All bar 1D solved in about 15 mins, but add another 10 on to that before I finished. I don’t even like apples (unless they’ve been turned into cider), and have never heard of that variety in my life! Hmph! I didn’t like 2D either, and have no idea what’s going on with 21D.
Across | |
1 | Electronic device — type spymaster used (5) |
MODEM – MODE (type) + M (James Bond’s boss). | |
4 | Avoided Times secretary’s son and her boss? (8) |
BYPASSED – BY (times) + PA’S (secretary’s) + S(on) + ED (her boss). | |
8 | What good is messing with repair — buy new! (1,3,4,6) |
I BEG YOUR PARDON – (good repair buy n)*. | |
10 | Cockney demeaned in attempt to use spin and hot air? (6-3) |
TUMBLE-DRY – ‘UMBLED (Cockney demeaned) inside TRY (attempt). | |
11 | West’s sheltered place for shrub (5) |
MAPLE – MAE (West) around PL(ace). | |
12 | Crafty personnel to mend bridges with head of department (6) |
SHREWD – HR (personnel) inside SEW (mend) + D(epartment). | |
14 | Supergroup performing with cat briefly (8) |
PANTHEON – ON (performing) next to PANTHE(r) (cat briefly). | |
17 | Track press, US style (8) |
RAILROAD – double definition. | |
18 | Crack from strain having absorbed pressure (6) |
EXPERT – EXERT (strain) around P(ressure). | |
20 | On the way back, hit bottle bank (5) |
DEPOT – TOPED (hit bottle) reversed. | |
22 | Thank Maud for arranging capital (9) |
KATHMANDU – (Thank Maud)*. Capital of Nepal. | |
24 | Charming group meet secretly about film location in London (8,6) |
COVENTRY STREET – COVEN (charming group) + TRYST (meet secretly) + RE (about) + ET (film). A street which runs from Piccadilly to Leicester Square, and the three make up the Yellow properties on a Monopoly board. | |
25 | Unsatisfactory person winding up a criminal (8) |
OFFENDER – OFF (unsatisfactory) + ENDER (person winding up). | |
26 | Part of flight back from Azores I reserved (5) |
RISER – hidden reversed in “Azores I reserved”. |
Down | |
1 | Host keen on mince and small apples (8,4) |
MCINTOSH REDS – MC (host) + INTO (keen on) + SHRED (mince) + S(mall). Great clue, but totally lost on me as I’d never heard of them and thought it was going to be an anagram. The penny finally dropped when I thought of MC as host, but it was my last one in, about 10 minutes after the second last! | |
2 | Vision is one coming before me in wall? (5) |
DREAM – RE (the note that comes before ME – although I’ve always spelled it as MI) inside DAM (wall). Put in from the definition plus checkers, only just figured out the lousy wordplay. | |
3 | Is not certain to pick vessel for transatlantic voyage (9) |
MAYFLOWER – MAY (is not certain to) + PICK (flower). One of the ships the Pilgrim Fathers sailed on. | |
4 | Limits great progress? (6) |
BOUNDS – double definition. | |
5 | Time to remember old man on foot going round yard (5,3) |
POPPY DAY – POP (old man) + PAY (foot) around YD. | |
6 | Sadistic, extremely, descending on farm animal to beat it (5) |
SCRAM – S(adisti)C + RAM (farm animal). | |
7 | Old seaman parking in this place — space next to it? (9) |
EXOSPHERE – EX (old) + OS (seaman) + P(arking) + HERE (in this place). | |
9 | Spread bun out with tea club sandwiches (6,6) |
PEANUT BUTTER – (bun, tea)* inside PUTTER (club). | |
13 | Blame canopy protecting home if it isn’t? (9) |
RAINPROOF – RAP (blame) + ROOF (canopy) around IN (home), semi-&lit. | |
15 | Extra time exceptionally provided for one to show fare (9) |
TAXIMETER – (extra time)*. | |
16 | In case, judge proceeded without King’s evidence at first (8) |
JACKETED – J(udge) + ACTED (proceeded) around first letters of King’s Evidence. | |
19 | One’s persistent — in a way always right (6) |
STAYER – ST(reet) (a way) + AYE (always) + R(ight). | |
21 | Word to comfort a number with energy at rock-bottom (5) |
THERE – THREE (a number) with the E moved. That makes no sense to me at all. Hopefully someone has a better explanation. Edit: oops, wrong sort of number! Of course, it’s ETHER with the first E moved to the bottom. Thanks mohn. | |
23 | Left out of spite revolting Swedes (5) |
NEEPS – SPLEEN (spite) without the L and reversed. Scottish word for swedes, served with haggis and tatties (potatoes) on Burns Night (25th Jan). |
Re 21D, it’s Crosswordland’s favourite number ether.
I am surrounded by apple orchards, here in mid-Kent, but I hadn’t heard of 1dn either
Yes I think ETHER is the number.
I had real trouble spelling katman.. whatever
Any Scots person wish to comment?
Shrewd gave me inordinate trouble – had RE for personnel to mend bridges, W from with, D from head of department, totally confused about the unclued SH for ages. And feel like a goldfish with MC for host, which comes up every few weeks but still gets me every time.
31:29, so harder than average with 12 ac/1 dn last in.
> 1dn is my wife’s favourite variety of apple. She is Canadian, and they are reasonably common over there. I had never heard of them before I met her.
> One of the very few things I know about plants is that the shrub in our garden with red leaves is an acer, which is a type of maple.
Edited at 2014-12-07 10:12 am (UTC)