Thought I was on for a very fast time until the SW corner stopped progress. Still, at 9 minutes, this must count as an easier one. Some pleasant clues – cod to the corny 20ac, wod ‘rascality’.
1. Cookbook – volume of recipes. Company (CO), right (OK), reserve (BOOK).
5. Opus – work. Anagram (stirring) of SOUP.
9. Scent – perfume. Homophone of SENT for dispatched. I’m not sure how ‘without note’ works exactly as the homophone indicator but it’s clear what’s intended.Note to self – if not sure on the parsing of a QC clue then you’ve probably misunderstood it. With thanks to Gribb – dispatched (SENT) around note (C).
10. Theorem – rule in maths. This is not an anagram (gets more confused) of the 7 letter ‘article’ but article (THE), anagram (confused) of MORE.
11. Act – a drama may have more than one. A (A), court (CT).
12. Hindrance – obstacle. Deer (HIND), bolted (RAN), initial letters of (C)aused (E)xtreme.
13. Desert – double definition.
15. Pauper – person with no money. The Times (PAPER) including upper-class (U).
17. Spaghetti – pasta. Anagram (cooking) of PAST EIGHT.
19. Mac – coat. Mother (MA) getting cold (C).
20. Unicorn – mythical creature. A rag mag is full of corny Uni jokes. Loi was eventually easy given the ‘U’ from 17dn.
21. Nudge – reminder. Naked (NUDE) outside (G)ym.
22. Kale – cabbage. King (K), beer (ALE).
23. Colliery – mine. Sheepdog (COLLIE) with (R)ascalit(Y).
1. Custard – sauce. Is it a sauce, is it a cream (creme Anglais), is it good on apple crumble – you betcha! Anagram (to be blended) of SAT CURD.
2. Overt – obvious. Finished (OVER) before time (T).
3. Butcher’s Hook – I think this qualifies as a cryptic double definition. Cockney rhyming game slang for ‘look’ and as used in a butcher’s.
4. Often – frequently. Somewhat alo(OF TEN)tative.
6. Parsnip – root vegetable. Standard (PAR), cut (SNIP).
7. Somme – river of north-eastern France. Millions (M) in a little (SOME).
8. Recreational – for enjoyment. Genuine (REAL) around the universe (CREATION).
14. Spaniel – breed of dog. Cross (SPAN), that is (I.E.), large (L).
16. Rockery – garden. China – not the first c(ROCKERY).
17. Skunk – American mammal. Doomed (SUNK) outside (K)ansas. A checking ‘K’ at the end of the word confused me into thinking this was from (K)ansas. Only when I put a K inside the answer did it become clear – opening the way to get unicorn.
18. Tango – dance. Beat (TAN), vitality (GO – as in get up and).
19. Midge – insect. For example (E.G.), slow witted (DIM) all rising.
Chris, I clicked on the “try new LJ editor” when it was first offered but didn’t like it and reverted to the tried and tested. But I see now they are pushing it with a pop-up dialogue box whenever I go to create a new journal. I hope it’s not going to become compulsory.
Edited at 2017-08-15 08:56 am (UTC)
Thanks for the blog
A lot of good surfaces. COD to 14d. David