A roughly average time for me, but it felt harder while solving.
Author: william_j_s
Times 29111 – ill met and proud
Solid, and quite difficult.
Times 29099
Too good and complicated for me.
Times 29087 – rich offerings
Lovely surface readings and enough tricky wordplay to keep the cogs whirring.
Times 29075
A struggle from start to finish.
Times 29063 – a graceful dance
One of the easiest Friday crosswords I can remember.
Times 29051 – on this great stage, a fool
I could find no foothold in this excellent puzzle; it was like solving 30 individual clues rather than a coherent whole.
Times 29039 – of most excellent fancy
Very clever clues and well-hidden definitions made this a stand-out puzzle for me.
Times 29027 – more Crab than Speed
Well, this one made me feel rather stupid.
Times 29015 – sans time
Another excellent Friday offering with plenty of starters, several to chew on, a few bits to learn/dredge up from the recesses, and no real duds.