I needed 48 minutes for this one. I thought it was going to be easy because I wrote in 7 adjoining answers in the NW straightaway but then slowed to a crawl, gradually picking off the answers one by one until eventually building up momentum again and finishing in another flurry of activity. There’s nothing particularly out of the ordinary in terms of words or wordplay today, but just a solid and well-constructed puzzle
As usual definitions are underlined in bold italics, {deletions are in curly brackets} and [anagrinds, containment, reversal and other indicators in square ones]
Across | |
1 | Is he working with sampan, requiring this? (10) |
SEAMANSHIP – Anagram [working] of IS HE SAMPAN. I think this has to be semi&lit to account for double duty. | |
7 | Yarn from Times employees joining paper (4) |
WEFT – WE (Times employees), FT (paper – Financial Times). Threads of yarn stretched lengthwise on a loom are called the warp and those crossing them are the WEFT. | |
9 | Slap isn’t commonly on hand, keeping right back (8) |
WARPAINT – PAW (hand) containing [keeping] R (right) reversed [back], AIN’T (isn’t, commonly). Two slang terms for ‘make-up’ are required for the definition. | |
10 | Old doctor content to leave Indian root (6) |
ORIGIN – O (old), RIG (doctor – falsify), I{ndia}N [content to leave] | |
11 | Figure‘s rather heavy, not wide (6) |
EIGHTY – {w}EIGHTY (rather heavy) [not wide] | |
13 | Pressure group pocketing cash and running off (8) |
PRINTING – P (pressure), RING (group) containing [pocketing] TIN (cash) | |
14 | Foreign money, yen, accepted by no French doctor (12) |
NEUROSURGEON – EUROS (foreign money) + URGE (yen) contained [accepted] by NON (no, French). Solvers in the eurozone won’t view the currency as ‘foreign’, but this is the Times of London. | |
17 | Helping car run in stopping place (12) |
MINISTRATION – MINI (car), R (run) in STATION (stopping place) | |
20 | Design is formerly held in vice for shaping (8) |
CONCEIVE – ONCE (formerly) contained by [held in] anagram [for shaping] of VICE | |
21 | Maybe duck attack by criminal (6) |
CONFIT – CON (criminal), FIT (attack). Usually a duck or goose dish. | |
22 | Architect welcoming return of artist’s colony (6) |
WARREN – WREN (architect) containing [welcoming] RA (artist) reversed [return]. A breeding ground for rabbits or the creatures themselves, apparently. | |
23 | Go and admire translated bit of kanji? (8) |
IDEOGRAM – Anagram [translated] of GO ADMIRE. I’d no idea what ‘kanji’ was so I trusted to wordplay and checkers. I’ve now learned that it’s the Japanese equivalent of the Chinese ideogram. | |
25 | Sailors on exercises in waves (4) |
PERM – PE (exercises), RM (sailors – Royal Marines). Short for the ‘permanent wave’ hairstyle. | |
26 | Novel twist of fate does entertain in extremis (4,2,4) |
EAST OF EDEN – Anagram [twist] of FATE DOES, E{ntertai}N [in extremis]. The novel by John Steinbeck is also remembered as one of the few films to star James Dean before his untimely death. |
Down | |
2 | Person testing ditch, climbing on digger (8) |
EXAMINER – AXE (ditch – sack, get rid of) reversed [climbing], MINER (digger) | |
3 | Cleaner Englishman is bowled over (3) |
MOP – POM (Englishman) reversed [bowled over] | |
4 | Loud individual with curious clothing (5) |
NOISY – I (individual) contained by NOSY [with ‘curious’ clothing] | |
5 | Rebellious warrior in stirrups to hurry up (7) |
HOTSPUR – Reversed [up] and hidden in {stir}RUPS TO H{urry}. ‘Harry Hotspur’ was Sir Henry Percy, 1st Earl of Northumberland. His exploits as a ‘rebellious warrior’ are well-documented on the web for those who wish to know more. | |
6 | Overcharge for help when driving in wood (9) |
PROFITEER – PRO (for), then TEE (help when driving) contained by [in] FIR (wood), I was caught out by FIR clued as ‘wood’ very recently so it came to mind easily today. | |
7 | Old London bigwig opening for Warwickshire, scoring century (11) |
WHITTINGTON – W{arwickshire} [opening], HITTING (scoring) TON (century). ‘Thrice Lord Mayor of London’ and cat owner whose name lives on in the traditional rhyme and Christmas pantomime. | |
8 | Starter of nectarine slices cooked in China (6) |
FRIEND – N{ectarine} [starter] is contained by [slices] FRIED (cooked). Today’s CRS clue. | |
12 | Wasted cash consuming a drink? Another is reckless (5-6) |
HARUM-SCARUM – Anagram [wasted] of CASH containing [consuming] A + RUM (drink), then RUM again (another – drink). I was pleased the wordplay was helpful here or I may have been tempted to write ‘harem-scarem’. | |
15 | Awareness one is overwhelmed by life, say (9) |
SENTIENCE – I (one) contained [overwhelmed] by SENTENCE (life, say – prison sentence) | |
16 | Partner’s accommodated at home after refusal to propose (8) |
NOMINATE – NO (refusal), MATE (partner) with IN (at home) contained [accommodated] | |
18 | Group that is breaking glasses (7) |
SPECIES – IE (that is) contained by [breaking] SPECS (glasses) | |
19 | A lot of extra alcohol or spirits (6) |
MORALE – MOR{e} (extra) [a lot of], ALE (alcohol) | |
21 | Military leader adopting Leninist principles (5) |
CREDO – CO (military leader – Commanding Officer) containing [adopting] RED (Leninist) | |
24 | Well I never shortened anorak (3) |
GEE – GEE{k} (anorak) [shortened] |
Can we call Royal Marines ‘sailors’? While they are technically part of the Royal Navy, sailing the ship is not their primary duty.
Also held up by MORALE (so many possibilties here) and the two 21s. COD? Hard to say. MINISTRATION perhaps?
Just thought, is the cogwheel new since last week? I thought there was a hamburger menu on both sites.
Thanks for updating me.
I’ll be sure to use it in future.
Now … I just need to find an optometrist on this site and all my woes will disappear!
I knew about the timer option because it was added to the Quickie eventually after complaints that the clock ticking away was a distraction. I’d like to think I’d have been surprised if it hadn’t also been a feature of the new puzzle site, but that would have been naive on my part given some of the other unnecessary changes we’ve witnessed. Anyway they’ve got that one right and I think you will find that when you’ve turned it off once it stays turned off for all future solves.
Edited at 2017-08-15 05:55 am (UTC)
What they did was to offer both the old and the new forms for quite a while, until the feedback on the latter showed it to work for the majority of solvers.
So the change wasn’t abrupt and full of glitches.
We seem to be going through a major change without feedback and without the alternative of the original until the revised version works properly.
CONFIT or COMFIT -a sweetmeat and not just duck but liquorice too, if my memory serves me well. Pontefract fare. I don’t know how the daffy duck got involved!
So although I had 16dn NOMINATE I didn’t put it in – complete and utter brain fade.
FOI 1ac SEAMANSHIP which illuminated itself at the print-out stage.
COD 8dn FRIEND with 9ac WARPAINT close.
Mood Meldrew
Edited at 2017-08-15 06:30 am (UTC)
Thanks ‘just the right degree of difficulty’ setter and Jack.
No Darwin that I could see.
Thanks to setter and blogger
I did ‘pencil’ in harem-scarem so it’s as well I had an attack of diligence and went back to consider the wordplay.
Lots of nice things here. I really liked the surface for FRIEND, and had some fun misunderstanding 21a and wondering what a “duck attack” would look like.
COD to PRINTING, though.
Reminded by 26a by EAST OF EALING – the third of nine novels in The Brentford Trilogy by Robert Rankin. You can probably see why I don’t do the TLS.
Edited at 2017-08-15 08:38 am (UTC)
Hotspur (Harry Percy) is indeed in Henry IV. One of the good things my grammar school did was to encourage amateur dramatics and aged 13 I appeared in Henry IV (part one) as – wait for it – Mistress Quickly! A week before the public performances to a paying audience my voice started to break, leading to a unique portrayal of the lady in question.
Edited at 2017-08-15 10:50 am (UTC)
By the way, your 6-month rolling average solving time dropped from 9:33 in June to 9:08 in July, when the overall solving time went up – so July was a good month and you should be encouraged. [I’m still trying to show this sort of info in a nice way – it’s a shame I need to earn a living…]
I was happy to finish in 36 minutes in a single sitting, not bad for me. Thanks to the setter and Jack.
Anyway, their loss is our gain, Martin, and it’s good to see you commenting here again.