Times Jumbo 1057

27:48 on the Club timer, which is on the quick side for me with a puzzle of this size. Not too much in the way of obscurities, and no really tricksy wordplay. What was notable were the really smooth surfaces; I know they aren’t essential, but it makes a crossword a much more pleasing experience all round when they conjure up an appealing or appropriate image.

With Jumbos, which attract a far smaller audience than daily puzzles, I generally confine myself to discussion of answers which I think are a) less straightforward for inexperienced or non-UK based solvers, or b) especially elegant / questionable. In other words, unless it’s an exceptionally interesting puzzle, the coverage is unlikely to be 100%; however, as always, if a particular clue is not discussed, please feel free to raise it in comments for explanation or discussion.

1 PORK PIE – in Cockney rhyming slang, pork pie = lie.
9 BESIDES – BE(=”live”) + [IDE(a fish mostly seen in crosswords) inside S.S., i.e. on board a ship].
16 TRAPEZE – TRAP(=”gin”) + “Es”. The first of many terrific surfaces.
27 SWEATER – i.e SW EATERY without the newquaY. Immediately one’s mind is drawn to Rick Stein and Padstow, perhaps, by the careful wording.
32 MADEIRA – MADE(=”produced”) + IRAQ or IRAN.
35 CRO-MAGNON – (RCONGOMAN)*. I didn’t actually know where this prehistoric anthropoid had been found, but given that it’s French, I now realise I may have been pronouncing it wrong all these years…
36 GEEZERS =”GEYSERS”, either the natural Icelandic hot-water spouts or the domestic boilers named after them.
38 SUB ROSA – BROS in (AUS)rev.
40 IMPROV – IMPROVE, i.e. improvised comedy.
41 SIGHTSEE =”SITES” + darjEEling. Another nice surface reading.
44 A STREETCAR NAMED DESIRE – (REREADSCENEDRAMATIST,THE)*. One of the good things about the Jumbo is that setters get a chance to have fun with this sort of massive anagram.
50 COMBUST – CO.(=”business”) + (Book in MUST). I had trouble parsing this one, as it’s a definition of “must” which is quite low down the list, and which I’d forgotten, if I ever knew it; ODO has it as “the frenzied state of certain male animals, especially elephants or camels, that is associated with the rutting season”.
54 EXHORTATIONthaT in EX HORATIO N. Very nice spot by the setter to realise that HORATIO N. suggests a pairing with EMMA H.
55 GRASSHOPPER – SHOP in GRASPER and another great surface.
58 AGELESS – A GEL (as pronounced in the aristocratic manner), TESSA. Times crosswords rarely use clues which depend on a solution to another clue.
1 PLUG-IN – PLUG(=”strongly recommend”), IN(=”popular”). A plug-in is a small added bit of software to be added to an existing programme, as anyone reading this in a browser which they’ve customised will already know.
2 REQUEST – RE(=”on”), QUeen, EST(“is” in French). Clearly it could have been any Francophone, but M. Dior made the surface work best.
3 PEA JACKET – [EAch JACK] in PET; appropriately, a garment actually worn by sailors.
5 CHINA TEA – CHIN(half of the old-fashioned toast “chin-chin”), ATE(=”consumed”, A.
6 INDRE – (FRIEND)*. Didn’t know it, but the wordplay seemed pretty clear. In fairness to me, and with all due respect to the place, I think it’s far from the most noteworthy department…
7 ATHLETE – (THE,L)* in ATE(=”worried”).
10 SWELL – unglamorouS WELLies; “swell” in the Burlington Bertie sense, and obviously one who wouldn’t be seen wearing anything unstylish.
11 DISADVANTAGEOUS – [SAD VAN in (AGUIDETO)*], Son. One of those where the parsing followed the answer, and revealed the rather informal “SAD”=unfashionable.
19 OVERMEN – (REMOVE)* + installatioN. Foremen in a colliery, hence not a widespread occupation in modern Britain.
21 EMERSON – nested answer, [E.R. in MS.] in EON.
24 STAR OF BETHLEHEM – as usual, a plant I’ve never heard of, but very obvious from the wordplay.
26 STATEROOM – [(TAT) in MOORE’S]rev.
43 ADJUTANTengageD in A JUT, ANT.
46 EXAMPLE – EXAM, PupiL, E. Last of the noteworthily good surfaces which I made a note of.
47 INGRES – (SINGER)*. The best anagrams are the ones which don’t immediately leap out as anagrams.
52 TESSA – (SET)rev. + Sex Appeal. Nice to see this clued without any reference to savings or upside-down assets for once.

One comment on “Times Jumbo 1057”

  1. This was a top class crossword, I enjoyed every clue. Indeed the surfaces are extremely slick and are part of what marks it out. Look at 2dn, or 16ac for example.. elegant!
    Many thanks, setter!
    Indre is slap in the middle of France, named after the River Indre which is a tributary of the Loire – there is another department, called Indre-et-Loire..

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