Definitions underlined, (ABC)* indicating anagram of ABC, {} deletions and [] other indicators.
1 Standard document variously biased towards graduate (3,5)
PRO FORMA – two words for (therefore, “variously”) “biased towards” are PRO and FOR. The graduate is an M.A.
9 Be like a son avoiding mass again (8)
RESEMBLE – REASSEMBLE [mass again], “avoiding” A S(on)
10 Queen bearing grand letters exits (8)
EGRESSES – E.R. “bearing” G(rand), plus ESSES [letters]
11 Start of Lennon’s Imagine reworked, conveying modern message (8)
12 Fragrant wild flower with berries wet, bedraggled (10)
14 Clothing covering Dougal’s rear? (4)
KILT – KIT “covering”{douga}L, &lit, assuming Dougal is a Scotsman. LOI
15 Country hosts with good conversation (7)
CHINWAG – CHINA “hosts” W(ith), plus G(ood)
17 Picked up in the field, finally being rested (7)
GLEANED – {bein}G + LEANED [rested]. As in, gathered leftover grain after a harvest
21 Aforementioned copper since retired (4)
SAID – reversed D.I. AS [copper | since]
22 Travelling like men and woman from Battersea, maybe (10)
KENNELMAID – (LIKE MEN AND*). That’s the Battersea Dogs & Cats Home, specifically
23 Staff officer, pushy, busy with collaring squadron leader (5,3)
BRASS HAT – BRASH AT [pushy | busy with], “collaring” S{quadron}
25 Drunk during social, heading off with guile (8)
ARTFULLY – FULL [drunk] “during” {p}ARTY
26 The Spanish invested in wine for drinks cabinet.. (8)
CELLARET – EL “invested” in CLARET
27 English therefore brought round squash drink machine (8)
ESPRESSO – E(nglish) SO “brought round” PRESS. Per Chambers, this can be both the style of coffee and the machine for making it
2 At end of dinner for one, throw out another sprout (8)
REGROWTH – at {dinne}R E.G., (THROW*)
3 Licence not paid for by government, we’re told (4,4)
FREE REIN – FREE [not paid for] + homophone of REIGN
4 Hastily shift marsh plant (4)
RUSH – double def. Shift as in “move”
5 As nice as Ritz’s top cocktail (7)
ARSENIC – (NICE AS R{itz}*). That’s As, the elemental symbol
6 Regularly reuse, in gym, a training shoe (10)
ESPADRILLE – {r}E{u}S{e}, plus, in P.E., A DRILL [training]
7 Student, once being briefly with nothing to eat, being forgotten (8)
OBLIVION – O.B. [student once; as in “old boy”] + LIVIN{g} [being] “eating” 0
8 Overburdened boat crew outwardly united (8)
WEIGHTED – EIGHT, “outwardly” WED
13 Old nationalist boycotts strike, run internally (10)
BLACKSHIRT – BLACKS HIT [boycotts | strike], with R(un) “internally”
15 Ready to support service for card users (8)
CASHBACK – CASH [ready] + BACK [to support]
16 Current motorway schedule easily followed? (8)
IMITABLE – I [(electric) current] + M1 TABLE
18 Adult follows mounted troops moving part of generator (8)
ARMATURE – MATURE follows reversed R.A.
19 Scriptures record one saint taking off shortly (8)
EPISTLES – E.P. I ST, plus LES{s} [taking off, as in “nine less two”]
20 Place in office on public view lately? (7)
INSTATE – and a deceased (“late”) monarch might be on public view lying IN STATE
24 Stage dance sequence (4)
STEP – double def
Liked INSTATE when I saw it, liked ARSENIC, realise reading the blog I didn’t parse GLEANED, stopping at “picked up” and not knowing the post-harvest meaning.
Thanks setter and blogger.
And somehow picture it with a lion on the left, burping after eating a gleaner, as re-imagined by some cartoonist?
I also briefly went down the homophone/lea blind alley.
Thanks setter and V-Dog.
Time: 62 minutes.
Slight MER at V-Dog, whatever that may be…
Apart from that egregious bish, I was done in 30m.
30 mins precisely pre-brekker, so just right and great clueing.
The ‘lately’ lying in state was lost on me, but the fault is mine alone.
Thanks setter and V.
I take the two parts of BRASH AT separately: BRASH, “pushy” + AT, “busy with”—makes a rather improbable phrase if you join them.
Edited at 2022-04-01 07:00 am (UTC)
Got a RUSH from this crosswording bliss
Most ARTFULLY done
As I SAID, it was fun
I’m EMAILING a platonic kiss
Thank you, Verlaine, for GLEANED, the AT part of BRASS HAT and the LES bit of EPISTLES.
NHO CELLARET. Sounds as antiquated as ‘radiogram’.
I liked ARSENIC and was ready for it when I saw ‘As’.
Edited at 2022-04-01 07:46 am (UTC)
Enjoyable puzzle, which I solved while being pestered relentlessly by my cat, who wanted me to tickle her ears the whole time.
Thanks, v.
Managed to get ESPADRILLE, but still felt stuck, so I broke off and stroked the cat for a while – and I confess to solving REGROWTH whilst doing so. This finally triggered proper progress towards completion, finishing off in the NE with OBLIVION then RESEMBLE (where I took a couple of mins to properly solve before final-char completion). Phew – that was most enjoyable, also a much needed confidence-booster + Friday completion. Thanks V and setter
Edited at 2022-04-01 08:24 am (UTC)
I had forgotten this meaning of ‘glean’ and just bunged it in based on ‘picked up’ and field=LEA. Fortunately we don’t have to show our workings.
We have a piece of furniture which I think is a CELLARET but I still needed the wordplay for that one.
I was sure Battersea referred to the dogs home but I didn’t see the anagram for ages.
Great stuff. I liked ARSENIC.
Thanks V and setter.
Toughish today but fun.
If you’ve ever worked up north, had a tick latch on and not notice it until the end of the day, well, they’re pretty full. Grotesque and bulging ready to burst.
The SW corner also held me up before the word CELLARET (unknown to me) seemed plausible, and helped a great deal.
KENNELMAIDEN was my COD for a great word and a really well-created anagram, and my penultimate entry, before ending on INSTATE.
Thinking now, it could have started off with a pair of ellipses between 26 and 27: different nationalities bring different drink devices – the clues could reasonably join together.
Tonight Matthew, I will be wearing a BLACKSHIRT, KILT and ESPADRILLES – a fitting outfit for April Fool’s Day.
Thanks to Verlaine and the setter.
P.S. Since it’s April 1st, a tip of the hat to the late Dorset Jimbo for his superb poisson d’avril a few years ago.
Was one of the first things that popped into my mind when I noticed the date today.
A bit of a clunker with KENNELMAID (which I would have thought was two separate words) — when thinking about Battersea, I’d completely forgotten about the dogs — could only think of the power station and musing whether or not it was in SW1 (think it’s SW8) — so with the checkers available (sans the M from ARMATURE), I’d entered KINAESODIC (which means ‘conveying motion’) with a vague notion that KIN = ‘men and women’ and baffled about the rest!
No idea about that meaning of GLEANED (I also went for LEA = field), but needed that to finally get OBLIVION (and then RESEMBLE), and ARMATURE (and finally to figure out KENNELMAID)
Thanks to setter and Verlaine.
FOI Espresso
LOI Brass hat
COD Arsenic
KILT my last in, terrified that it might be some abstruse Scottish word for bottom that I didn’t know. A much appreciated miniature, cheeky (?) little &lit when the light dawned.