Saturday Times 26118 (6th June)

Posted on Categories Weekend Cryptic
Solving time was 10:00 to the second!

Got back later than expected, but here it is, just before midnight! Enjoyable puzzle with some interesting points, but on the easy side nevertheless.

1 Mr Right? Chancer and pig in Mr Wrong! (6,8)
PRINCE CHARMING – (Chancer, pig in Mr)*.
9 Joyful band connected to woofer, by the sound of it (4-1-4)
COCK-A-HOOP – HOOP (band) next to something that sounds like COCKER (i.e. Spaniel, a woofer). The enumeration gives it away, so there’s no need for precision here!
10 Short winter seemingly draws in (5)
TERSE – hidden in “winter seemingly”.
11 Omani capital, a relative haven (5)
OASIS – O(mani) + A + SIS (relative).
12 Cold gas, natural (9)
HEARTLESS – HE (Helium, gas) + ARTLESS (natural).
13 Superior unqualified to cover leave, on reflection (8)
ARROGANT – ARRANT (unqualified) around GO (leave) reversed.
15 Item for colouring a source of light in blue (6)
CRAYON – RAY (a sort of light) inside CON (blue).
17 Engine component to buy, with request for installation (6)
GASKET – GET (buy) around ASK (request).
19 One jerk entering the game as a parliamentarian? (8)
POLITICO – I (one) + TIC (jerk) inside POLO (game).
22 Grouse alongside pan, meat to cook (5,4)
ROAST BEEF – BEEF (grouse) next to ROAST (pan, i.e. strongly criticise). I’d quibble with the definition here – surely roast beef is meat that’s been cooked!
23 ‘Swell’ certainly describes ‘good’ (5)
SURGE – SURE (certainly) around G(ood). I love this clue – it’s like an anti-&lit, where the surface defines a different meaning of the same answer!
24 Accumulated facts about current in European river (5)
LOIRE – LORE (accumulated facts) around I (current).
25 Consumed by anxiety, pal unfortunately lacking support (9)
STRAPLESS – STRESS (anxiety) around (pal)*.
26 Where Americans get their gasthe dentist’s chair? (7-7)
FILLING-STATION – double definition, one cryptic. I don’t think “filling-station” is particularly American, but gas is – we Brits fill up with petrol or diesel. Of course, in a dentist’s chair you can get both gas and fillings!

1 Structure for supporting managing director legal, there’s power at the top (8,6)
PECTORAL GIRDLE – (director legal)* underneath P(ower).
2 Lead-free metal is on gold tooth (7)
INCISOR – ZINC (metal) minus the first letter (lead-free, geddit?) + IS + OR (gold).
3 Fine form (5)
CLASS – double definition.
4 Gear stick, terribly hot when engaged (8)
CLOTHING – CLING (stick) around (hot)*.
5 An equal in conversation to come (6)
APPEAR – sounds like “a peer”.
6 I am at rest after breaking parts of the foot (9)
METATARSI – (I am at rest)*.
7 Area for development certainly managed to turn around with right investment (7)
NURSERY – YES (certainly) + RUN (managed), reversed around R(ight).
8 Intimate relation and drinkers entertained by South American statesman (6-2-6)
PERSON-TO-PERSON – SON (relation) + TOPERS (drinkers), inside PERON (South American statesman).
14 Oil covering end of document on a large emblem of sovereignty (5,4)
GREAT SEAL – GREASE (oil) around (documen)T + A + L(arge).
16 Those burning wood among parts of a framework (8)
BONFIRES – FIR (wood) inside BONES (parts of a framework).
18 Tongue rolling up berries, then I lick half off (7)
SWAHILI – HAWS (berries) reversed, then I + LI(ck).
20 Begin, for example, as prime minister? Prime minister won’t begin! (7)
ISRAELI – Israel had a PM called Begin, and we had a PM called Disraeli.
21 Flavour, one of four (6)
SEASON – double definition.
23 Just over three entering water that’s brown (5)
SEPIA – PI (just over three) inside SEA (water).

7 comments on “Saturday Times 26118 (6th June)”

  1. 10 mins here too, although I don’t know if it was to the second. The only note I made says that PECTORAL GIRDLE was my LOI after ARROGANT so I’m assuming it was very straightforward.
  2. 9:42 – I don’t know which was my LOI but there’s an awful lot of letters scribbled round the grid while I tried to sort out PECTORAL GIRDLE so that may well be the one that held me up the longest.
  3. Managed to complete within the hour, which is good going for me. Enjoyable puzzle, particularly liked cock a hoop.
        1. By the way, sorry about the terse reply earlier, but I was walking round Gardeners World Live at the time, and on my mobile (they’re not the best things to type on) – and more concerned with preventing the missus from bankrupting me!

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