Unlike Mark Goodliffe I did not have enough remaining brainpower to attempt this after completing 6 puzzles at the Crossword Championhip finals – a glass of wine and some brainless TV was more the ticket.
When I got round to the puzzle it was quite straightforward, although I did not time myself.
Across |
1 CAPITALISE – double definition | |
6 STARTING POST – STARTING = new, POST = job | |
14 NOSEPIECE – sounds like “knows peace” = is aware of end of war | |
15 OINKS – OIKS = hoi polloi, around N = any number | |
16 PATELLA – PA = old man, TELL = reveal, A | |
17 EVERY DOG HAS HIS DAY – double definition, the first being cryptic using setters = dogs | |
18 TRAMS – SMART = fast, reversed | |
19 ABSTAIN – A B(lack), STAIN = mark | |
21 DRIVER – DRIVE = road, R(ight) | |
22 deliberately omitted – please ask if unsure | |
24 IMPIETY – IMP = devil, I.E.= that is T(o)Y = model | |
26 CHAPBOOK – double definition, the second cryptic. I needed to check this one in the dictionary | |
27 DIWALI – I = one, LAW = rule, I’D = I had, all reversed | |
32 WATERED DOWN – double definition, the first one cryptic | |
33 THEATREGOER – (THE (visito)R EAGER TO)* | |
37 AUSTEN – A TEN = decade, around US = you and me | |
38 PERVERSE – PER = through, VERSE = poetry | |
39 SCARABS – SCAR(e) = terrify, ABS = sailors | |
42 SALAD OIL – A LAD = a boy, in SOIL = muck | |
44 ARCHED – ARCH = cunning, ED = person running newspaper | |
46 PRIMERO – PRIM = proper, (h)ERO = winner. Another one that needed confirmation from the dictionary | |
48 deliberately omitted – please ask if unsure | |
51 RONDEAU – RON = man, DEAU sounds like dough = money | |
52 OCEAN – CO(m)E(di)AN*, with the removed letters being the initials of Many Dirty Innuendoes | |
53 NEAR THING – (villai)N, EARTHING = going to ground | |
54 LADY’S FINGERS – double definition | |
55 WELL-HEELED – double definition | |
Down | |
2 PASTE – PAST = yesteryear, (rogu)E | |
3 TIPSY CAKE – (wr)ECKA(ge) could be clued as TIPSY CAKE | |
4 LIE DOWN – LIED = song, NOW* | |
5 SEETHED – SEED = children, around THE = article | |
7 TENNIS ELBOW – cryptic definition, referring to tennis court rather than court of law | |
8 RESIDE – SIDE = team, after RE = about | |
9 IMPLYING – I = one, MP = politician, LYING = economical with the truth | |
10 GETS THE WIND UP – double definition | |
11 ORLEANS – OR = men, LEAN = unproductive, S(un) | |
12 TRANSLATION – TRA(i)NS = schools, LATIN = dead language, around O(ld) | |
13 CONSPIRACY – PIRACY = robbery, after CONS = criminals | |
20 SAPPINESS – S(on), (h)APPINESS = pleasure | |
23 BOOT SALE – BOOTS = profitable, ALE = alcohol | |
25 YEOMEN – YE = you (old-fashioned), OMEN = sign | |
26 CORRODED – RODE = made journey, in CORD = string | |
28 ABOUT-FACE – A BOUT = an attack of illness, F(emale), ACE – star | |
29 CROCUS – CROC = long-tailed animal, (b)US(h) | |
31 HOTHEADEDNESS – cryptic definition referrfing to the first letters of the names | |
34 REVERSE GEAR – cryptic definition suggesting GE AR = RA EG = artist, for example, reversed | |
35 EARTHBOUND – EARTH is hidden (= bound) in unclEAR THinking | |
36 DISCOURAGED – DISCO = club, U = you (in text speak), RAGED = were furious | |
40 ARISTOTLE – ARISE = get up, around TOT = dram, L(unch) | |
41 MISSOURI – MISS (h)OURI = heavenly beauty contest winner | |
43 LEARNED – LEAR = king, NED = Edward | |
45 deliberately omitted – please ask if unsure | |
46 PREVAIL – P = quiet, REV = cleric, AIL = trouble | |
47 OBLONG – OB = old boy, LONG = boring | |
50 GRILL – GR(oss), ILL = sick |
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