Every now and again, along comes a puzzle on a Wednesday which is perfecty satisfactory, and of medium difficulty, but about which your blogger finds it hard to construct a suitably incisive or witty commentary. Today’s is one such. As Jimbo might say, vanilla. With no sprinkles on top. Or perhaps it’s just me, Mr. Grumpy, waiting for my vaccination. Think I’ll buy some more shares in companies which make disposable needles.
Across | |
1 | Small female with delicate retro clothing’s a little cold (7) |
SNIFFLE – S (small) ELFIN (delicate) reversed (retro) with F (female) inserted. | |
5 | Plaintiff‘s account primarily compromised client (7) |
ACCUSER – AC (account) C (primarily compromised) USER (client). | |
9 | Explosive force catching duke on arm (9) |
GUNPOWDER – GUN (arm) POWER (force) with D (duke) inserted. | |
10 | Fish with large abnormal growth thrown back (5) |
TRAWL – All reversed: L(large) WART (abnormal growth). | |
11 | Rehydrate food to cook what’s on the menu (5,2,3,3) |
13 | European sounded weary when picked up on a street here in NY? (4,4) |
EAST SIDE – E (European) SIDE (sounds like ‘sighed’) insert A ST(reet). | |
15 | Westbound sailor taking in coastal country’s capital (6) |
BOGOTA – AB = sailor; insert TOGO (coastal country) ‘westbound’ = all reversed. | |
17 | What scoffers do behind theatre screen again? (6) |
REPEAT – REP (theatre) EAT (what scoffers do). | |
19 | Sweet spread for sandwiches, badly wrapped (8) |
PASTILLE – PASTE (as in fish paste sandwiches) has ILL (badly) inserted. | |
22 | Incarcerated criminal smuggling heroin accepted blame (7,3,3) |
25 | Bird from banks of Amazon to keep passing through (5) |
AVIAN – AN (banks of Amazon) has VIA (passing through) inserted. | |
26 | Ignorant learner and I in clear (9) |
OBLIVIOUS – OBVIOUS (clear) has L and I inserted. | |
27 | Tiny particle could make one turn queasy (7) |
28 | Tend to like (4,3) |
CARE FOR – double definition. |
Down | |
1 | Base of puddings in the past? (4) |
SAGO – S (end of puddings) AGO (in the past). &lit. | |
2 | Like granite or wooden surface scrubbed (7) |
IGNEOUS – LIGNEOUS (wooden) has its L (surface) scrubbed. | |
3 | Swamp Commons with Liberal intake (5) |
FLOOD – L inserted into commons, which can mean food. | |
4 | Turnover of old bar in valley where wealth abounds (2,6) |
EL DORADO – All reversed: O (old) DALE (valley) with ROD (bar inside). O DA (ROD) LE. | |
5 | Result of splitting the bill at sea? (6) |
ADRIFT – An AD RIFT could be a split in a bill or poster. | |
6 | Savage insult which hampers rise of servicemen (3-6) |
CUT-THROAT – CUT (insult, as in cutting remark perhaps), THAT (which) has OR reversed inserted. | |
7 | Pain accordingly doubled (2-3-2) |
SO-AND-SO – SO = accordingly; SO-AND-SO as in ‘he’s a pain, he’s a real so-and-so’. | |
8 | Nations following broadcast events (5,5) |
RELAY RACES – RELAY (broadcast) RACES (nations). | |
12 | Mischievous fellow arranged lunch with a peer (10) |
LEPRECHAUN – (LUNCH A PEER)*. As you’ll know, a leprechaun is a small Irish folklore fairy chap who spends all his time mending shoes and creating mischief. | |
14 | High street shop where police located queen? (9) |
STATIONER – STATION where police are located, ER = Queen. I often get cross with people who spell it stationery for ‘not moving’ and ‘stationary’ for writing materials. | |
16 | Broad consequence of wind perhaps seizing hat husband put down (8) |
CATHOLIC – COLIC seizes HAT with the H lower down i.e. ATH. | |
18 | Haunt lake isle wearing spotless uniform (7) |
PURLIEU – PURE (spotless) U (uniform) insert L I (lake isle). | |
20 | Want profoundly bad skiers taken here? (4-3) |
LONG-OFF – A cricket clue, not a ski-ing one. LONG = want profoundly, OFF = bad, and a SKIER (pronounced sky-er) is a high, long shot usually caught on the boundary. | |
21 | Meet a host who presents nothing trendy (6) |
ADJOIN – A, DJ (host who presents (music)) O (nothing) IN (trendy). | |
23 | Clubs finished top (5) |
COVER – C (clubs) OVER (finished). | |
24 | Ex-leader‘s requests are largely ignored (4) |
TSAR – Hidden word in REQUES(TS AR)E. |
Brazil’s Bolsonaro says Covid-19 is just “the SNIFFLEs.”
Edited at 2020-05-20 03:40 pm (UTC)
Fortunately being incisive and witty, although great if one can do it, is not actually a requirement of blogging here, otherwise I’d have long been out of a job!
Anyway. Enjoyed FOI 1a SNIFFLE and 14d STATIONER, and glad as always to be able to come here and find out the reasons for my marginal question marks!
Edited at 2020-05-20 07:14 am (UTC)
Edited at 2020-05-20 07:24 am (UTC)
Really liked LONG OFF (and we also had COVER). SO-AND-SO also very nice.
20’17” thanks pip and setter.
30 mins, then a few more to get Relay, while enjoying a small croissant, plus half a pain aux raisins to make up for it.
Eyebrow flickering at Host=DJ.
Mostly I liked: Carried the can.
Thanks setter and Pip.
Pleasant puzzle. Pastille and long-off last in.
Thanks pip.
I see we have two fielding positions today: LONG OFF and COVER.
COD to LONG-OFF. It took me forever to work out what was going on with “skiers”.
COD ORDER OF THE DAY, nice anagram
Yesterday’s answer: the answer in the crossword that was one letter different from a bird was SANDPAPER.
Today’s question: I had to work it out – are there any other countries that are contained backwards in national capitals apart from Togo/Bogota?
(If abbreviations are allowed)
apologies if any of these have already been mentioned tomorrow
– finally REGINa is the capital of Saskatchewan
Funny to see Colombia making a repeat appearance and I will definitely now remember ligneous = wooden.
Thanks setter and Pip.
I think I’d have spelled 12dn LEPRICHAUN so I’m glad I took the time to check the anagrist.
I had the most trouble at the end with PASTILLE and LONG-OFF unentered for several minutes. With the first I was too convinced that PATE was going to feature, and I needed all the checkers for the second despite spotting quite quickly that ‘skiers’ might not be ‘skiers’.
Edited at 2020-05-20 10:00 am (UTC)
Edited at 2020-05-20 11:07 am (UTC)
And yes the apparently double homophone indicators threw me for a while!
So I printed the thing and did it in just under 15 feeling distinctly disgruntled.
On edit. I went to FAQS on the Club site and rather to my surprise found the exact topic so I followed instructions and it seems to have re-set itself. Sorry for the interruption.
Edited at 2020-05-20 10:26 am (UTC)
Same time as BW for the puzzle, last in the hidden – of course.
Not quite vanilla, but a bit of strawberry wouldn’t have gone amiss.
The first thing I wrote was “of the day” at 11A, and I needed to write out the anagrist and eliminate it when I came back to the clue. That explains why my FOI was, atypically, a Down clue.
COD TRAWL (had me thinking of 4 letter fish)
TIME 11:22
I’m not sure I could have put PURLIEU into a meaningful sentence, though I know the word. Chambers helpfully says it’s usually in the plural, but doesn’t actually say what the plural is. I’d like it to be purlieux, but I gather it’s not.
Time 44 mins
COD 20dn LONG OFF I wonder if the setters are giving us more cricket clues these days to baffle the Yanks?
WOD 28ac CAREFOR the French supermarketers.
Thew answer to my quiz yesterday was Yo-Yo (Mah -cellist),the rest of ’em were well-known semi-conductors.
Edited at 2020-05-20 04:30 pm (UTC)