I thought this was kind of tricky, and I wouldn’t be surprised if this is one of those puzzles that splits us down the middle; the more experienced solvers not really noticing the sideways, superficial and distracting parts, while more novice solvers get a bit frustrated.
I hope I’ve interpreted the setter’s intentions at 10ac correctly.
As usual, definitions underlined.
Across | |
1 | Practise fighting, taking knocks from behind (4) |
SPAR – reversal of (from behind) RAPS (knocks). | |
4 | Defender on the floor, stop attacking (4,4) |
BACK DOWN – BACK (defender) and DOWN (on the floor). | |
8 | Unruly perm’s cut in rainbow colours (8) |
SPECTRUM – anagram of (unruly) PERM’S CUT. | |
9 | Location faculty mentioned (4) |
SITE – sounds like (mentioned) “sight” (faculty). | |
10 | But it’s a dramatic work! (4) |
PLAY – cryptic definition, alluding to the fact that ‘to play’ is ‘to not be serious about’, and if we’re talking about ‘a dramatic work’ we might might expect more serious treatment. If I’m right about this, it’s a bit subtle for those learning the ropes who might prefer more justifiably Ximenian clues on the green slopes. | |
11 | Fine land around Leicester’s outskirts (3,5) |
ALL RIGHT – ALIGHT (land) containing (around) the first and last letters (outskirts) from LeicesteR. | |
12 | Turning a hundred, I left line on map (6) |
TROPIC – reversal of (turning) C (a hundred), I and PORT (left). | |
14 | Eat in dining establishment (6) |
INGEST – hidden in (in) dinING ESTablishment. | |
16 | Model done with this playboy (8) |
HEDONIST – anagram of (model) DONE and THIS. | |
18 | European contradicting principle (4) |
POLE – double definition: a national of Poland, and a figurative opposite extreme (usually ‘pole’s apart’). | |
19 | Song recalled in Hair, Aquarius (4) |
ARIA – reverse hidden (recalled in) hAIR Aquarius. | |
20 | Tweeter‘s bedtime tipple? (8) |
NIGHTJAR – tweeter as in bird, NIGHT (bedtime) and JAR (tipple). | |
22 | One or two animals in the field? (8) |
SHEEPDOG – SHEEPDOG (one), or SHEEP and DOG (two); animals concievably in a field. | |
23 | Nut was obliged to protect kernel in general (4) |
HEAD – HAD (was obliged) containing (to conceal) the central letter from (kernel in) genEral. |
Down | |
2 | Much-loved dad, initially up late and reading (7) |
POPULAR – POP (dad) and the first letters from (initially) Up Late And Reading. | |
3 | Difficult — as peak may be? (5) |
ROCKY – double definition. Lovely em dash. | |
4 | Local block (3) |
BAR – double definition. | |
5 | Beef optimal, can emptied out (9) |
COMPLAINT – anagram of (out) OPTIMAL and CaN (excluding the middle letter, emptied). | |
6 | Smart running (7) |
DASHING – double definition. | |
7 | Listened to this or that, sorceress (5) |
WITCH – sounds like (listened to) “which” (this or that). | |
11 | Education somehow sold off (9) |
AUCTIONED – anagram of (somehow) EDUCATION. | |
13 | Flammable substance for glass (7) |
PROPANE – PRO (for) and PANE (glass). | |
15 | Alas, nut wrong fruit! (7) |
SULTANA – anagram of (wrong) ALAS NUT. | |
17 | Roof off cosy place, our home (5) |
EARTH – first letter removed from (roof off) hEARTH (cosy place). | |
18 | Field throw (5) |
PITCH – double definition. | |
21 | Is that funny? Silence! (3) |
GAG – double definition. |
I must admit I wasn’t overly impressed with PLAY, or POLE for that matter as although I’m aware of ‘poles apart’ and ‘polar opposites’ I wondered about defining this as a ‘principle’.
PROPANE was my last one in, adding at least an extra minute to my time.
NIGHT CAP was my first thought at 20ac but I held off writing it in because it didn’t account for ‘twitter’.
Edited at 2020-05-20 04:26 am (UTC)
Sitting enjoying the sight of a large flock of young, newly sheared, sheep-in-a-field.
Thanks all.
Mara back on tricky form. A good test for us all. David
play, nightjar, pole, sheepdog all grated.
Maybe it’s just the kids riding past on those plasmacars that don’t quite allow for total relaxation.
FOI SPAR, LOI EARTH, COD HEDONIST. Thanks William and thanks for trying, Mara.
I thought this was quite tricky, but MER at POLE. I thought PLAY was a perfectly straightforward clue, but then I’m approaching 50 years as a Times solver.
LOI PROPANE (which, with TROPIC, pushed me over my limit !)
TIME 5:02
Managed Nightjar!
Unable to parse Pole.
Started very well but came to a grinding halt.
Thanks as ever.
FOI: spar
LOI: all right
COD: sheepdog
Thanks for the blog William
Some clues were so straightforward that I doubted my entries were correct, such as BACK DOWN, SHEEPDOG AND PITCH but I enjoyed ALL RIGHT, COMPLAINT and SULTANA (which reminded me that I need to buy some!). Like others, I questioned PLAY and POLE as they didn’t seem to be complete clues.
Thanks to William for the blog.
FOI – 1ac Spar
LOI – 18ac Pole
COD (not many contenders today) – 6dn Dashing a very nice succinct clue.
This felt like a 15×15 – and I just didn’t enjoy it. From looking at the blog there doesn’t seem to be anything too controversial, but for whatever reason I was definitely not on the right wave length. To cap it all off, I also put Nightcap for 20ac.
Someone mentioned if these were getting harder. I’m not sure, however the times2 Crossword in the paper (non cryptic) definitely has.
Thanks as usual for the blog.
Edited at 2020-05-20 02:39 pm (UTC)
All entered in 19 minutes and all correct, but it didn’t really flow at any time. And I join the chorus of questions at 18A Pole. I don’t really see – correct that, I don’t see at all – Pole and Contradicting principle as close enough in meaning to each other.
Question for those who are more experienced: which word in 5D Complaint tells us it is an anagram? It can only be “out”, but in which case, I can only reply “Really?” Somewhat obscure I would suggest …
Blog much appreciated, and today also very necessary. Thank you William.
The indicator is just ‘out’ – and it’s one to remember as it’s used fairly often!
I agree that PLAY and POLE were weak clues, and as I was typing NIGHTJAR I guessed that a few unwary solvers would biff NIGHTCAP.
Thanks to william
liked 16A ” model done with this playboy (8) “
thanks setter and blogger