I don’t have an exact time for this, as it was done over the usual tea and toast intermixed with a modicum of chat with Mrs K. Overall it flowed well, from the bottom upwards mainly, with only unravelling 3d and parsing 12a causing significant delay. Afterwards I checked 15d to see exactly what the farming bit was about although I was sure the answer was correct. I had inklings of a pangram, but it isn’t.
Across |
1 |
MATISSE – (K)ISS = brush, less first letter, inside MATE = China; def. artist. |
5 |
FIGURED – FIG = sticky fruit, (END)URED = stuck, with no end; def. thought that. |
9 |
SERVICE AREA – Cryptic, aided by solving 2d; where you ‘fill up’ and here MASS = service. |
10 |
MAR – Alternate letters of iMpAiR, def. impair, or &lit I suppose. |
11 |
ABOUND – A, BOUND = certain, as in ‘bound to be there’, ABOUND = flourish, as in proliferate. |
12 |
ENCHANTS – Def. possesses; (P)ENCHANT = taste, ignoring pressure, add S = society. I was foxed for a while in parsing this and don’t see why Society is capitalised. |
14 |
FIRST DAY COVER – Amusing d.d. I have a box of 100 or so British FDCs which my grandfather bought for me regularly as a child, but I suspect they’re worth close to nothing. Any offers? |
17 |
QUARTERMASTER – QUARTER = pity, as in ‘show no quarter’, MASTER = skipper; def. he’s charged with barracking. |
21 |
ARKANSAN – ARK = refuge, A N (new) SAN = place for treating the sick; def. N American. I have a feeling we’ve seen this answer before recently. |
23 |
CHASTE – CASTE = rank, insert H = Welsh finally; def. restrained. |
25 |
CHA – Def. tea; with repetition you can do the CHA CHA CHA, darling, and dance. |
26 |
SAIL THROUGH – (GHOULISH TAR)*, anagrind ‘at sea’, def. the best way to pass? |
27 |
RED FLAG – Ruddy = RED, sink = FLAG; def. don’t you dare go past this! |
28 |
PAPERED – PÈRE = Parisian parent, insert into PAD = flat; def. helped to decorate. |
Down |
1 |
MISLAY – M = millions, IS, LAY = unprofessional; def. to lose track of. |
2 |
TURN OFF – Double definition. |
3 |
SPINNERET – (PRESENT IN)*, anagrind ‘bats’, def. expressive organ. From the anagram fodder and then some remote depths of memory I remembered this word, for the spider’s ‘organ’ which produces web material. |
4 |
EWER – EWE = Jacob’s mother, say; R = runs, def. water jar. No biffing allowed; you have to twig that Jacob is a kind of sheep, not the son of Rebekah. |
5 |
FAR AND AWAY – FA = soccer chiefs, RAN AWAY = fled, insert D = bottom of field; def. easily, as in easily the best player on the field. |
6 |
GNASH – (HANGS)*, anagrind ‘criminal’, def. display anguish. If you have teeth. |
7 |
ROMANOV – ROMAN = upright type (not Italic), OV = Very Old, reversed; def. house in Russia. |
8 |
DERISORY – SIRE = father, reversed inside DO = party, then RY = lines; D(ERIS)O RY; def. pathetic. |
13 |
STAR-GAZING – STAR = prime, GRAZING = pasture, remove R, def. night-time activity. |
15 |
CATCH-CROP – CATCH = to get, CROP = haircut; def. not farmer’s main concern. Apparently a catch-crop is one grown speedily between main crops. |
16 |
SQUAD CAR – SCAR = mark, around QUAD = yard, def. vehicle. |
18 |
AWKWARD – (H)AWK = tout, heading off; WARD = division in town; def. self-conscious. |
19 |
RESCUER – (ERRS)* ‘badly’ around CUE = tip; def. man making delivery. |
20 |
METHOD – MET = fulfilled, HOD = carrier; def. order. |
22 |
NASAL – NAVAL = marine, switch the V to S = switch primarily, def. coming from hooter. |
24 |
STEP – Last letters of (‘those footing’) billS musT makE sharP; def. move. |
Quite tricky I thought and towards the end I had several gaps I wan’t confident in filling so I was pleased to finish.
I have The QuarterMaster’s Store as an earworm now.
Please search your heart and consider that there may be kinder and gentler ways of making your point. On the whole, we seek to eschew “blunt to the point of rudeness” around here. And anyway, I there is a difference between not finishing because you don’t know some of the answers and (as is at least occasionally true of me) not finishing because of a terminal case of fat finger syndrome. Let’s call the second of those “technical” for want of a different word.
On a different note, I know how to pronounce Arkansas. In the light of that, does anyone know how to pronounce Arkansan?
Edited at 2015-06-10 11:39 am (UTC)
Edited at 2015-06-10 04:18 pm (UTC)
Edited at 2015-06-10 10:29 pm (UTC)
Biggest Dean Martin was the QUAD in SQUAD CAR. Took ages to see it. Just a dopey day I think, put it down to not enough sleep.
Looks like a good puzzle, slightly wasted on me today. Thanks setter and blogger.
Edited at 2015-06-10 09:13 am (UTC)
SPINNERET unknown but gettable.
Otherwise the last few took a while, due to a typo crossing SPINNERET, and especially STEP where I read the clue incorrectly so couldn’t solve it immediately. Then had to go back to work with, “Those that foot the bill…” rattling around in the my mind, unsolvably, even though I saw the TEP from the other words.
Eventually got it all, but many hours elapsed.
Pip, I think the purpose of the capitalisation at 12a is in reference to NAncy Mitford-style society (with balls, debs, etc) rather than a club. And thanks for the parsing of the brush (I was still in art mode) and MAR (where I was looking to remove letters from the wrong word!)
Edited at 2015-06-10 01:01 pm (UTC)
notfinishBy far and away my favourite clue was 5d.
Has anyone else noticed that instead of producing gossamer from his nether regions, Peter Parker has spinnerets in his wrists instead? Spiderman’s just lost all credibility for me now.
Enjoyable, and quite tricky in places.
Edited at 2015-06-10 01:52 pm (UTC)
I made a bit of a mess of the SE where I had beheld instead of method (if you were carrying, say, a kitten or bundle of wet sticks you might order it to “be held”) until I spotted the lack of an E in the fodder for sail through.
I had a first day cover of the stamps that were brought out in 1969 to mark the first Concorde flight but a friend helpfully tore the corner off the envelope so I could soak the stamps off and put them in my album.
Edited at 2015-06-10 01:08 pm (UTC)
For me 6dn evoked the very specific anguish you get when someone’s leaving and you want to eat them up, you love them so.
Edited at 2015-06-10 01:58 pm (UTC)
That made QUARTERMASTER impossible, but fails to explain why I didn’t get RESCUER.
As usual it took me a while to get going properly. I thought of MATISSE straight away, but failed to twig the ISS so held off from bunging it in. On the other hand CATCH-CROP went straight in as one of the few easy wins, though I’d normally spell it without a hyphen.
A very fine puzzle by my reckoning. My compliments to the setter.
And I’d not met misbiff before, but now that I have I think I’ve fallen in love.
Two for inclusion in the next OED? How do we go about that?
Geoffrey (long time lurker – must get an avatar)