34:33 on the Club timer; in the preamble to my last Jumbo blog, I described my time of 34:36 as “pretty much bang on my average time for the Jumbo (or at least my usual time for an average Jumbo, if you see what I mean)”, so clearly this one was cut from exactly the same cloth. On re-examination, I’d say it was a very pleasant, if unexceptional, puzzle.
With Jumbos, which attract a far smaller audience than daily puzzles, I generally confine myself to discussion of answers which I think are a) less straightforward for inexperienced or non-UK based solvers, or b) especially elegant / questionable. In other words, unless it’s an exceptionally interesting puzzle, the coverage is unlikely to be 100%; however, as always, if a particular clue is not discussed, please feel free to raise it in comments for explanation or discussion.
Across | |
14 | VOLUNTEER – double def. |
15 |
17 |
18 | RETRIAL – i.e. RE:TRIAL, as in “Ooh, she’s a real trial”. |
19 | BARK UP THE WRONG TREE – cryptic def. in which the boxer is a dog, and the elder is a tree. |
24 | EMCEE =”M.C.” which can be Military Cross as well as Master of Ceremonies. Ugly word when written down, if you ask me. |
26 | EREMITIC – EMIT in ERIC (Morecambe). From the same root as hermit. |
27 |
32 |
35 |
INTRUSIVELY – IN(fashionable), [S |
37 | FURBELOW – FUR(coat) BELOW(underneath). Not a common word, but immediately made me think of the phrase “gewgaws and furbelows”, so it’s clearly stuck from somewhere. |
40 | RHEUM – HE in RUM. |
43 |
COHO – H |
44 | CENTRAL RESERVATION – this rang a bell, which turned out to be because it was an answer in Jumbo 932, which I blogged a couple of years ago. At the time I speculated that it might not be called the same thing in other parts of the world, and indeed it appears that “median strip” is the equivalent in North America. |
48 | PHONIER – HON in PIER. The Mitfords, and their self-coined description from the book “Hons and Rebels” also occur regularly in the crossword. |
50 | LASAGNE – (GAS)rev. in LANE. |
51 |
52 | DOUBLETON – if you’re wearing hose, you might well have a “doublet on”. A doubleton is two cards in a suit, as singleton is one. |
Down | |
1 | SEVERABLE – where “always wearing fur” equates to EVER in SABLE. |
2 | ALLEGORICAL – AL (Capone), + (LOGICREAL)*. As I never tire of pointing out, now that the awful Beerbohm Tree has been retired, AL is my candidate for “chestnut which should follow it out the door”. |
3 | MANITOU – oMAN IT OUtranks. Manitou is one of those words that I definitely “knew”, even though I would have struggled to define it. |
5 | AIRER =”EIRE”. |
7 |
11 | SIGNIFICANT – SIGN IF I CAN’T. Google is unable to offer me a citation, but I’m certain this clever pun has appeared before. Original or not, it’s still good. |
12 |
13 | DEPARTMENTAL – DEPART(leave)MENTAL(barking), which is possibly politically incorrect, but undoubtedly correct. The convention is that a setter is at liberty to add a misleading capital (usually to make the surface represent a place name) though not to do the reverse. |
22 |
23 | COURTIER – T in COURIER. It took me a while to think of a courier as a tour-guide rather than someone who delivers a parcel. |
25 |
EXPORTER – REX(King) PORTER(Cole) minus the R |
31 |
34 | PROTAGONIST – PRO(advocate), TAG ON(in the UK justice system, and presumably elsewhere, lower risk prisoners can serve a sentence of house arrest or curfew, with an electronic tag on their ankle making sure they don’t break the terms of that sentence), IST(German for “is”). |
35 | IMPERTINENT – (TRIPE,MINT,NE)*. For overseas solvers whose British geography is sketchy, Tyneside is the area around Newcastle in the NE corner of England. |
38 | OVERPITCH – PIT in [OVER(about), CH(Companion of Honour)]. |
42 |
45 | ABSOLVE – A BS(Bachelor of Surgery) (LOVE)*. |
46 |
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