Solving time 17:03, not much harder than the previous few weeks but I slowed myself down by putting in APOSTATE at 16dn without bothering to read the whole clue, which made 28 (one of the trickiest to parse) difficult. 11ac looks like it might have been a victim of editorial indecision – “a horse” or “another animal” might have been ok, but “another horse” is a bit iffy.
Edit: no it isn’t – as Jack points out, it refers back to “gelding”. Objection withdrawn!
Across |
1 |
CHARWOMAN – CHAIRWOMAN (executive) without the I. |
6 |
ANWAR – A(ssess) + N(orthern) + WAR (battle). First name of the former Egyptian president. |
9 |
CARET – CART (farm vehicle) around E(nergy). |
10 |
NORTHERLY – N(ew) + ORLY (airport) around [ R(ex) next to THE ]. |
11 |
ANAGRAM – RAM (animal) following A NAG (a horse – why another?), gelding/niggled being an example of one. |
12 |
AUDIBLE – AU (gold) + DIB (fish) + L(ak)E. My first thought was that a serious spelling cock-up had been made, with DAB as the fish! I decided to trust the setter though, and checked DIB later. |
13 |
OUT FOR THE COUNT – OUT FOR (hunting), THE COUNT (nobleman). |
17 |
ALL OVER THE SHOP – (has to help)* around LOVER (flame). |
21 |
SKIPPER – KIPPER (one in doze) after S(ucceeded). |
23 |
PEACHES – P.E. (exercise) + ACHES (is painful). |
25 |
HAG-RIDDEN – double definition. |
26 |
INDIA – A1 (excellent) + D(aughters) reversed, next to IN (home). |
27 |
ROOST – ROOS (Aussie bouncers) + T(error). |
28 |
MOMENTARY – OMEN (sign) next to M(otorway) + TA (appreciated) + alternate letters of army. |
Down |
1 |
CACHALOT – CATCH A LOT (trap a good few) minus the middle letter (or minus H for heart). French word for a sperm whale. |
2 |
AORTA – (m)OR(e) + T(ons), inside A(rea) A(rea). |
3 |
WATER POLO – W(omen’s) + (pelota or)*. Beware the obvious red herring in this clue! |
4 |
MANUMIT – M(inutes) + [ I’M inside TUNA (fish), all reversed) ]. |
5 |
NARRATE – (Coleridg)E + TAR (sailor) + RAN (hurried), all reversed. |
6 |
APHID – [ H(usband) under P(ressure) ] inside AID (help). Which reminds me I have an infestation on my roses. I’ll be getting out the Bug Gun later! |
7 |
WORKBENCH – WORK (manipulate) + BENCH (judges and magistrates). |
8 |
RHYMES – ME inside RHYS (Jean, the author – Wide Sargasso Sea, a prequel to Jane Eyre, being her most well-known work). |
14 |
TALKING-TO – L(earner) inside TAKING TO (getting to like). |
15 |
OPERATION – O(ld) + PE(ople) + RATION (helping). |
16 |
APOSTASY – [ S(econd) + Y(ear) ] after AA (Alcoholics Anonymous, sober group) around POST (situation). |
18 |
EARLDOM – [ M(ark) next to L(iberal) + DO (party) ], after EAR (consideration). |
19 |
TOPONYM – TOM (Uncle in Stowe) around PONY (small horse). Shetland (pony) is an example. |
20 |
ESTHER – S(ociety) inside ETHER (Heaven). 17th book of the Old Testament, although there’s also some in the Apocrypha. |
22 |
PAINT – I inside PANT (long). |
24 |
HYDRA – hidden in “filthy drain”. |
Also didn’t know CACHALOT or MANUMIT so they slowed me down too.
I don’t have a problem with with 11 as I take ‘another’ to refer back to the gelding at the start of the clue.
Edited at 2013-06-01 08:31 am (UTC)