I found this Bank Holiday entertainment a little on the easy side finishing in under 38 minutes despite being held up for quite a while by my last 4, but it is enlivened by some neat bits of wordplay. 1 clue (7D) is a bit odd, otherwise there was nothing very tricky. Can anyone remember a clue with fewer letters in it than 54A? COD to the clever wordplay at 13D, but I liked 18D and 27D too. I see on checking that I have an annoying pink square having mistranscribed from my paper copy to spell the Northern city RIPEN. Grr! How did everyone else get on?
Definitions underlined in bold italics, (Abc)* indicating anagram of Abc, deletions and [] other indicators.
Across | |
1 | Go away, packing some current toiletry (7) |
SHAMPOO – SHOO (go away) [packing] AMP (some current). | |
5 | Show sheet of stamps left ready (5,4) |
PANEL GAME – PANE (sheet of stamps) L (left) GAME (ready; as in up for it). | |
10 | A lot of well-rounded fruit (4) |
PLUM – {a lot of] PLUM |
14 | Nice jumper, perhaps needed for game (6,7) |
FRENCH CRICKET – FRENCH (from Nice) CRICKET (jumper; jumping insect). | |
15 | South American owl’s cries, communicating in concealment (2,7) |
IN CAHOOTS – INCA (South American) HOOTS (owl’s cries). | |
16 | Peacekeepers with move to East Darfur — initially not costed (10) |
UNBUDGETED – UN (peacekeeprs) BUDGE (move) To East Darfur [initially]. | |
17 | Again plan to improve university gets behind schedule (11) |
REFORMULATE – REFORM (improve) U (university) LATE (behind schedule). | |
18 | All-female church — for this reason (5) |
HENCE – HEN (all female) CE (church). | |
19 | Dogfish is tender, Harry (10) |
NURSEHOUND – NURSE (tender) HOUND (harry). I didn’t know this name for a dogfish. | |
21 | Indian Statesman with horse protected by soldier (6) |
GANDHI – AND (with) H (horse) [protected by] GI (soldier). | |
23 | Overturned ruler, a distant one? (3,6) |
RAS TAFARI – TSAR (ruler) [overturned] -> RAST, A FAR (distant) I (one) – His Imperial Majesty Haile Selassie I, crowned in 1930 and deposed in 1974. An &lit clue. | |
25 | What improves flow of southern wine from Spain (5) |
STENT – S (southern) TENT (wine from Spain). A stent is a tiny tube that your doctor can insert into a blocked passageway to keep it open. The stent restores the flow of blood or other fluids, depending on where it’s placed. As for the wine – I’ve only ever come across the name in crosswords. A deep red sweet wine chiefly from Spain, used especially as sacramental wine. | |
26 | Difficult Republican pair in Australia (7) |
ARDUOUS – R (republican) DUO (pair) [in] AUS (Australia). | |
28 | Easy, cheap bake cooked in area rich with seafood (10,3) |
CHESAPEAKE BAY – (Easy, cheap bake)* [cooked]. | |
31 | Penny-pinching sets back head of Treasury’s check on finances (5,4) |
MEANS TEST – MEAN (penny-pinching) SETS [back] -> STES [head of] Treasury. | |
33 | Wrecks — and what might cause them? (9) |
TORPEDOES – Definition and cryptic hint. | |
35 | Position-finding in Lima, say calling to drop off Victor (13) |
RADIOLOCATION – A bit of reverse cryptic here… RADIO L (Lima is the phonetic alphabet indicator for L, i.e. as heard on the radio) |
37 | Assorted charms seen around European border region (7) |
MARCHES – [Assorted] (charms)* [about] E (European). | |
38 | Expert at getting round odd parts of Dieppe (5) |
ADEPT – AT (getting round) [odd parts of] DiEpPe. | |
40 | Poor-quality trader hit badly (5-4) |
THIRD-RATE – (trader hit)* [badly]. | |
42 | Organ installed in new empty baptistery not far away (6) |
NEARBY – EAR (organ) [installed in] N (new) [empty] B |
44 | Female working to run large outfit in recession (6,4) |
CAREER GIRL – CAREER (run), L (large) RIG (oufit) [in recession] -> GIRL. | |
46 | Some pyromaniac — Nero, perhaps (5) |
ROMAN – [Some] pyROMANiac.He allegedly fiddled while Rome burned, but did he start the fire? | |
48 | Get hold of the wrong end of the stick in row chasing male dog (4,7) |
BULL TERRIER – ERR (get the wrong end of the stick) [in] TIER (row) [chasing] BULL (male). | |
50 | Old writers have English with identical style of spelling (4,6) |
OPEN SESAME – O (old) PENS (writers) E (English) SAME (identical). | |
52 | Impression capital is a cause of fall in aviation industry (3,6) |
AIR POCKET – AIR (impression) POCKET (capital). Hmm I thought POCKET for “capital” a bit of a stretch, but Chambers has “one’s personal stock of money”, so that’s OK then. | |
53 | Empire’s in trim with stirring leader (5,8) |
PRIME MINISTER -(Empire’s in trim)* [stirring]. | |
54 | Man cried (4) |
CREW – Double definition. An 8 letter clue. The only one that short that I can remember is HIJKLMNO (5). | |
55 | Make union once more upset centre about Conservative (9) |
RECONNECT – [upset] (centre)* [about] CON (Conservative). | |
56 | Cosmonaut a bit mad at urine being uncovered (7) |
GAGARIN – GAGA (a bit mad) uRINe [uncovered]. |
Down | |
1 | Some works of art in Chesterfield (4) |
SOFA – Hidden [some] in workS OF Art. | |
2 | Key coins used around northern Italian region (9) |
APENNINES – A (key with 3 sharps in the signature) PENNIES (coins) [around] N (northern). | |
3 | Work in concert to imagine the devil showing off (8,2,2,10) |
PICTURES AT AN EXHIBITION – PICTURE (imagine) SATAN (the devil) EXHIBITION (showing off). The piano piece by Modest Mussorgsky sumptuously orchestrated by Maurice Ravel. My favourite version is this electronic interpretation by IsaoTomita. | |
4 | Reason for growth projection in unit over November (7) |
ONCOGEN – COG (projection, like one of the bits sticking out from a gear wheel) [in] ONE (unit) N (November]. A bit of a tricky one, this; I had to check it before submitting as I hadn’t heard of it. Not to be confused with oncogene “a gene having the potential to cause a normal cell to become cancerous” an oncogen is “a substance or agent causing oncogenesis“ | |
5 | What publisher uses to improve look about reset insert (8,3) |
PRINTERS INK – PRINK (improve look, as in “prink and preen”) [about] [reset] (insert)*. | |
6 | Snakes end writhing, having shed skins? (9) |
NAKEDNESS – (Snakes end)* [writing]. | |
7 | Roofer starting late and after some time (5) |
8 | A noise, loud one, mostly rising up to the furthest distance (2,9) |
AD INFINITUM – A DIN (noise) F (forte; loud) I and MUTIN |
9 | Space centre’s to give work once more (6) |
ENCORE – EN (printer’s space) CORE (centre). I have crosswords to thank for knowing EN and EM | |
11 | Man running in open land and road (7) |
LEONARD – ON (running) [in] LEA (open land) RD (road). | |
12 | Tons in row following my puzzles? (9) |
MYSTERIES – T (tons) [in] SERIES (row) [following] MY. | |
13 | A suggestion of “misrobing”? This might go with green items (8,6,8) |
THOUSAND ISLAND DRESSING – A reverse cryptic [a suggestion of] “misrobing” is m (THOUSAND) is (ISLAND) robing (DRESSING) . Very clever! | |
18 | Bin last trio of artichokes and cook another vegetable (7) |
HARICOT – [bin last trio of] ARTICHO |
20 | Unable to appreciate stereo unit, watch end of DVD (3-4) |
ONE-EYED – ONE (unit) EYE (watch) [end of] DVD. | |
22 | Lover of fine dressing for pasta (8) |
MACARONI – Double definition, the first being an 18th century term for a dandy from the Neapolitan dialect. | |
24 | Mike leaves fraternity residence for pub (8) |
ALEHOUSE – A fraternity dressing might be a |
27 | Signs of dodgy passages round Bethel, I have article stolen (5) |
OBELI – O (round) BE |
29 | Fear losing first letter in misprint, perhaps (5) |
30 | See Brum’s obscure language (7) |
BURMESE – (see brum)* [obscure] | |
32 | Can bird feature in Wordsworth poem? (7) |
TINTERN – TIN (can) TERN (bird). A reference to the poem Tintern Abbey. | |
34 | Bogus article is stripped stick of a witch doctor (11) |
SHAMANISTIC – SHAM (bogus) AN (article) IS, STIC |
36 | Revealed team went for a winger (7-4) |
OUTSIDE-LEFT – OUT (revealed) SIDE (team) LEFT (went). | |
37 | A lot of March, say, mostly clear and cold for skiing area? (4,5) |
39 | King with gold I sheltered in brief scare (9) |
TERRORISE – My LOI. R (King) OR (gold) I [sheltered in] TERSE (brief). | |
41 | Old school needs to adjust about a couple of degrees (4,5) |
ALMA MATER – ALTER (adjust) [about] MA MA (a couple of degrees). | |
43 | Belted earl with tag on the run (2,5) |
AT LARGE – [belted – a new anagrind to me] (earl tag)*. | |
45 | Author with official approval, not British (7) |
47 | Runs after ruined trader (6) |
BROKER – R (runs) [after] BROKE (ruined). | |
49 | Rent concerning for northern city (5) |
RIPON – RIP (rent) ON (concerning). Not by any means a big city, but Ripon has a nice cathedral. | |
51 | Land in the centre of Albania’s capital (4) |
IRAN – [centre of] tIRANa (Albania’s capital). |
DNK oncogen but friendly wordplay. Also DNK that Chesapeake Bay was good for seafood, but most places are, outside poor old fished-out Europe.
While I’m here, I imagine the shortest clue ever was Dean’s To? (answer: MANX CAT)