Times Cryptic Jumbo 1455 – 22nd August

Hi all.  A quick one from me this week.  I’ve been a busy bee, and now my brain is so scrambled that I don’t know what kind of creature I am, let alone have anything coherent to say about the puzzle.

After a slow start I decided to use aids freely, so it’s down as a DNF, though on writing everything up it doesn’t look too bad.  Finishers, how did you find it?

Definitions are underlined in the clues below.  In the explanations, quoted indicators are in italics, explicit [deletions] are in square brackets, and I’ve capitalised and emboldened letters which appear in the ANSWER.

1 Fastest time: minutes? (6)
RECORD — A double definition
4 GCSE uproar — distraught organiser at sea (10)
SUPERCARGO GCSE UPROAR anagrammed (distraught)
10 Judge on Charlie’s case (5)
CRATE RATE (judge) next to (on) C (Charlie)
14 Best experience in stuffing gamey dish? (4,5)
HIGH POINT IN inside (stuffing) HIGH (gamey) + POT (dish)
15 Dark, ironic quips to die for? (7,6)
GALLOWS HUMOUR — A cryptic definition
16 Mature bears on island struggle (7)
AGONISE AGE (mature) contains (bears) ON (on) and I (island)
17 Missionary position adopted by porter, perhaps (7)
APOSTLE POST (position) in (adopted by) ALE (porter perhaps)
18 Boatman’s line one’s used to drawing (7)
PAINTER — A double definition
19 Private house customary for top administrators? (11-7)
SECRETARIES-GENERAL — A charade of SECRET (private), ARIES (house) and GENERAL (customary)
21 Girl from a country wanting husband (4)
IRIS IRIS[h] (from a country) without (wanting) H (husband)
24 Daughter revolutionised this writer’s material (5)
DENIM D (daughter) + the reversal of (revolutionised) MINE (this writer’s)
26 Son moving to the van destroys covert operation (8)
STAKEOUT — With, S (son) placed at the front (moving to the van), TAKES OUT (destroys)
27 Shot Aussie, going west, makes emergency exit (4,4)
FIRE DOOR FIRED (shot) + ROO (Aussie) reversed (going west)
29 To do groundwork is boring stage for artist (11)
POINTILLIST TILL (to do groundwork) and IS (is) inside (boring) POINT (stage)
30 Outstanding tech agency’s designed to incorporate one (3-8)
EYE-CATCHING TECH AGENCY is anagrammed (designed) with the insertion of (to incorporate) I (one)
32 Censorious man ultimately condemned authority (11)
CONNOISSEUR CENSORIOUS and the last letter of (… ultimately) maN anagrammed (condemned)
35 Substance from choice lamb I cooked? (11)
BIOCHEMICAL CHOICE LAMB I anagrammed (cooked)
37 Regular reporter‘s therapist reported (8)
ANNALIST — A homophone of (… reported) ANALYST (therapist)
39 Odour left on ditch with two channels (8)
BINAURAL AURA (odour) + L (left) next to (on) BIN (ditch)
40 Medic probing group of students grows insensitive (5)
NUMBS MB (medic) inside (probing) NUS (group of students)
43 PM‘s place of lost illusions? (4)
EDEN — Two definitions
44 Right turn at next junction coming up (4,5,3,6)
JUST ROUND THE CORNER JUST (right) + ROUND THE CORNER (turn at next junction)
47 Festival luminary given a little bit in advance (7)
WHITSUN SUN (luminary) with WHIT (a little bit) preceding (in advance)
48 Several days where papers were originally given spineless binding (7)
MIDWEEK ID (papers) and the first letter of (… originally) Were, with MEEK (spineless) wrapped around them (binding)
50 Time to join crowd for security (7)
HOSTAGE AGE (time) next to (to join) HOST (crowd)
51 Music from Verdi, Menotti’s arrangement (13)
52 Significant work, musical, about to be brought back (9)
OPERATIVE OP (work), then EVITA (musical) and RE (about) reversed (to be brought back)
53 Leader leaves at great cost, ahead of schedule (5)
EARLY — The first letter is removed from (leader leaves) [d]EARLY (at great cost)
54 Info about past regime’s guiding principle (6,4)
GOLDEN RULE GEN (info) around (about) OLD (past) + RULE (regime).  I can’t resist illustrating this one!
55 Five couples commit offence, returning for court action (6)
TENNIS TEN (five couples) + SIN (commit offence) reversed (returning)
1 Communist borders slow-moving car went through (9)
REHEARSED RED (communist) goes around (borders) HEARSE (slow-moving car)
2 Niff after cocking leg occupies heartless dog experts (11)
COGNOSCENTI SCENT (niff) after the reversal of (cocking) ON (leg) all goes inside COrGI (dog) without its middle letter (heartless)
3 Through raised roof, see diplodocus, maybe (7)
REPTILE PER (through) reversed (raised) + TILE (roof)
5 Extremist‘s last month, with troops in pursuit (5)
ULTRA ULT (last month), with RA (troops) following (in pursuit)
6 Obese fellows in hospital department for total immersion (11)
ENGROSSMENT GROSS (obese) + MEN (fellows) in ENT (hospital department)
7 Lead ring you formerly placed round cask (4,3,4)
CALL THE TUNE CALL (ring) + THEE (you formerly) placed round TUN (cask)
8 Northbound cervid crossing plain got going again (8)
REOPENED — The reversal of (northbound) DEER (cervid) around (crossing) OPEN (plain)
9 Body parts of pig Hosea slaughtered without force (9)
OESOPHAGI O[f] PIG HOSEA anagrammed (slaughtered) without F (force)
10 Relative leaves home, having university to enter (6)
COUSIN COS (leaves) + IN (home), having U (university) inserted (to enter)
11 Bill must have perfect gold edging, I learnt from experience (1,10)
A POSTERIORI POSTER (bill) with AI (perfect) and OR (gold) around (edging) followed by I from the clue
12 Slip nearer door, taking even steps (5)
ERROR — nEaReR dOoR, selecting even letters (taking even steps)
13 Butcher slices up meat, getting cans for preservation (4,8)
20 I don’t like contents of best pictures (8)
IMAGINES IM AGIN (I don’t like) + the inner letters of (contents of) bESt
22 Bath scrubber, Roman girls worked with it (7)
STRIGIL GIRLS anagrammed (worked) together with IT
23 Stalwart companion separating female from male (8)
HENCHMAN CH (companion) separating HEN (female) from MAN (male)
25 Stout, middle-aged trader cleared out just after mum (8)
MATRONLY TradeR without the inner letters (cleared out) and ONLY (just), all after MA (mum)
28 Party type‘s contribution to star comedian’s turn? (8)
DEMOCRAT — The answer is a part of (contribution to) sTAR COMEDian’s reversal (turn)
29 Rugby players get on tour, of a sort (7)
PACKAGE PACK (rugby players) + AGE (get on)
31 A cold fish admitting woman’s his one weakness? (8,4)
ACHILLES HEEL A (a) + CHILL (cold) + EEL (fish) containing (admitting) SHE (woman)
33 Infidel British priest stopping under no circumstances after denial (11)
NONBELIEVER B (British) and ELI (priest) inside (stopping) NEVER (under no circumstances), all after NO (denial)
34 Prime motive for being retrained so diversely? (6,5)
RAISON D’ÊTRE RETRAINED SO anagrammed (diversely) Ê
35 Barrister’s case isn’t simplified when one’s ignored problem (5-6)
BRAIN-TEASER BarristeR’s outer letters (case) + AINT (isn’t) + EAS[i]ER (simplified) when I (one) is removed (ignored)
36 Church people with unopened post sticking together (11)
CEMENTATION CE (church) + MEN (people) next to (with) all but the first letter of (unopened) [s]TATION (post)
38 Visually challenged rugby player in scam (9)
SQUINTING QUIN (rugby player) in STING (scam)
41 One’s spelling more dire penning doc’s last letter (9)
SORCERESS SORER (more dire) containing (penning) doC’s last, then ESS (letter, S)
42 Contributor to replacement therapy to control market, it’s said (4,4)
STEM CELL STEM (to control) + CELL, a homophone of (… it’s said) SELL (market)
45 Speculative buyer introduced to United players here? (2,5)
ON STAGE STAG (speculative buyer) inside (introduced to) ONE (united)
46 Raptor like this regurgitated its food (6)
OSPREY SO (like this) reversed (regurgitated) + PREY (its food)
47 Club with upper hand (5)
WEDGE W (with) + EDGE (upper hand)
49 Eminence Cromwell’s given after king? (5)
KNOLL NOLL (Cromwell) after K (king)

3 comments on “Times Cryptic Jumbo 1455 – 22nd August”

  1. Thanks for the blog, Kitty. It’s hard to remember after 2 weeks but the absence of scribble on my print-out suggests I didn’t have too much trouble with this one.
  2. Thanks for excellent blog. Tend not to use “aids” unless absolutely stuck and got there in end so would be counted as a “finisher”. Seemed to me about average in difficulty for a Jumbo. Favourite clue: IMAGINES. Thanks to setter for a very enjoyable puzzle.

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