The 15-letter anagrams went in almost at once and I thought I was in for another easy ride on my blogging day but I came to a standstill several times with a couple of unknowns and the NE quarter putting up a lot of resistance. Some of it was dead easy though so I can’t really explain why it took me a couple of minutes short of an hour. No hidden answer today but plenty of chopping off ends of words.
* = anagram
Across |
1 | ABERRANT – BE inside ARRANT (out-and-out) |
5 |
GAFFER – GAFFE (mistake),R |
10 | SEPTUAGENARIANS – (SPAIN GUARANTEES)* – I wonder if we shall hear from Jimbo about this one from his holiday! I’m not too keen on it myself as I notch up another year next month. |
11 | NANNIES – N,ANNIE’S – A reference to Orphan Annie of strip cartoon, radio and musical fame. There’s a rather good anecdote about Noel Coward’s reaction on attending the musical version starring a young Bonnie Langford but it’s somewhat rude. |
12 |
IGNORED – N (knight) inside IGOR (prince) + |
13 | LIKE HELL |
15 |
EAT IN – E |
18 | ONE UP |
20 | ENDOCARP – END (object),0,CARP (complain). Can’t say that I recognised this word for a part of a fruit, but I have probably met and forgotten it. |
23 |
25 |
26 | LEAGUE OF NATIONS – (A FELONIOUS AGENT)*. I liked the misdirection in the definition “Pacific group”. |
27 |
28 |
Down | |
1 | ARSINE – (IS NEAR)* – not sure I knew this poisonous gas, but it didn’t take much working out. |
2 | EXPENSIVE – EX (partner that was), PENSIVE (thoughtful). |
3 | ROUTINE – IN (batting) inside ROUTE (run). |
4 | NEGUS – N,EG,US |
6 |
ARRANGE – ARRAN (island), G |
7 | FLAIR – Sounds like “flare” |
9 |
UNTILLED – UNTIL (before), L |
16 | TURKEY OAK – TURKEY (bird) + A inside OK (up to scratch). Didn’t know this tree. On edit: Thanks to anon for pointing out my slip-up. |
17 |
19 | PURSUER – SUE (petition) inside PURR (sound pleased) |
21 | CHUNTER – C (about), HUNTER (Nimrod) |
22 | SEASON – Double definition. I’d wager I wasn’t the only one to put “lesson” here and there’s possibly a case to be made for it. There’s no doubt about the intended answer though, once spotted. |
24 | TRAMP – Double definition. |
25 |
Edited at 2012-11-02 02:45 am (UTC)
2dn straight in via the great philosopher K. Richards and his cohort, The X-Pensive Winos.
On coming here, I see I fell into the ‘lesson’ trap too – another top clue.
Edited at 2012-11-02 03:45 am (UTC)
Speaking of weather, I made heavy of this at 29 minutes for some reason. Just could not seem to get the 5a and 7d combo.
I really enjoy working out unknowns from wordplay, and boy was there a lot to enjoy here: ENDOCARP, NAPERY, ARSINE, FORMALIN, EVERSION, TURKEY OAK.
I wrote in LESSON but fortunately wasn’t happy with it and gave it another couple of minutes’ thought at the end.
At 1d, I wondered if there was a variant spelling for SARIN, which messed up that corner for starters, especially since 10a didn’t instantly unravel for me – not least because “parents” is part of the anagram.
Several dredged from distant shores of memory: NAPERY, MITHRAS, ENDOCARP. TURKEY OAK invented in order to solve the puzzle. Googling it leads to Waitrose’ Christmas offerings as well as the apparently common enough tree.
My CoD goes to the relatively benign but amusing FORMALIN, though like others I admired the “Pacific group” misdirection.
Napery was last in based on checkers and a vague recollection of the word so thanks for the explanation of how that worked, ditto re routine where I, too, saw R + OUT/IN with the E unexplained.
Lots of terrific clues, the pick of which for me was DEERSKIN. thanks to Jack for the blog and the setter for the puzzle.
Glad to hear you’re OK Kevin, have we now heard from the full set?
BTW does anyone have trouble printing off the puzzle in grey (to save toner) from the club site? I have discovered that if it comes up black on print preview, cancel that and select it again and it comes up grey. Maybe it’s just my system?
B. Spain
Grey printing still doesn’t work if you print from the newspaper though unless you cancel the print and re-order it.
Edited at 2012-11-02 11:44 am (UTC)
Re Ignored: does Igor refer to Borodin’s Prince?
Did half of this very quickly then I ground to a halt. Agree with others, some very good clues here.
Edited at 2012-11-02 03:06 pm (UTC)
Fortunately I couldn’t convince myself that LESSON = “recipe”, so spent nearly as long searching for an alternative – and eventually finding the required answer, though I was still a little nervous about it as I am with anything to do with food.
An interesting puzzle.
Edited at 2012-11-03 10:09 am (UTC)
For those who don’t have access to the Club, here’s what I have posted there:
“It has just been brought to my attention that the solution to this clue published in the newspaper (and the electronic version thereof) differs from that given on-line in the Crossword Club, as it has LESSON instead of SEASON.
“Would the editor please explain what is going on, and if LESSON is being accepted either as “the” correct solution or as an alternative answer, on what basis the decision has been made? I have been monitoring the discussions both here and at TfTT yesterday so I have seen all the attempts to justify LESSON but I’m not convinced by any of them. The answer simply doesn’t stand up despite its undoubted appeal at first glance.”
Edited at 2012-11-03 11:07 am (UTC)
I suspect some devilment, or perhaps a large lunchtime G&T, in the data entry department. And who could blame them for either?
Monday 5th November
For those still interested in the LESSON/SEASON controversy, there is a correction in today’s newspaper stating that the answer was SEASON.