Solving time 21:16 – I think I found this a bit tricky just because I was getting tired after already solving the previous Thursday and Friday puzzles in the same session. Good puzzle though – I liked the two 15-letter entries but COD has to go to the Van Gogh clue, brilliant.
Across |
1 |
PEDAL – (Siegfrie)D inside PEAL (ring). |
4 |
LONG JOHNS – LONG (itch) + JOHNS(on). The female pilot was Amy Johnson, who in 1930 was the first woman to fly solo from England to Australia. |
9 |
BLACK BELT – B(ritish) + LACK (have no) + BELT (clout). |
10 |
EXTOL – sounds like “ex-toll”, which might be a previous charge. |
11 |
OF NOTE – OFTE(n) (frequently abridged) around NO (Japanese drama). |
12 |
PUREEING – (eg unripe)* |
14 |
HEAVENLY HOST – HEAVY (leaden) + HOST (anchor, i.e. TV presenter), around EN (in French) + L(ake). |
17 |
PLUM PORRIDGE – “PLUMP FOR FRIDGE” (choose cool storage unit), minus the Fs (each time omitting fine). I quite like the sound of the dish, although according to this it’s just another name for Christmas pudding. |
20 |
FLIPPANT – FLIP (see red) + P (phosphorus) + ANT (insect). |
21 |
NEPALI – alternate letters of “girl had pie and”, reversed. |
23 |
PIQUE – sounds like “peak” (maximum amount). I think apart from the definition in the first word, the rest is all just homophone indicator. |
24 |
IVY LEAGUE – ELY (cathedral) reversed, next to IV (4 = Roman square), then AGUE (fit). |
25 |
TEENSIEST – A removed (area denied) from TEEN SIESTA (rest of adolescents in afternoon) |
26 |
SUSHI – SU (girl shortly) + SH (order to wrap up) + I (one). |
Down |
1 |
PIBROCHS – (RC bishop)* |
2 |
DRAW NEAR – Van Gogh wouldn’t have “DRAWN EAR”. Great clue, my COD. |
3 |
LIKE THE CLAPPERS – LIKE (appreciate) THE CLAPPERS (those people giving one a hand). |
4 |
LEES – LEEDS without the 4th letter. |
5 |
NOT MUCH COP – cryptic double definition. |
6 |
JEEPERS CREEPERS – JEEP (military truck) + ERRS (strays) around SCREE (loose stones) + PE (exercises). |
7 |
HOTTIE – OT (books of verses) after H(ours) + TIE (draw). Slang for a hot-water bottle, although that wasn’t the first thing that sprang to mind!. |
8 |
SILAGE – IS reversed + LAGE(r). |
13 |
CLEMENTINE – (processio)N + (bizarr)E after CLEMENT I (pope from 92-99 AD). |
15 |
IDEAL GAS – IDES (fateful day) around (gala)*. |
16 |
BERIBERI – sounds like “bury berry”. |
18 |
OFF PAT – OFF (rancid) + PAT (butter). |
19 |
RISQUE – BISQUE (fish soup) with the 1st letter replaced by R(ight). |
22 |
CYST – CYCLIST (peloton member) with CLI(p) removed. |