I enjoyed the puzzle a lot, with plenty of entry points but a lot of clues that needed some thought to put down with confidence. I was host by my biffer’s petard on more than one occasion, entering first SEMIDEMIQUAVERS and then trying out HEMI in various configurations until ANCHORED finally swam into view. Likewise I *always* but always spell it CACCHINATE on the first try, by false analogy to Gracchus or Bacchus or something I’ll be bound.
My compliments to the setter for a not at all 25dn Friday outing!
1 Cockney worker accepting dull job fast (8)
6 With this music, see the joint jumping? (3-3)
HIP-HOP – in which we see HIP [the joint] HOP
9 For all to see, what FDR did for the world (6)
URANUS – U [for all to see, at the cinema] + RAN US [what FDR did, between 1933 and 45]
10 Game ending in hullabaloo, filming abandoned (4-4)
MINI-GOLF – ({hullabalo)O + FILMING*) [“abandoned”]
11 What’s said to drive away mule? (4)
SHOE – homophone of SHOO!
12 Wrongly believed hotel is obliged to put on film (10)
MISTHOUGHT – H OUGHT [hotel | is obliged to], put on MIST [film]
14 Swindle flourished: moneylenders flee (8)
FLIMFLAM – FL. I.M.F. LAM [flourished | moneylenders | flee]
16 Volume’s dedication to its author? (4)
TOME – or TO ME, a dedication by an author to themself!
18 Turn down short side road (4)
SPUR – SPUR{n} [turn down, “short”]
19 As Di having left, lively party’s ending (8)
QUASHING – QUA SHIN{di}G [as | lively party, with DI “having left”]
21 A commotion’s beginning in church — natural to laugh (10)
CACHINNATE – A C{ommotion} in CH, + INNATE [natural]
22 French writer rejected fancy English (4)
GIDE – reversed DIG [fancy, as in like] + E
24 Gas that is to escape slowly after houseroom evacuated (8)
SCHMOOZE – SC. [that is] + OOZE [escape slowly] after H{ouseroo}M
26 Unconventional lad, tho’ far from fashionable (3,3)
OLD HAT – (LAD THO*) [“unconventional”]
27 Men rebuked for bloomer (6)
ORCHID – O.R. CHID [men | rebuked]
28 Light oriental dish around noon, one without starter (8)
SUNSHINE – SUSHI around N, + {o}NE
2 Player given hand, being latest in series to receive gold (5)
NORTH – NTH [latest in series] to “receive” OR [gold]. One of the four players dealt a hand in the game of bridge.
3 Old barbarian — cause of complaint — leading demo (6,5)
HUNGER MARCH – HUN GERM ARCH [old barbarian | cause of complaint | leading]
4 Sort of mirror on small badge cut off (8)
RESEMBLE – RE S EMBLE{m} [on | small | badge, “cut off”]. If you resemble someone, you sort of mirror them, sort of?
5 Tremble when passing notes around, short ones (15)
DEMISEMIQUAVERS – QUAVER [tremble], when DEMISE MIS [passing | notes] “around”
6 Big cheese sandwich on cholesterol-packed wraps (6)
HONCHO – hidden in {sandwic}H ON CHO{lesterol-packed}
7 Drop litter and stuff (3)
PIG – double def. “Pig” means both “to give birth to pigs”, and “to eat greedily”.
8 American monk with a halo that’s slipping (9)
OKLAHOMAN – (MONK + A HALO*) [“slipping”]
13 The responsibility of school to carry out: head of history fired (2,2,4,3)
UP TO HIGH DOH – UP TO HIGH [the responsibility of school] + DO [to carry out] + H{istory}. I’d never heard of this expression (thankfully the cryptic was straightforward!) but it does indeed mean “in a state of great excitement or agitation”. Not to be confused with being “for the high jump”, which could be a different kind of fired!
15 Erotic performer’s comeback reportedly overlooked by Hollywood police? (3,6)
LAP DANCER – homophone of ANSWER [comeback], preceded by L.A.P.D. [Hollywood police]
17 What old sailors must follow to go beyond headland (4,4)
CAPE HORN – EH O R.N. [what | old | sailors] must follow CAP [to go beyond]
20 Hanging underneath leg, sway (2,4)
ON HOLD – HOLD [sway], underneath ON [(cricket) leg]
23 Last of liquid? Tip it down sink (5)
DRAIN – {liqui}D + RAIN [tip it down, rather British-idiomatically]
25 One’s not moved border up (3)
MEH – reversed HEM [border]. An expression of indifference or boredom, which surely only a Victorian queen would feel the need to express as “one is not moved” instead.
But surely a VIctorian queen would say “we are not moved”!
Other than that, some clever stuff, I thought.
DNK CACHINNATE nor UP TO HIGH DOH. Thanks Verlaine for those and for DEMISEMIQUAVERS and FLIMFLAM. I didn’t know that meaning. Thought it just meant waffle.
Putting PUP didn’t help with MINI GOLF. It gave me MINI POLO which didn’t work, obviously.
Edited at 2020-01-17 08:00 am (UTC)
21′ 20″ thanks verlaine and setter.
Edited at 2020-01-17 08:14 am (UTC)
I think I must be a bit too literal-minded for certain kinds of puzzle. Or just dim.
CACHINNATE has come up a few times over the years, mostly in Jeff Pearce puzzles on Sundays, and I recognised it this time, perhaps for the first time ever.
I agonised a bit at the end over 7dn. PEG might conceivably mean ‘drop’, and I didn’t know the ‘drop litter’ meaning of PIG. It seemed feasible though so in the end I went with the answer where I had at least a working theory of how the clue might work.
Clearly, I’m the old-fashioned type as I wanted to put in FAN DANCER for a while. Glad I didn’t, as FLIMFLAM and SPUR were hard enough with the right crossers. At least I know that I don’t know how to spell CACHINNATE, despite having had a stab at learning some Latin last year…
49 minutes, and probably only that fast because I got DEMISEMIQUAVER in right off that bat. WOD QUASHING.
CoD to RESEMBLE for resisting longest and having the sort of definition which sends you chasing after obscure technical terms. Mirrors I conjectured included rosemill, rustmold and rassmile, any of which and more could be possible.
CACHINNATE was unknown to me, and I didn’t parse the DEMISEMIQUAVERS – I seem to remember SEMIHEMIDEMISEMIQUAVERS from my piano-playing days – or figure out why RESEMBLE meant ‘sort of mirror’. GIDE went in quicker than it would have done if he hadn’t been almost identically clued in a recent crossword.
COD probably CAPE HORN for some sneaky wordplay and a natural-sounding surface.
11a across reminded me of the time I went for an interview for a summer job with a farrier. He asked me if I’d ever shoed a horse before. I said “no, but I once told a donkey to f*$k off”.
Anyway, bravo setter and thanks V.
However once I sat down to the puzzle on my return I could see it looked very difficult so did not waste time and came here.
My main reason for commenting is that I vividly remember hearing “up to high doh” from my late Scottish mother-in-law; a phrase she often used.
And I was considering PUP at 7d when I gave up.
The newly restored SNITCH shows it only slightly harder than yesterday’s (135 vs 122) but I found it much tougher.
DNF even with aids.
17dn CAPE HORN – well I never! IKEAN with the wrong instructions.
28 ac SUNSHINE that was IKEAN with the correct instructions, DOH!
DNK 13dn UP TO HIGH DOH but it was passable and parsable.
I need a stiff drink and a 15dn
Thanks to V for parsing FLIMFLAM and DEMISEMIQUAVERS. I parsed QUASHING and HONCHO afterwards. The latter was more “duh” than “doh”, which was NHO. Didn’t care for PIG.
FOI HIP-HOP (another thing I don’t care for)
TIME 17:47
For me, although I tried to be restrained above, I did not bother even to look up the last three answers – I cannot remember the last time that I lost interest in a Times crossword. For Penfold it was the best if the year.
I don’t think CACHINNATE, a great word, is used often enough these days. I am going to insert it as soon as possible into a conversation.
Edited at 2020-01-17 04:53 pm (UTC)
That aside, this was a tough one for me. UP TO THE DOH seemed too Homeric to be right (but was), and CACHINNATE was to be found only on the highest, least-used shelf of my memory. QUASHING, SCHMOOZE and several others also held me up.
I thought it was a great puzzle, thanks to the setter and to Verlaine.
Perhaps they use internet aids, but surely the true test is whether you can solve it on paper, enthroned.