There are numerous contenders for the clue of the day, but I’ll give it to 22ac, with an honourable mention to 19ac because I like the word! Thanks to the setter for a very enjoyable puzzle.
Clues are reproduced in blue, with the definition underlined. Anagram indicators are bolded and italicised. Then there’s the answer IN BOLD CAPS, followed by the parsing of the wordplay. (ABC)* means ‘anagram of ABC’, {deletions are in curly brackets}.
1 Devoted woman with more frumpy clothing I left a long way away (4,5)
DOWN UNDER: a NUN is devoted, clothed with DOWD{i}ER. Since I am down under as I type, I’m not convinced it’s far away from anything that matters.
6 Emotionally affected, having had an operation? (3,2)
CUT UP: double definition, the second whimsical.
9 Demonstrate against head of state? Caution! (7)
BOOKING: BOO the KING, or get booked for foul play.
10 Bishop burned with ire, fuddled with malt (7)
LATIMER: (IRE MALT*). Burned at the stake in 1555.
11 Take advantage of reversing area in part (3)
TAP: Put A in PT=part, and reverse it.
12 Cheers, putting out resolute “Aye” (3,3,5)
14 Touchy companion maintains resistance without limit (6)
FREELY: FEELY goes with “touchy”. Add “R” for resistance.
15 Alcoholic drink by all means to be ingested, not extreme (8)
17 Doorstop placed back in bank from some way away (8)
REMOTELY: TOME backwards (the doorstop of choice in academia perhaps), placed in RELY (the bank of choice in crosswordland).
19 Enemy besieging castle, missing every other platform (6)
FO’C’S’LE: FOE around (“embracing”) CSL, being the odd letters of “castle”. Didn’t the answer look strange without the apostrophes!
22 Family all but condemned in secret (11)
23 Be reliably informed head’s to be sacked immediately (3)
NOW: KNOW, beheaded.
25 Clever remark spread around about something irrational (7)
EPIGRAM: MARGE backwards, around PI.
27 Burst of anger at explosive piece of verse (7)
STROPHE: STROP / HE=high explosive.
28 Handle danger as horse bolts (5)
TREAT: THREAT without the H{orse}.
29 Ray, I assumed, picked up a generous invitation (2,2,5)
BE MY GUEST: sounds like (“picked up”) BEAM I GUESSED. If they don’t sound the same when you pronounce them, assume we already know that.
1 Maiden forced to eat up (5)
DEBUT: “tubed” backwards – as of hunger strikers, I suppose.
2 Ring found in small sort of cushion (7)
3 Not protected, but treated civilly, perhaps, about answer (11)
4 Miner clear about nit needing a going over (6)
DIGGER: EGG inside RID, all “going over”.
5 Be supinely accepting consequence of no lottery win? (4,4)
ROLL OVER: the second appearance of a double definition.
6 Creature climbing across the leads? (3)
CAT: first letters of each word.
7 For the Devil, time less busy in absence of yours truly (7)
TEMPTER: T for time, then EMPT{i}ER. I felt vaguely uncertain about the definition, for no good reason. There are so many other tempters about! In the words of Oscar Wilde, “I can resist anything except temptation.”.
8 Game is good during separate journey (9)
PARTRIDGE: PART = separate / RIDE = journey, with G inside.
13 Become angry, so be unable to blow nose? (4,4,3)
LOSE ONE’S RAG: the third appearance of a double definition, the second again whimsical.
14 In tree top see, at last, bird (9)
FIRECREST: FIR / CREST, with {se}E inside.
16 Two seconds before, British crowd suddenly assembled (5,3)
FLASH MOB: in a FLASH (“moment”) / MO (“moment”) / B{ritish}.
18 For ancient tribesman, result of attack by bird now extinct? (7)
MOABITE: I’m sure it would have hurt to be bitten by a moa, but I don’t expect any Moabites suffered that experience west of the Dead Sea.
20 Space between cells wrong, programs declared (7)
SYNAPSE: sounds like SIN / APPS, since “synapse” is pronounced with a short “y”.
21 Ultimately girl is a bit short but nimble (6)
LISSOM: L for “{gir}L” / IS / SOM{e} (“short”).
24 Pull away with the others (5)
WREST: W{ith} / REST.
26 Despicable man cuts judge short (3)
RAT: RAT{e} = judge.
Down under, eh? Admit it, you chaps are upside down; we’re on the top of the world, you’re on the bottom.
Whenever we hear people saying that Islam is an inherently violent religion I think of people like LATIMER, or of John Calvin having people burnt alive for believing slightly different versions of made-up nonsense.
Edited at 2017-10-07 04:29 pm (UTC)
7d was the problem in the end.
Could not parse Epigram and was pleased to work out Moabite. David