Solving time: Just under 20 mins.
I picked this up with only about 20 minutes left of my lunch hour, and was rather surprised to finish it in that time. A lot of answers I could write straight in. Nothing much to say about it, as there was nothing particularly clever herein.
No doubt there will be some fast times.
cd = cryptic def., dd = double def., rev = reversal, homophones are written in quotes, anagrams as (–)*, and removals like this
Across | |
1 | TH(R)ONG |
5 | RI(ALT)O |
9 | RUN AROUND – A ‘wordplay in solution’ type clue. RUN around is NUR, the National Union of Railwaymen. |
10 | RANK – dd |
11 | DE(LET)E – An obstruction is a let in squash, and probably other sports as well. |
12 | A + LO(E)VER + A |
14 | P(AG)ANINI |
16 | RUM + P |
18 | GIFT – dd |
19 | FOR A SONG = (FAGS ON + O |
21 | SHANGHAI – dd |
22 | MYRIAD = R |
24 | LAM + A |
26 | PIG-HEADED = GI rev after P + HEADED |
27 | SEVER + N |
28 | LANCET = T |
Down | |
3 | OUNCE – dd |
5 | RED-TOP – dd |
6 | AARDVARKS – cd |
7 | TAN = STAN with the S |
13 | ROMAN CANDLE = (CAMERON)* about (AND + L) |
15 | ATTENUATE = TEN (cardinal) + U (you texted) all in A + TATE (gallery) |
17 | B(RUM + M)ELL – After Beau Brummell who I’ve only come across in the lyrics of a Billy Joel song |
20 | CHOPIN = CHIN |
23 | RADON = DO (cook) in RAN (managed) |
25 | APE = P in A&E |
On the other hand, Dean Mayer’s offering today is out of the top drawer…
I finished this in 32 minutes, which is pretty good for me on a Sunday these days. 6dn was a gift to fans of Blackadder with reference to the Dictionary episode.
Edited at 2013-10-20 10:50 pm (UTC)
In 11A, I think “let” was intended to be as in “let or hindrance”.
Edited at 2013-10-21 07:08 am (UTC)
I suppose Man. Utd. fans buy red tops, the colour of Man. U. jerseys.