Times Cryptic Jumbo 1505 – 26th June 2021. Pounds, Shillings and Expense

Hi all.  I left this until the last minute, and with post-work bleariness setting in am not feeling chatty.  I found it a Jumbo of medium difficulty, though I didn’t quite manage to finish without recourse to aids, having a mental block with the Native American in 45d.  Actually I’m pretty happy with that, as there are a few of other places I could easily have fallen short.  Thanks to the setter.

Definitions are underlined in the clues below.  In the explanations, quoted indicators are in italics, explicit [deletions] are in square brackets, and I’ve capitalised and emboldened letters which appear in the ANSWER.  For clarity, I omit most link words and some juxtaposition indicators.

1 Restraint of article covered by feature (5)
CHAIN A (article) in (covered by) CHIN (feature)
4 Makes alterations to speed up current measures (7)
REVAMPS REV (speed up) + AMPS (current measures)
8 Composer in peril goes mad (9)
PERGOLESI PERIL GOES anagrammed (mad)
13 Queen‘s responsibility to force back men (4,5)
MARY TUDOR DUTY (responsibility) and RAM (to force) reversed (back) + OR (men)
14 Gathering technique in racing, and a problem with it? (7,6)
RUNNING STITCH RUNNING (racing) + STITCH (a problem with it [racing]?)
15 Country eggs faced with American fungus (7)
MOLDOVA OVA (eggs) next to (faced with) MOLD (American [spelling of] fungus)
16 Metal I deliver; I am shielding uranium (7)
IRIDIUM I + RID (deliver) + IM (I am) around (shielding) U (uranium)
17 Apprentice, one paid in sterling? (7)
LEARNER — An L EARNER could be an earner of L (pounds sterling)
18 Grotesque to be wholly dissatisfied with the planet (4,7,2,5)
LIKE NOTHING ON EARTH — What I would call a definition plus alternative interpretation of the answer, though that’s not as pithy as “double definition”
21 Flag officer chasing limited intelligence (4)
WILT LT (officer) after (chasing) all but the last letter of (limited) WIt (intelligence)
23 To settle the furore, time for some music (5-4)
THREE-FOUR — An anagram of (to settle) THE FURORE
25 Maybe father’s missing annual payment (6)
RENTAL — [pa]RENTAL (maybe father’s) without (missing) PA (annual)
26 Associate lout with upper-class type (6)
HOBNOB HOB (lout) with NOB (upper-class type)
28 Mark stores one’s address (12)
APOSTROPHISE APOSTROPHE (mark) contains (stores) IS (one’s)
30 Is concerned in resentment of rogue’s adventures (10)
PICARESQUE CARES (is concerned) in PIQUE (resentment)
33 Poem from Perth in translation: avoid (3,7)
THE PRELUDE PERTH anagrammed (in translation) + ELUDE (avoid)
34 In which rebels are resisting furiously? (6,6)
EASTER RISING — An anagram of (in which rebels … furiously) ARE RESISTING
37 Father punching a fairy in brawl (6)
AFFRAY FR (father) inside (punching) A FAY (a fairy)
39 Carpenter’s mate recalling almost unquestionable rule (6)
WALRUS — The reversal of (recalling) all but the last letter of (almost) SURe (unquestionable) and LAW (rule).  The definition refers to the Lewis Carroll poem
40 Love guide‘s more composed speaking, with skill taking us back (4,5)
KAMA SUTRA — CALMER (more composed), homophone (speaking), together with ART (skill) and US reversed (back)
42 Type that’s deficient, lacking height (4)
SORT S[h]ORT (deficient) lacking H (height)
43 Leave cathedral precincts — time to reveal oneself (4,3,2,3,6)
COME OUT OF THE CLOSET COME OUT OF THE CLOSE (leave cathedral precincts) + T (time)
46 Revered figure honoured at last in poem we wrote (3,4)
OUR LADY — The last letter of (… at last) honoureD in OUR LAY (poem we wrote)
47 A little blue scarf, divine one stored away (7)
SADDISH SASH (scarf) with DD (divine) and I (one) inside (stored away)
48 Where treasure may be found at royal city (7)
CHESTER CHEST (where treasure may be) + ER (royal)
50 Crisis rarely experienced by habitual liar? (6,2,5)
MOMENT OF TRUTH — A habitual liar would presumably have few truthful moments
51 Beautiful boy is dodgy, seen by drugs officer (9)
NARCISSUS IS + SUS (dodgy) by NARC (drugs officer)
52 Swimmer on river crazy to knock back port (9)
ROTTERDAM OTTER (swimmer) next to (on) R (river) + MAD (crazy) reversed (to knock back)
53 Having made definite opening in railings, followed round (7)
ENSURED — The first letter of (opening in) Railways with ENSUED (followed) round it
54 A month back, a lack of fertiliser (5)
GUANO AUG (a month) reversed (back) + NO (a lack of)
1 I came to meal drunk, though not on this (8,3)
CAMOMILE TEA I CAME TO MEAL anagrammed (drunk), with the definition referencing the rest of the clue and the fact that it would be hard to get drunk on a non-alcoholic drink
2 Heading off from Med island, left such a fool (5)
APRIL — The first letter is removed from (heading off from) [c]APRI (Med island) + L (left)
3 Hard to deceive, but still awaiting delivery? (3,4,9)
NOT BORN YESTERDAY — This could mean still to be born
4 One that’s left service; time for a new plan (7)
REDRAFT RED (one that’s left) + RAF (service) + T (time)
5 Auditor saves shillings for linesman (9)
VERSIFIER VERIFIER (auditor) contains (saves) S (shillings)
6 What may be needed for wedding, or for widow (not uniform) (7,5)
MORNING DRESS — A widow might need MO[u]RNING DRESS; remove the U (not uniform)
7 Dismissing first of batsmen after error, his knock shortened (3-7)
SIN-BINNING — The first letter of Batsmen after SIN (error) + INNINGs (his [the batsman’s] knock) without the last letter (shortened)
8 Proper to capture a besieged king (5)
PRIAM PRIM (proper) containing (to capture) A
9 Condition requiring a measure of gravity, in actual fact? (8)
REGALITY G (a measure of gravity) in REALITY (actual fact)
10 Format with parts swapped creates expense (6)
OUTLAY LAYOUT (format) with the first and last parts swapped
11 Is it built without nerves? (9)
EXTENSION EX (without) TENSION (nerves)
12 Available to leave in that ship, perhaps, I board (11)
INHERITABLE IN HER (in that ship, perhaps) + I + TABLE (board)
19 Sing-song raises spirit with fine energy (7)
KARAOKE ARAK (spirit) + OK (fine) + E (energy)
20 Foreign expert almost mad, in a way (7)
ARABIST Almost RABId (mad) inserted in A + ST (way)
22 Pretty girls apparently cut flower (4-4-8)
LOVE-LIES-BLEEDING LOVELIES (pretty girls) BLEEDING (apparently cut)
24 Actor also overwhelmed by shout of applause (6)
O’TOOLE TOO (also) surrounded by (overwhelmed by) OLÉ (shout of applause)
27 Lotion always found in second city (3,3)
BAY RUM AY (always) in BRUM (second city: Birmingham, second city of the UK)
29 Thready pulses? Have a drink (7)
HYDRATE THREADY is anagrammed (pulses)
31 Passing peaceful, America (7)
QUIETUS QUIET (peaceful) + US (America)
32 Such as the Cinderella story: makes fun of her stoic suffering … (4-2-6)
RAGS-TO-RICHES RAGS (makes fun of) + HER STOIC anagrammed (suffering)
33 … missing one, practises former role of her fairy godmother? (11)
TRANSFORMER — Without (missing) I (one), TRA[i]NS (practises) + FORMER (former!)
35 Using mortar repaired car (4,7)
GRAN TURISMO USING MOTOR anagrammed (repaired)
36 Basic procedure, putting bullet in Luger to be fired (6,4)
GROUND RULE ROUND (bullet) in an anagram of (… to be fired) LUGER
38 Completely uninvolved in the computer business? On the contrary (3,4,2)
FAR FROM IT — Another definition plus an alternative interpretation: far away from Information Technology
40 To encourage taking on equipment, installing new military commander (9)
KITCHENER CHEER (to encourage) following (taking on, in a down entry) KIT (equipment), with the insertion of (installing) N (new)
41 Christmas decoration basic, some say, for palace (8)
HOLYROOD — HOLLY (Christmas decoration) plus RUDE (basic), sounds like (some say)
44 In death, heart wanted again (7)
ENCORED In END (death), CORE (heart)
45 Native American moneylender? (6)
PAWNEE — A PAWNEE could perhaps be the opposite of a PAWNER
47 High tension, oppressed by total quiet (5)
SHTUM HT (high tension) inside (oppressed by) SUM (total)
49 Opera to study briefly (5)
TOSCA TO + SCAn (study) briefly

5 comments on “Times Cryptic Jumbo 1505 – 26th June 2021. Pounds, Shillings and Expense”

  1. As always, I don’t remember much about this. DNK SIN-BINNING, DNK SUS in NARCISSUS but inferred it meant ‘dodgy’. Biffed LOVE-LIES etc., COME OUT etc., RAGS-etc., parsed them post-submission. I have a ! by TRANSFORMER. On the other hand, I liked MARY TUDOR, ENSURED, REDRAFT, THE PRELUDE, INHERITABLE, & PAWNEE.
  2. I used aids for RUNNING at 14ac having got STITCH, and then kicked myself because I knew of it. Other than that I completed the grid unaided although I didn’t know HOB = lout or FAY = fairy and I NHO the poem – by Wordsworth as it turned out. I looked it up later to see if I knew it but not by its title, but no, and it’s not really my sort of poetry anyway.
  3. “Of medium difficulty” is about right, taking 50 steady minutes. I’m currently doing these on a low grade tablet, which especially on the Jumbo has the unnerving habit of waiting until you’ve put in all the letters before actually showing them, which turns out not to be the recipe for typo generation that it threatens to be.
    I’d be hard put to come up with another example of QUIETUS other than “with a bare bodkin”. I knew THE PRELUDE as a terribly famous poem without knowing anything else about it. And the address meaning of APOSTROPHISE I learned in this parish a few years ago when I think I complained about it.
  4. 43:54. I found this quite tricky, particularly the flower, which was my last in and required several minutes of head-scratching.
  5. More than two hours, but I kept going because I never actually ground to a stop. So many clues that just needed time to eat away at. I liked SADDISH and LIKE NOTHING ON EARTH. i did the PRELUDE at school: “whan that aprille with his shoures soote…” That’s it. That’s all I remember. I may have done the KAMA SUTRA at school too (behind the bike sheds possibly) but I don’t remember anything at all about it. We had KAMA SUTRA in the 15×15 a couple of days ago. An enjoyable struggle

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