Solving time : 16:58 on the club timer, and it appears I am the first horse home so to speak, though I suspect by the time I finish up the blog there’ll be a few more times up there. To me, this was considerably more difficult than the first three this week, though in the end I completely understand everything, and most answers went in from understanding both the wordplay and the definition – I didn’t know the food at 24 down, but the wodrplay is clear.
So what made it difficult? A few jargon words (one of which I suspect is making its Times debut), one long and tricky anagram and some unusual two-word phrases.
Just finished writing this up and there’s still only two correct submissions, both close to my time, so maybe this is tricksome.
Away we go…
Across | |
1 | UPLAND: the end of yoU, then PLANNED without NE (Northumberland presumably being in the Northeast) |
5 | SACK RACE: SACK is rifle, then R(runs),ACE(expert) |
9 | TRACKS DOWN: double definition, one of them cryptic |
10 | M,ALE: M being the spy chief most recently played by Judi Dench |
11 | COL,OR,ADO |
12 | RETAIN: E.T. in RAIN |
13 | HOKI: H then alternating letters in cOoKs It – a southern hemisphere fish |
15 | TOTE BAGS: AG in (BEST,TO)* |
18 | BEVERAGE: liked this clue a lot – EVER in BAGE |
19 | S,END: the first S coming from the end of terminuS |
21 | TATTOO: double definition, and my last in |
23 | PLATFORM: type of sole and policy |
25 | VISA: VISIT with the IT removed then A(nnulled) |
26 | SCANDALISE: the images are SCANS with Salvador DALI inside, then the first letter of Exhibition |
27 | IN CHARGE: INCH then take the first letter away from LARGE |
28 | PHYSIO: sounds like FIZZY,O |
Down | |
2 | PORNO: “Blue items” – RN in P(penny) and two 0’s(loves) |
3 | ANCHORITE: A,N,CHORE holding IT(information technology) |
4 | DISMAL: hidden |
5 | SLOW ON THE UPTAKE: anagram of (P,TO,US,HE,KNEW,A,LOT) |
6 | CONTRITE: excellent clue – the definition is just “sorry”, and the rest is NO reversed in CT, then sounds like RIGHT(justice) |
7 | REMIT: M in TIER reversed |
8 | CALLING ON: A,L in CLING ON(hold desperately) |
14 |
17 | CAROUSER: 0 in CAR USER – this held me up a while |
20 | PAID UP: I |
22 | TEACH: A(top grade) in TECH(college) |
24 | ROSTI: ROAST without the middle, then I – German potato fritter |
All correct and parsed today (except, reading through the blog, I realise I hadn’t worked out SCANDALISE), and all done in about 30 mins, except for TATTOO, which took another 10 minutes or so of head scratching.
ANCHORITE and HOKI unknown, but worked out from wordplay.
There was a lot of originality here, except for ‘carouser’, which verges on a chestnut.
After the initial response on Tuesday asking me to supply links to examples there has been no further progress on the spam front. It appears that LJ support relies entirely on the good will of unpaid volunteers to respond to problems and there is no official channel to alert management to the fact that they have buggered things up with their latest release. Unless you know different? If you have any suggestions how to take things forward please let me know either by posting here or sending a message by clicking on my user id.
Edited at 2013-06-06 09:27 am (UTC)
A lot of clues made me smile as the penny dropped, VISA and TRACKS DOWN especially.
Edited at 2013-06-06 01:04 am (UTC)
It’s actually Swiss but goes very nicely with a full English.
9ac reminded me of an old BR station announcement: “The 9:45 is running an hour late due to a badger on the line”.
I agree with Ulaca on the parsing of PAID UP.
A query on 8, where the preposition doesn’t feel quite right. Calling on suggests visiting in person, whereas using the telephone would be more naturally calling up. Probably just splitting hairs.
I SO wanted 22 “Work with pupils” to be WATCH, but unfortunately the rest of the clue didn’t agree.
CoD to BASHFULLY, the widest smile of several in this entertainment.
I agree with keriothe that some of the definitions were obvious, and I didn’t even bother unpicking the anagram fodder for 5dn.
There are some very good clues in here, with fine surfaces. The trouble is the definitions were often obvious, so I bunged in a lot without bothering with the wordplay. So a puzzle that will be enjoyed more by those who pause to take in the scenery than those of us who are absurdly obsessed with how fast we can do the things. What can I say? C’est plus fort que moi.
No unknowns today. Like Tim I’m much better on grub than plants. I wonder if hoki will stay in the shops now that we’re allowed to eat cod again.
Edited at 2013-06-06 08:44 am (UTC)
FOI Rosti and LOI Beverage. Beverage and Anchorite held me up for a long time at the end. I hadn’t heard of Anchorite but eventually worked out the wordplay.
Edited at 2013-06-06 11:27 am (UTC)
COD to 17 – lovely surface.
–from Ximenes on the Art of the Crossword
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