Times Cryptic Jumbo No 1430 – 21st March. Double, double

Hello everyone.  I hope you and your loved ones are keeping safe and sane.

This puzzle kept me entertained for longer than I expected after the first 80% or so.  A few stubborn patches of grid almost doubled the total time I took, and I had to leave the puzzle aside a few times to let it bubble away in my subconscious.  I didn’t realise how many double definitions there were until I came to do the blog – nine, by my count.  Thanks to the setter for his or her trouble.

Definitions are underlined in the clues below.  In the explanations, quoted indicators are in italics, [deletions] in square brackets, and I’ve capitalised and emboldened letters which appear in the ANSWER.

1 Rustic made a difference saving one tree, looking back (11)
COUNTRIFIED COUNTED (made a difference) containing (saving) the reversal of (… looking back) I (one) + FIR (tree)
7 Care for doctor taking unexpected dip? (6)
FOSTER — A double definition, the second referring to the Doctor Foster of the nursery rhyme
10 Stick one in a suit? (4)
CLUB — Another pair of definitions
14 Top Liberal has resolved to bear left (7)
ASQUITH HAS anagrammed (resolved) containing (to bear) QUIT (left)
15 Connect English books, red or white? (7)
ENTWINE — A charade of E (English), NT (books, New Testament), and WINE (red or white?)
16 Companion, character on the right? (7)
CONSORT — A CON SORT might be a character on the right, politically speaking
17 Bold supporter about to stand up and resist (13)
SWASHBUCKLING SLING (supporter) around (about) WASH (to stand up, to bear examination) and BUCK (resist, be in opposition to)
18 Good way to screen film — Billy Elliot might do it (9)
PIROUETTE PI (good) + ROUTE (way) around (to screen) ET (film)
19 Sound hooter, one squeezed (5)
NOISE NOSE (hooter) with I (one) inside (squeezed)
21 i sign here? (6,4)
DOTTED LINE — Two definitions, the lowercase i being written as a DOTTED LINE
23 Turkish report leads in foreign news broadcast (6)
STREWN — The initial letters (… leads) of Turkish Report in an anagram of (foreign) NEWS
25 Certain winner right after neat header in “game of two halves”, say? (8)
CLINCHER R (right) after the first letter (… header) of Neat in CLICHÉ (“game of two halves” say)
26 Horse knocking second wife from fruit tree (10,4)
STRAWBERRY ROAN — Removing (knocking) the second W (wife) from STRAWBERRY (fruit) + RO[w]AN (tree) gives this horse
29 Suffer junior to work (7)
UNDERGO UNDER (junior) + GO (work)
30 Concealing face, house flirt uncomfortable (3,2,4)
ILL AT EASE — Without the first letter (concealing face), vILLA +TEASE (flirt)
31 One going after Oscar with something fruity (5)
PAPAW PAPA (one going after Oscar, in the NATO alphabet) + W (with)
32 Piece of embroidery — officer breaking mine (5)
PICOT CO (officer) inserted into (breaking) PIT mine
34 Dealing with very minor blow, profits held by university (2,7)
UP AGAINST PAT (very minor blow), with GAINS (profits) inside (held), all next to (by) U (university)
37 Ultimately impressive, fine story expressible in words once (7)
EFFABLE — The last letter of (ultimately) impressivE, F (fine), and FABLE (story)
39 Detective in clapped-out motor, trouble for man in the street (3,4,2,5)
TOM DICK OR HARRY DICK (detective) in an anagram of (clapped-out) MOTOR, then HARRY (trouble)
41 Compassionate male confronting diabolical Lucifer (8)
MERCIFUL M (male) next to (confronting) an anagram of (diabolical) LUCIFER
43 Pour water over some children, childishly (6)
DRENCH — The answer is contained in some chilDREN CHildishly
44 Line observed in theatre drama, Igor recreated after Charlie (10)
CARDIOGRAM DRAMA IGOR anagrammed (recreated) after C (Charlie)
45 In having abandoning state, Artemis in Rome? (5)
DIANA — IN taken from (having abandoned) [in]DIANA (state)
48 Something taken with a lot of money to sabotage another’s image (9)
PHOTOBOMB PHOTO (something taken) with BOMB (a lot of money)

49 Point of procedure on which to put one’s foot down? (8,5)
STEPPING STONE — Two definitions
51 Those just round the corner are in home (7)
NEAREST ARE (from the clue) in NEST (home)
52 Open late, not closing, church seen after one in Paris (7)
UNLATCH LATe without the last letter (not closing) + CH (church), seen after UN (one in Paris)
53 It’s inverted, passing flavour around using tongue (7)
TASTING ITS reversed (inverted) surrounded by (passing … around) TANG (flavour)
54 Sign of my evil nature, all kicking off (4)
OMEN Of My Evil Nature, initial letters (all kicking off)
55 Kind of sweet (6)
PRETTY — A double definition
56 Provide table for upright creature (11)
CATERPILLAR CATER (provide table for) + PILLAR (upright)
1 Number of the French holidaymakers originally aboard vessel, relative (7)
CHANSON — The first letter of (… originally) Holidaymakers inside (aboard) CAN (vessel), then SON (relative)
2 Complete amateur, possibly? (11)
UNQUALIFIED — Two definitions
3 Bit of a chicken wanting time off (5)
THIGH T (time) + HIGH (off)
4 Pop success, really? (1,6,2,2,5)
I SHOULD BE SO LUCKY — A double definition
5 Fitting Cinderella originally, eek! It’s a lost slipper? (3,5)
ICE SKATE — Containing (fitting) the first letter of (… originally) Cindarella is an anagram of (… lost) EEK ITS A
6 Damaging tooth, base of blade cut into it (11)
DETRIMENTAL DENTAL (tooth, used as an adjective), with the last letter of (base of) bladE inserted (cut into it)
7 Try brief relationship (5)
FLING — A double definition
8 Dish stirred by spooner? (8,6)
SLEEPING BEAUTY — A cryptic definition, where the dish is Beauty and the spooner is the amorous Prince Charming
9 Evidently north leads with heart again! (6)
ENCORE — The first letters of (… leads) Evidently North with CORE (heart)
11 Game to go up, the ladies possibly beginning to perform aerobatic stunt (4,3,4)
LOOP THE LOOP POOL (game) reversed (to go up, in a down answer), THE (from the clue), LOO (ladies, possibly), and the first letter of (beginning to) Perform
12 Risk small pants in the middle splitting (7)
BETWEEN — A charade of BET (risk), WEE (small), and paNts in the middle
13 Work to find sample at bottom of river (8)
INDUSTRY TRY (sample) after (at bottom of, in a down answer) INDUS (river)
20 A bit cold in river: rather parky today at first (7)
EXCERPT C (cold) in EXE (river) then the initial letters of (… at first) Rather Parky Today
22 Vaulted ceilings in labour exchange fitting? (5)
LEAPT — The first letters of (ceilings in) Labour Exchange + APT (fitting)
24 Envy author over some trendy novel (5-4,7)
GREEN-EYED MONSTER GREENE (author) preceding (over, in a down answer) an anagram of (… novel) SOME TRENDY
25 Breakfast item member found in little bottle (7)
CRUMPET MP (member) found in CRUET (little bottle)
27 Roosevelt’s baby, swimmer without trunks, reportedly? (3,4)
NEW DEAL — Sounds like (… reportedly) NUDE EEL (swimmer without trunks)
28 Cramming in five hundred, terribly irrational bus conductor (3,6,5)
SIR ADRIAN BOULT — With the insertion of (cramming in) D (five hundred), an anagram of (terribly) IRRATIONAL BUS
31 Serious, as looking to cross river in Turin? (2-5)
PO-FACED — The river in Turin is the Po, and one looking to cross it might be described as PO-FACED
33 Remember to have order on note in box (11)
COMMEMORATE OM (order, Order of Merit) preceding (on, in a down answer) MEMO (note) all in CRATE (box)
35 Give king a lot of money bags (5)
AWARD R (king), which A (a) + WAD (lot of money) surrounds (bags)
36 Unstable particle on top of cliff, one likely to drop off? (11)
NARCOLEPTIC — An anagram of (unstable) PARTICLE ON + the first letter of (top of) Cliff
38 US showman in New York city owed money (7,4)
BUFFALO BILL BUFFALO (New York city, city in NY state) + BILL (owed money, money owed)
40 After wings clipped, bird with mate doing well (2,6)
IN CLOVER — Having had its outer letters removed (with wings clipped), fINCh, with LOVER (mate)
42 Surgery inspired by doctor’s passionate, delicate touch (4-4)
DROP-SHOT OP (surgery) inside (inspired by) DRS (doctor’s) plus HOT (passionate)
43 Draw upon horse I had mounted first (3,4)
DIP INTO PINTO (horse) with the reversal of (… mounted) ID first
46 Person seeking retribution in Newhaven, Germanic (7)
AVENGER — The answer is included in NewhAVEN, GERmanic
47 Chopper, one managing to collect tartar, primarily (6)
COPTER COPER (one managing) containing (to collect) the first letter of (… primarily) Tartar
49 Offensive joke (5)
SALLY — Our final double definition of the day
50 Short girl eating hot Japanese food (5)
SUSHI — All but the last letter of (short) SUSIe (girl) containing (eating) H (hot)

7 comments on “Times Cryptic Jumbo No 1430 – 21st March. Double, double”

  1. As always, a couple of DNKs: the horse of 26ac, the pop success. LOI NARCOLEPTIC. Didn’t care for 24d: the green-eyed monster is not envy but jealousy; yes, I know, they’re often confounded, but Othello wasn’t envious of Cassio. Liked PAPAW.
  2. I thought this was the trickiest jumbo for a while. I normally do them over the week, a bit here and a bit there, to fill in odd moments .. this one seemed to take a lot more odd moments than usual! Nothing I didn’t know (though wouldn’t want to be asked to define picot) just deceptive clueing.
    thanks to setter and to kitty
  3. I had only one query and although not mentioned in your blog I note that you’ve had to correct what I take as an error in the clue in order to explain the parsing.

    45ac doesn’t work grammatically, it should either be:

    In having abandoned state…
    In abandoning state…
    In having abandoning state…

    1. Oh yes, I see. I completely failed to notice that what I’d typed in the blog didn’t match what was in the clue! As I missed the error when solving too, presumably simultaneously seeing “having abandoned” and “abandoning”.
  4. This one took me over an hour, so definitely on the tricky side. Last two in were UNQUALIFIED and CLINCHER, my COD. NHO STRAWBERRY ROAN, but I think was the only unknown this week. Other favourites were the french number at 1D, DOTTED LINE and BETWEEN. I failed to parse ILL At EASE, so thanks for that. I like your kitty photobomb Kitty.
  5. 30:19. I didn’t find this too hard: about medium. I enjoyed Kylie’s appearance and I like it when setters include modern terms like PHOTOBOMB.

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