Thanks to Wurm for the workout – there were a few tricky bits of parsing along the way.
1 Black lagoon swirling in city (7)
BOLOGNA – Anagram (swirling) of [LAGOON] after B{lack}, to give the northern Italian city.
5 Never right, agriculturist comes to prominence (4)
FAME – FA{r}ME{r} (FARMER = agriculturist), but drops the letters R (never right).
7 Major artery in Longleat Road to the west (5)
AORTA – Reverse (to the west) hidden in {longle}AT ROA{d}.
8 Private taxi almost back in one minute, making turn (7)
MINICAB – BAC{k} (almost back) IN (in) I (one) M{inute) all reversed (making turn).
10 There’s nothing in Kenilworth (3)
NIL – Hidden in {ke}NIL{worth}. There are more than 22,000 residents in Warwickshire that might disagree with this statement.
11 UK decried broken down supplier (5,4)
EIDER DUCK – Anagram (broken) of [UK DECRIED]. Nice surface here, requiring ‘broken down’ to be lifted and separated, and then DOWN to be combined with SUPPLIER.
13 Judge I see with priest and prophet (6)
ELIJAH – ELI (the only priest in Crosswordland) with J{udge} and AH! (I see!).
14 Person who may register twenty runs? (6)
SCORER – SCORE (twenty) and R{uns}, although this could also be a cryptic, all-in-one definition.
17 Vibration caused by roller in good condition? (5,4)
SOUND WAVE – SOUND (in good condition) and WAVE (roller). The question mark is because there are other types of roller.
19 Stable employee maybe happy, heading off (3)
LAD – gLAD (happy, dropping first letter (heading off)).
20 Roll containing old chicken (7)
ROOSTER – ROSTER (roll) containing O{ld}. Something of a chestnut.
22 Cover and centre of magazine in yellow colour (5)
TOPAZ – TOP (cover) and {mag}AZ{ine} (centre).
23 Sailor on street to attack with knife (4)
STAB – ST (street) and AB (sailor – able-bodied).
24 Impulse to stop boy becoming doctor (7)
SURGEON – URGE (impulse) inside (stopping) SON (boy).
1 Beer artisan brewed is a problem (11)
BRAINTEASER – Anagram (brewed) of [BEER ARTISAN].
2 German siren from tradition that is left over (7)
LORELEI – LORE (tradition) and IE (that is, or id est) and L{eft} reversed (over). Die Lorelei is a siren of German mythology.
3 Good dance party given by police in cemetary (9)
GRAVEYARD – G{ood} with RAVE (dance party) and YARD (police – Scotland Yard).
4 Weapon a lawyer in America ships (6)
ARMADA – ARM (weapon) and A DA (a district attorney – a lawyer in America).
5 Enjoyment in pool curtailed (3)
FUN – FUN{d} (pool = fund, curtailed = drop the last letter).
6 Scotsman needing gold in gambling mecca (5)
MACAU – MAC (Scotsman) and AU (gold – chemical symbol). MACAU (pronounced mc cow) is a gamblers paradise, ex-Portuguese city, part of the People’s Republic of China).
9 Thirteen loaves? (6,5)
BAKER’S DOZEN – Cryptic hint. Any set of 13 items can be called a BAKER’S DOZEN (or devil’s dozen or long dozen). Google BAKER’S DOZEN to find out why.
12 Fish product around box on river in Kentish Town (9)
ROCHESTER – ROE (fish product) around CHEST (box) and followed by R{iver}.
15 Pearls cast before swine finally to deteriorate (7)
RELAPSE – Anagram (cast) of [PEARLS] followed by {swin}E (finally).
16 Crazy artists making medium-hot curry (6)
MADRAS – MAD (crazy) and RAS (Royal Academicians – artists).
18 Sinking vessel about to explode (1-4)
U-BOAT – Anagram (to explode) of [ABOUT].
21 Slow boat contrary to expectation capsized (3)
TUB – BUT (contrary to expectation) reversed (capsized).
I did not finish within my target times, but took 10:52.
Thought EIDER DUCK was a superb clue though.
Thanks Wurm and Rotter.
Also struggled with the city at 1ac
Neat puzzle
Thanks Wurm and Rotter
FOI: BOLOGNA unusual for me to get an anagram on first look followed by BRAINTEASER another anagram.
LOI: SCORER for no other reason than it was the last one I looked at.
COD: All of them, some lovely definitions and surfaces.
SURGEON eventually came when I paid it some attention. Helped by the recently added MADRAS (which I tried to overthink).
That gave me ROCHESTER – I kept thinking case = box which doesn’t fit. Ultimately the clue combines my least two favoured areas of trivia – food and geography.
SOUND-WAVE did for me, as I could only think of SOUND-BASE for “good condition”. And that was plopped in at 20:03.
In an earlier parse I’d thought FAME/FUN but couldn’t parse them at all and took them out. So they were staring down at me throughout without any further help from unseen checkers waiting. It took another 1-2 mins for funD to present itself, BIFD FAME and register the DNF.
LORELEI/ELIJAH held me up with the parsing.
FOI – BAKERS-DOZEN. I thought this was a straight definition of one. Didn’t seem cryptic.
COD – ARMADA. Made me laugh that I even went back and reread the clue instead of moving on.
You don’t get anything in this game for a DNF.
Finished just under target in 9.54.
Thanks to Rotter
Agree lots of good surfaces, liked brainteaser, eider duck and graveyard.
LOI Rochester.
Liked EIDER DUCK a lot, GRAVEYARD was my LOI.
TIME 5:19
ELIJAH aside, I enjoyed the rest of the puzzle and made good progress, finishing in just 24 minutes. SOUND WAVE was a clever clue and MADRAS brought a smile to my face.
Mrs Random took 30 minutes today, but her avoidance of errors means she takes the family point today … as usual, of course.
Many thanks to Wurm and Rotter.
I looked in all the usual sources and found only Chambers has J for judge. It’s not in the Oxfords nor in printed Collins, but you would find it in the online version of Collins in the American sections.
Wikipedia (not one of the usual sources when it comes to language etc) would seem to confirm your suggestion: J, an abbreviated title of a High Court judge (in Law Reports, etc.), e.g. Bloggs J.
It’s rumoured that The Times has a limited list of permitted single-letter abbreviations and this one would appear to be on it as I have seen it many a time, but it does seem a bit of an oddity. Unlike say, J = Jack, which is in standard use in card games.
Edited at 2022-03-31 11:29 am (UTC)
Solved over lunch so not timed; nearer 15 minutes than 10.
A slow start but once 1d went in, a lot came quickly. COD to EIDER DUCK but liked SURGEON and others.
Not all parsed before entering. Helpful that I used to visit Rochester regularly. Haven’t been since lockdown.
As a student it was regular practice to stagger into the local “indian” for sustenance after a night of binge drinking. A phaal curry was regarded as de riguer. Rigor mortis was not far away. Its sounds like the Carolina Reaper is a close relative. I shall pass on without hesitation.
COD – 11ac EIDER DUCK, with 14ac running it a close second.
We need the j for judge to compile an authoritative — not to mention consistent — list.
Cod eider duck but liked armada
DNK 2dn “Lorelei” — but it was obtainable. Main hold up though was 17ac “Sound Wave”, where it seemed to take an age before I twigged the last part.
FOI — 6dn “Macau”
LOI — 17ac “Sound Wave”
COD — 11ac “Eider Duck”
Thanks as usual!
Roy Mathers
The abbreviations are covered in the Times for The Times Glossary. You will find a link to it somewhere towards the top of your screen depending on the device you are using. On a standard PC/laptop it’s on the RH side.
The grid going green is something that happens when you complete a puzzle correctly online at The Times newspaper / crossword club site and click ‘submit’. If you have errors they will be highlighted in red.