Times Monthly Club Special 20204 – September 2017

Solving Time: An hour, over two sessions. Roughly average for me and this crossword seemed to be about medium difficulty .. now that I have no statistics or leaderboard to consult, it is hard to say how others found it.

Dictionaries: The Club Monthly uses several dictionaries. The main ones are the Concise Oxford Dictionary (COD), Collins, and Chambers. I use Chambers, the online Collins dictionary, and the ODO. I use the online Oxford English Dictionary (OED) occasionally too.

If I have not explained an answer fully enough, do please ask…

Please note that the closing date for entries for this prize crossword is now the last day of each month …

cd = cryptic definition, dd = double definition, rev. = reversed, anagrams are shown *(–), homophones indicated within “” and definitions underlined

1 Rodent died after turning tail, last to go (5)
bobac – OB (ie obit., died) rev., + BAC(k)
4 Arrest drastically delayed: after prison uniform (8)
jugulate – JUG (prison) + U(niform) + LATE (delayed). An interesting word that basically means, slit the throat of .. hmm, might try to work that into the general conversation
8 Twig — stick with fancy point — makes sense in Highlands (14)
rumblegumption – RUMBLE (twig, ie cotton on to) + GUM (stick) + *(POINT). Another interesting word presumably somehow related to rumbledethumps, mashed potato with this and that added
10 Double salt initially mixed into bitter soup (9)
alembroth – M(ixed) in ALE (bitter) + BROTH (soup). Mercury amide chloride
11 In pursuit of tips on cloth, one tries game wool supplier (5)
chiru – C(lot)H + I (one) + RU (tries game). A Tibetan antelope, apparently
12 Old mnemonic devices in Latin which matter (6)
quipus – QUI (which, in Latin) + PUS (matter, ugh)
14 Try and shoot bats (8)
crackpot – CRACK (try) + POT (shoot). Easy (but rather neat) clue to help get you started.
17 Sceptics misled — if nicely — about stocks (8)
infidels – neatly hidden, rev., in miSLED IF NIcely. Of course, infidels are only sceptical about your religion. They can be as credulous as anything about their own.
18 Squaddy’s haunt, regularly visited, recalled trading facility (6)
Nasdaq – hidden intermittently, rev., in sQuAdDyS hAuNt.
20 What’s central to bellyache is keeping dry part of tongue (5)
lytta – TT (dry, ie teetotal) in (bel)LYA(che)
22 Check out European city with one’s cab drivers there? (9)
vetturini – VET (check out) + TURIN (European city, home of Fiat) + I. In Italy vetturini drive a vettura ..
24 Producer Slavonicized, strangely, within Denmark’s borders (5,1,8)
David O Selznick – *(SLAVONICIZED) in D(enmar)K. I thought I knew no film producers at all, but this one did ring a bell.. his list of productions is impressive and includes “Gone with the Wind.” Not easy to clue!
25 Vi, after drinking gin, back drying out (8)
xeransis – SNARE (gin), in SIX (vi) both rev.
26 Spot Russian spy dropping off article (5)
macle – a reference to the spy Donald Duart MACLE(an). “A dark spot in a crystal” (Chambers)
1 Pub poured writer a port (12)
barranquilla – BAR (pub) + RAN (poured) + QUILL (writer) + A. A port in Colombia
2 Pack up — and take part of the dessert (5)
bombe – MOB (pack) rev., + BE – take part of, presumably as in “You can be Cleopatra, and I will be Anthony”
3 Like some finely made books that would get a younger one over the moon? (4-5)
calf-bound – “The cow jumped over the moon…”
4 With jars holding one gallon, judges turn up (3-3)
jigjog – IG (one gallon) in JJ (judges) + GO (turn) rev.
5 March girl up with woolly coat off and stop (8)
gemshorn – MEG (March girl, ie Meg March from “Little Women”) rev., + SHORN (with woolly coat off). Apparently a gemshorn is a type of organ stop. This clue reminded me of Shaun the Sheep, one of the great comic creations of that animation genius, Nick Park.
6 See tailless parasite in running water (5)
lotic – LO (see) + TIC(k) (tailless parasite)
7 Blue, inverted, crowned at the edges, like some corollas (3-6)
two-lipped – LOW (blue) rev. in TIPPED (crowned)
9 Fine to grasp sensitive part in extract from book or cheap film (5,7)
quota quickie – QUICK (sensitive part), in AI (fine), all in QUOTE (extract from book), ie: quot(a(quick)i)e. A hard clue to solve purely from wordplay, if you are unfamiliar with the term. Mr Selznick helped me, ironically enough, by providing the K
13 Seduce with hot text to Mrs Sprat? (9)
infatuate – Hmm, well we know that Jack Sprat would eat no fat, his wife would eat no lean. Does “In fat u ate” constitute a hot text? Not sure. Might be missing something here..
15 Immigrant settlers in church plan to keep move on ice (9)
chalutzim – CH(urch), + LUTZ (move on ice, usu. a double or triple one) in AIM (plan)
16 Very good for ducks to be in? (8)
pluvious – .. cd. Means rainy, sometimes said to be good weather for ducks
19 Birth control pioneer promoting pill in East London terraces? (6)
stoeps – (Marie) STOPES, with the E (pill, ie hallucinogen) moved up one. The East London in question being the South African one.
21 Motorists coming across tackle powerful dog (5)
akita – KIT (tackle) in AA (motorists). Akitas are lovely dogs to look at but a trial (I guess) actually to own
23 Goddess’s answer is one in patriarch’s heart (5)
isiac – ISAAC (patriarch) with the central A made into I. Isiac means “relating to Isis.”

Author: JerryW

I love The Times crosswords..

2 comments on “Times Monthly Club Special 20204 – September 2017”

  1. Found this one more enjoyable than usual, perhaps because my guesses turned out to mainly be correct. Selznick cropped up in a daily cryptic earlier this year in a clue that held me up for ages, so he stuck in my memory. I think 13D is IN (hot) + FAT U ATE (text to Mrs Sprat?)
    1. Yes.. I am sure you are right, in = hot. As for the text, it does not seem much of a contribution, but then that goes for most texts I expect

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