. | |
16 | Prophet in South Africa fried pastry (6) |
SAMOSA – AMOS (prophet) contained by (in) SA (South Africa). | |
18 | Mischievous goddess had some food (3) |
ATE – double definition. Ate is the Greek goddess of mischief and ruin. | |
19 | Instruct class producing toy (5,3) |
TRAIN SET – TRAIN (instruct) and SET (class). | |
20 | Lug instrument and books round room (8) |
OTOSCOPE – OT (Old Testament, books), O (round), and SCOPE (room, as in ‘room for manoevre’). An otoscope is the device a medic might use to look into your ear, or lug hole. | |
22 | Cash card number son secures (4) |
PINS – PIN (cash card number) and S (son). | |
23 | Man will encounter wicked souls here (4) |
HELL – HE’LL (he will, man will). | |
24 | Rescue dog losing tail (8) |
RETRIEVE – RETRIEVEr (dog) minus its last letter (losing tail). |
Down | |
1 | Robert has been ahead in Olympic event (7) |
BOBSLED – BOB’S LED (Robert has been ahead). | |
2 | Cow perhaps having drink at home with insect (8) |
RUMINANT – RUM (drink) IN (at home) and ANT (insect). | |
3 | This won’t turn in the lock (5,4) |
CANAL BOAT – cryptic definition. | |
4 | Grounded winger involved in three murders (3) |
EMU – hidden in (involved in) threE MUrders. A winger could be any bird, and this one can’t fly (grounded). | |
5 | Force to slam explosively causing wreckage (7) |
FLOTSAM – F (force), then an anagram of (explosively) TO SLAM. | |
6 | Here in France, head shows hostile attitude (7) |
ICINESS – ICI (‘here’ in French, in France) and NESS (head). | |
10 | Will roused mates in canvas shelter (9) |
TESTAMENT – anagram of (roused) MATES contained by (in) TENT (canvas shelter). | |
12 | Fish holding short stick in biannual event (8) |
SOLSTICE – SOLE (fish) containing (holding) all-but-the-last letter of (short) STICk. | |
14 | Get any in arrangement with Zulu banker? (7) |
YANGTZE – anagram of (in arrangement) GET ANY with Z (zulu, phonetic alphabet). Banker = thing with banks = river. | |
15 | Mister Solo shot after a little hesitation? (7) |
AEROSOL – anagram of (shot) SOLO after A and ER (little hesitation). | |
17 | Entertainer is treat when sozzled (7) |
ARTISTE – anagram of (when sozzled) IS TREAT. | |
21 | Blade beheaded wild pig (3) |
OAR – first letter removed from (beheaded) bOAR (wild pig). |
Lots of nice clues here with the one to CANAL BOAT perhaps my favourite.
I have been distracted recently as my first novel The Collation Unit is published this week. If you like Mick Herron I’m hoping that you might enjoy it.
Edited at 2021-03-24 07:10 am (UTC)
COD to AEROSOL, which was so good I’ll forgive Wurm for using this dreadful grid, with an honourable mention to CANAL BOAT.
Thanks to William
All in just under 10′ but with typos: BRRNACLE and CANNL BOAT.
Thank you to william_j_s and the setter.
Thought I’d tackle this early when my brain is fresh, but it was still a slog. I had “fare” instead of “fair” in which held me up a fair bit at the NW corner. I also didn’t spot the anagram so neurosis was my LOI. Also struggled in the SE with the Yangtze & Otoscope. I did know Banker for river but it didn’t come readily and when took a while to realise what type of “lug” it was. My time was mid 20s, think this was on the trickier side with some of the vocab.
I found this a lot easier than yesterday (which took 32 minutes and resorted to aids) and finished in under 15. Seems like dynamo has come up a few times before. Thanks again
BARBECUE for 1a was a great effort with the checkers, mendesest.
‘Banker’ for river is a bit of crosswordese I could do without. A river is a ‘flower’, because it flows, a flower is a ‘bloomer’ because it blooms, but a river doesn’t bank, it has banks, so why is it a ‘banker’?
I didn’t see CANAL BOAT as COD, differing with many on this blog. Each to their own. But AEROSOL was great.
COD The Monday/dynamo anagram at 13a
Must rush, big meeting day ahead. Thanks Wurm and William. Pip pip.
CANAL BOAT went straight in as I still have nightmares about when I got one wedged between the banks of the Avon and Kennet last year while trying to impress onlookers with my (rookie) piloting skills. Applause all round as the real owner leapt back on board and expertly managed to retrieve the situation.
In between it was plain enough sailing, with a bizarre feature of the grid being that since I’d started by doing the downs I solved 11ac without ever looking at it! (And also all of 16ac bar one letter.) Had a chuckle at the topical nature of 3dn given events in Suez!
FOI BOBSLED, LOI OTOSCOPE, COD AEROSOL, time 11:42 for a Good Day.
Many thanks Wurm and William.
Edited at 2021-03-24 09:10 am (UTC)
Edited at 2021-03-24 10:23 am (UTC)
Pleased that other people also didn’t know 20A Otoscope, but why 22A Pins and 24A Retriever wouldn’t come to me I do not know! Having Googled Otoscope, I’ve definitely seen one, but never knew what it was called.
Interestingly, no problem on 15D Aerosol, but then I more than made up for that elsewhere! That gets COD for me, lovely surface!
Thanks Wurm and William
Edited at 2021-03-24 09:31 am (UTC)
Time: DNF
Clues Answered Correctly without aids: 22
Clues Answered with Aids (3 lives): 1a, 24a
Clues Unanswered: 20a, 15a
Wrong Answers: Nil
Total Correctly Answered (incl. aids): 24/26
Aids Used: Chambers
I enjoyed this puzzle, though two clues stumped me for long enough to call it in as a DNF.
20a. OTOSCOPE – Just could not work this one out. Now I see it.
15d. AEROSOL – As above.
1d. BOBSLED – This one frustrated me somewhat. I got BOBS_ _ _, but after that all I kept thinking of was BOBSLEIGH. Obviously, that was not the answer as it did not fit. It took me forever and a day to finally work out BOBSLED.
24a. RETRIEVE – I used a life for this one and was so annoyed with myself when I saw the answer.
14d. YANGTZE – Took me a while to realise that “banker” referred to river. But I got there in the end.
Yes, an enjoyable puzzle that defeated me, but with no hard feelings.
Edited at 2021-03-24 09:35 am (UTC)
Some very good clues but 20 was a killer so I had to resort to an aid for my first DNF ever. Thanks to Wurm and William. John M.
P.s. I do think the QC is gradually getting harder. Even the ‘easier’ ones (like today’s) have one or two stings in the tail. A lethal sting today.
Edited at 2021-03-24 09:48 am (UTC)
I put BARBECUE for 1a, but otherwise it was a good day.
Thank you, Wurm and William.
OTOSCOPE was not in my vocabulary, and as it’s very unlikely to appear again for some time I guess it’ll defeat me again in the future.
AEROSOL made me smile when the penny dropped. Those last two held me up for a while.
Oh no, I see I have made a mistake – shd have gone back to check TRAIN SET. Moral: do not pencil in answers you know to be wrong, even if Real Life interrupts crossword solving at times.
What a pity, but I did enjoy this one.
Liked SAMOSA and obviously RETRIEVE (see my pic). Not keen on SLED for sleigh though.
Thanks, William, vm.
Didn’t get OTOSCOPE at all — knowing ‘lug’ has to do with ‘ear’ would have helped. Also unfamiliar with ‘ness’ for ‘head’ but biffed it.
Liked the challenge of a ‘banker’ being a river and ‘mister’ being an aerosol.
12D SOLSTICE wouldn’t have come to mind had we not just gone into spring a few days ago.
Thank you to Wurm and William
I did have a minor quibble with 22a – as PIN stands for personal identification number, I felt the clue gave too much away, and taking an R off the dog was was very simple too. But these are small details – I thought there were some fab clues with great surfaces, and all sorts of clever devices. Ticks and smiles everywhere – I really liked DYNAMO, HELL and RUMINANT 😊
FOI Bobsled
LOI Otoscope
COD Aerosol
Many thanks Wurm, and thanks William too – the grass was definitely green on this side of the fence today!
… but that apart, all done, parsed and enjoyed in 12 minutes.
A first-rate crossword, with some lovely clues. I have rarely seen a day when contributors to this blog are so in unison — it seems almost everyone enjoyed 3D Canal boat, tipped their hat at the clever 15D Aerosol and struggled with 20A Otoscope. Which I like many had NHO but will now never forget.
Many thanks to William for the blog
Some great clues all around though.
FOI — 1ac “Barnacle”
LOI — dnf
COD — 15dn “Aerosol”
Thanks as usual.
Lots of good clues. My favourite was TESTAMENT.
Edited at 2021-03-24 12:13 pm (UTC)
Like others today, I got stuck at 15d/20a. I did think of ear for lug, wondering about some variation on ‘ear ‘ole.. However, instead of immediately resorting to aids, I took my own advice and put the QC down for a while. When I came back, I managed to unpick 15d from the initial wordplay (a little hesitation) and the crossers, and then twigging scope for some sort of instrument and OT for books gave me otoscope. I’d either heard of it or, more likely, worked it out from otalgia (earache).
I was beginning to think that my brain was deteriorating with a recent series of real stinkers (to me at least), compounded by struggles with the some that I’d been working through in Book 4 of the QC series – the ones in there come from 2017 and, even though I’ve clearly done them before, I have been finding some quite tricky.
Thanks, Wurm, for a boost to my cryptic confidence! And to William for the blog.
Edited at 2021-03-24 01:36 pm (UTC)
FOI: fair
LOI: otoscope
COD: we loved canal boat, aerosol and otoscope
Thanks Wurm and William.
Like John Dun I spent awhile playing around with “pubclean” at 1A, and it delayed my start. I thoroughly enjoyed this — thanks. thanks Wurm !
TIME 5:05
But, like the cursed Millrace that is still smarting, I will not forget Otoscope.
I looked up ‘Lug synonyms’ and there is an extraordinary array of choices. It made me feel a right numptie.
Thanks all,
John George
10 minutes for the rest — some lovely clues, aerosol and canal boat in particular.
Thx William and wurm.
Good luck to our adoring novelist sawbill — hope it’s a great success for you. I’ll add it to my extensive kindle reading list. My friend who has also had novels published says he does not mind me taking a long time to read them so long as he has the royalties😊
FOI bomb
LOI aerosol
COD The canal boat made me think of the tanker stuck in the Suez Canal and I liked ici in 6d but I’ll go for SOLSTICE which is also topical.
Thank you to Wurm and William
Blue Stocking
Final clue (OTOSCOPE) took another 14 minutes – the norm!
Overall time: 32 minutes – Very good for me, so I’m happy!
I was late to the game today, but enjoyed the puzzle very much (even including the struggle over 20a at the end). Very relieved to (eventually) work out the parsing for OTOSCOPE. It really had me foxed, as I had never heard of the word – even though I had my lug’oles de-waxed prior to a hearing test a few few weeks ago.
After the de-waxing, I think the audiologist was able to see right through and out of the other side well enough. I also suspect that Mrs R contacted the audiologist prior to my appointments to make sure that the mechanism that selectively screens out some of what she has to say is properly connected and working.
Many thanks to Wurm and to william_j_s
Got barbecue wrong
If that was the turn from the river to the canal lock by a pub on the canal it is a right sod. Applause given if you get it right.