Hope you all had a great Yuletide season and I’ll see you again next week for my first blog of 2020. Where do so many years even go?
1 Adapt charge reduced by Persian, say (8)
ACCUSTOM – ACCUS{e} [charge “reduced”] by TOM [(male) Persian (cat), say]
9 I see entertaining creature of habit in swamp (8)
INUNDATE – I DATE [I | see] “entertaining” NUN [creature of habit (groan)]
10 Crawling maid playing with toys (8)
TOADYISM – (MAID + TOYS*) [“playing”]
11 Popular sci-fi writer keeps a thousand objects on desk (8)
INKWELLS – IN WELLS [popular | sci-fi writer] “keeps” K [a thousand]
12 Scientific study of male and others with illness (10)
METALLURGY – M + ET AL + LURGY [male | and others | illness]
14 Where men go, but not in river (4)
URAL – UR{in}AL [where men go, minus IN]
15 Having will still, holding animals back (7)
TESTACY – YET [still] “holding” CATS [animals], the whole reversed
17 Moving quickly around edge in clergyman’s office (7)
PRIMACY – PACY [moving quickly] “around” RIM [edge]
21 In speech, went for ancient Briton (4)
PICT – homophone of PICKED [went for]
22 Fraudster to launch Internet loan provider (10)
MOUNTEBANK – or, alternatively punctuated, MOUNT E-BANK
23 European’s broken rake? It’s for the better (8)
ROULETTE – “break” ROUE [rake] with LETT [European] for something a bettor might enjoy
25 Poet maintaining Queen and Empress is rowdy (8)
LARRIKIN – LARKIN [poet Philip] “maintaining” R + I [Queen and Empress, as in Regina and Imperatrix (I think)]
26 Wicked person to abandon sin (3-5)
SHE-DEVIL – or SHED EVIL [abandon | sin]
27 Perspective agreed about Welsh location (8)
ANGLESEY – ANGLE [perspective] + reversed YES [agreed]
2 Problem seeing or hearing what’s needed for Roman eleven (5-3)
CROSS-EYE – someone might just about read out XI as “cross, I”
3 Weakly perform dance turn, nearly stumbling (8)
UNDERACT – (DANCE TUR{n}*) [“stumbling”]
4 One blocking revolutionary group in Labour (4)
TOIL – I [one] “blocking” reversed LOT [group]
5 Dirty clothing Mike is taking off (7)
MIMICRY – MIRY [dirty] “clothing” MIC [mike]
6 Failure by person on the left in dance (6,4)
TURKEY TROT – TURKEY [failure] + TROT [person on the left (wing)]
7 Resort with killer retail area at first (8)
MALLORCA – ORCA [killer], MALL [retail area] at first
8 Women’s stand on extremes of lechery: it’s treacherous (8)
WEASELLY – W [women] has EASEL [stand] on L{echer}Y
13 Crazy reason one is found on-line (10)
LOCOMOTIVE – or LOCO MOTIVE [crazy | reason]. That’s “on a railway line”.
15 Jumpers, with underwear included, for military chiefs (3,5)
TOP BRASS – TOPS [jumpers] “including” BRAS [underwear]
16 Private Harry cuddles without energy (8)
SECLUDED – (CUDDLES*) [“harry”], “without” (as in outside of) E [energy]
18 One’s phone rings in rally (8)
MOBILISE – I’S [one’s] “ringed” by MOBILE [phone]
19 Common criminal initially sorry (8)
CONTRITE – TRITE [common], with CON [criminal] initially
20 Polish articles from Madrid leading to complaint (7)
RUBELLA – RUB [polish] + EL LA [(two) articles from Madrid]
24 Carrier holding rook or crow (4)
BRAG – BAG [carrier] “holding R [rook]
I didn’t understand I for Empress in LARRIKIN but now it has come up perhaps we shall see more of it and less of I = current.
Inkwells on desks, to go with the Dickensian theme perhaps? I might have expected a question mark at the end of that clue.
Edited at 2019-12-27 05:44 am (UTC)
Edited at 2019-12-27 06:53 am (UTC)
Anyway, I’m crying foul, since this is a clue that was patently designed with our Cambrian blogger in mind. To say nothing of his Concise time today. Disgraceful!
I lived in Sydney for 20 years and ran with the Sydney Larrikin Hash House Harriers but always thought LARRIKIN just meant a loveable rogue not someone who was necessarily rowdy or boisterous. You live and learn. COD to URAL.
Edited at 2019-12-27 09:18 am (UTC)
*I say “of course”, but it occurs to me that I may be more inkwell-adjacent than I think, having visited the occasional pen expo. I shall keep an eye out at the South West Pen Show if I pop along in February; if I pay attention I might actually see an inkwell being used…
Edited at 2019-12-27 09:56 am (UTC)
Enjoyed LARRIKIN, was held up by SECLUDED as fixated on cuddles = hugs. Also banged in ‘testate’ which led to some problems.
I have never known why Majorca became MALLORCA in English. I have walked about half of the ANGLESEY coastal path, must go back and finish it sometime.
Thanks verlaine and setter.
I found this an entertaining puzzle with lots of tight clueing to admire. Hard to pick a COD but I’ll go with my LOI MOBILISE given how such a concise clue had me barking up the wrong tree for a good while.
I started really well, but ground to a halt in the NE corner after 8 minutes. It took me 75% longer to finish the three offending clues. I had to alpha-trawl WEASELLY, and then the penny (or 20p most times now) dropped for my COD. My LOI quickly followed.
TIME 13:54
Got stuck with seeing testate rather than testacy and metallurgy needed all the links before I finally cracked it to complete the puzzle.
LARRIKIN, of course, was my LOI.
Only real sticking point was not knowing whether LARRAKIN or LARRIKIN was the correct spelling.