As I say I did like 1dn and surely everyone likes a good &lit as at 20dn, but either my blogging powers are failing me or there’s not a lot to say about many of these clues! I did enjoy myself so thanks to the setter, but I just might go off and do another TLS now I think…
1 Page studied on historical period showing development of corporation (6-3,6)
MIDDLE-AGE SPREAD – P READ [page | studied] on MIDDLE AGES [historical period]
9 New star in computing or creator of latest technology (9)
INNOVATOR – N NOVA [new | star] in I.T. OR [computing | or]
10 Vessel harboured in Murmansk if foggy (5)
SKIFF – “harboured” in {murman}SK IF F{oggy}
11 To send almost empty supplies is negligent (6)
REMISS – REMI{t} [to send “almost”] + S{upplie}S [“empty” supplies]
12 Assailant mauled after releasing second dog (8)
13 Additionally unpleasant smell’s penetrating honk (2,4)
TO BOOT – B.O. penetrating TOOT
15 I allow clothes back on in the dark (8)
IGNORANT – I GRANT “clothes” the reverse of ON
18 Carrying piece of hose (8)
STOCKING – double definition
19 Highlight hair on sister’s head (6)
STRESS – TRESS on S{ister}
21 Unreliable leader in cushy job given sideways move (8)
INSECURE – a cushy job is a SINECURE; move its first letter two places to the right
23 Minor damage by area left of teeth (6)
DENTAL – DENT [minor damage] by A L [area | left]
26 One has raced around after daughter — it may lead to exhaustion! (5)
DRAIN – I has RAN around, after D
27 Smuggler demanding an arm and a leg? (9)
GUNRUNNER – a GUN is an arm, and a LEG is a runner, more or less
28 A dash, say, to go in Geordie version of a drop scone (3-3-5,4)
EGG-AND-SPOON RACE – E.G. GAN [say | to go “in Geordie”] + (A DROP SCONE*)
1 Great, I’m perplexing brilliant solver (7)
2 Material that’s dug up (5)
DENIM – reverse of MINED
3 I have way to break security device for farm animals (9)
4 Article upset Italian opponent (4)
ANTI – AN + reverse of IT
5 Mufflers are incredibly soft on appropriate parts of the body (8)
6 Glue running short? Attach a staple (5)
PASTA – PAST{e}, attach to which A
7 Abolish European restriction confining sodium intake at last (9)
ELIMINATE – E LIMIT [European | restriction] confining NA [sodium] + {intak}E
8 Not working is enjoyable in period around Christmas time (7)
DEFUNCT – FUN in DEC [period around Christmas] + T [time]
14 Snake prospers with tongue half out (9)
BOOMSLANG – BOOMS [prospers] + LANG{uage}
16 Going off like a Catherine wheel? (2,3,4)
ON THE TURN – if there’s one thing that Catherine wheels do, it’s turn
17 One never reacting to foul ingrates (5,3)
18 Large diamonds lifted in rogue’s scam (7)
SWINDLE – reverse of L D [large | diamonds] in SWINE
20 Start to spend pence and pounds on impulse? (7)
SPLURGE – S{pend} + P [pence] + L [pounds] on URGE [impulse], &lit
22 List of works including chapter by prolific author, perhaps (5)
CANON – C [chapter] by ANON – surely the most credited, albeit mysterious, author of all time
24 Not from the South Georgia archipelago (5)
TONGA – NOT running from south to north + GA
25 Release setter, maybe, that’s no good at all (4)
UNDO – {g}UNDO{g} losing all of its G’s for good.
BOOMSLANG is, of course, the only album to date by Johnny Marr and the Healers.
I very much enjoyed gUNDOg. If it’s a chestnut it’s a new one to me.
A strange experience solving on my android phone, so mostly peering through a letterbox and with a greatly increased chance of typos as the keyboard struggled to keep up. I’d like to think my high twenties time would be a lot less in more normal circumstances, as practically everthing went in on the nod once I had corrected faulty crossers. I also liked UNDO for its sweet little device. Parsing EGG &c took a while, partly because I couldn’t see all of the entry at any one time, and partly because I expected Geordie to signal NE.
It all started so well – FOI 1dn MAIGRET but LOI 14dn BOOMSLANG was unknown – I assumed the snake was Australian but it trns out to hail from South Africa. Bless!
28ac EGG AND SPOON RACE was sheer torture when it came to parse – dear me! Rottenest clue of the year!
No COD No WOD not much from Verlaine either.
horryd Shanghai
How many solvers does it take to change a lightbulb?
Three. One to shove the bulb in, another to point out that while the bulb may work the instructions that came with it don’t entirely make sense, and a third to recall the time when lightbulbs didn’t come with instructions and you had to use your imagination.
Alternative suggestions welcomed.
Edited at 2016-08-05 11:40 am (UTC)
DNK the snake, but I think I said that last time it came up. Anyway, what sort of self-respecting deadly snake chooses not to live in Australia?
Having read the first paragraph of Verlaine’s TLS blog, I’m now going to go back and attempt my first TLS solve. Hope there’s not too much in there about books and stuff.
Have a good weekend everyone. Thanks setter and V.
I thought your Times Lightbulb Swapping was also pretty blatant promotion.
Edited at 2016-08-05 09:31 am (UTC)
G(UNDO)G my fav.
Now to spend a few hours on the TLS… I might learn something.
Very Mondayish. 15.35.
38 minutes, but delayed somewhat by watching the goings-on in Galle. Congratulations to Herath on his hat-trick.
And almost made it so myself (the power of expectation?) by starting to throw in INVENTOR (no, me neither) at 9a, and, being a diehard ink-and-treeware solver then having to spend much of the time in the NW corner navigating round blobs of crossed out wrongness.
Stopped the clock at 15.12 even despite that, and not knowing the snake – it being my LOI once the wordplay penny finally dropped.
COD for me probably the &lit at 20d – largely because I actually spotted it, normally they’re right up there (down?) with spoonerisms on “completely failing to see” list
Loosely linked to one of yesterday’s clues (Aussie native) and one of today’s, what’s the difference between a kangaroo and a kangaroot?
One’s an Australian marsupial, the other’s a Geordie stuck in a lift.
Thanks to V and especially to the setter.
Loved gUNDOg.
Edited at 2016-08-05 04:04 pm (UTC)
A pleasant, straightforward solve with some nice touches.
PS: I think your parsing of 28ac needs a minor adjustment: GAN = “to go” in Geordie; D SPOON RACE = version of “a drop scone”.
Outside the 2 x Magoo target though!
Edited at 2016-08-05 10:28 pm (UTC)