Nothing to write home about here, fairly explicit word play or definitions make this an easy puzzle. No archaic or obscure vocabulary although I had to check GADARENE and INANITION. Not sure about a rogue E in 23D, but someone will no doubt put me right on that.
Across | |
1 | RIGHT WINGER – RIGHT WHINGER = veritable complainer, with the H=hard removed |
7 | REAR ADMIRAL – REAR=back, A D=daughter, M=married, IR=irish, AL(capone)=gangster |
13 | SANTA – ANT=worker, inside SA = salvation army = relief organisation |
14 | ADDICTS – A DD = religious scholar, IS outside CT=court |
15 | PIPE DREAM – a churchwarden is a long stemmed tobacco pipe. |
16 | CARRY OVER – CAR = vehicle, ROVER = dog with Y = little yen inside |
20 | RALLIER – someone rallying would be getting better from illness |
22 | NIRVANA – NI=northern ireland=province, RAN=governed, A(ristocrats) with V=very inside. Def is bliss. |
24 | TREADLE – T=time, READ=study, E=anglish, after L=length |
25 | SINISTER – SISTER=nun, around IN=home |
26 | ACROSS THE BOARD – A CROSS=furious, THE BOARD=set of company bosses |
28 | HYENA – YEN=desire inside HA = half of HA HA = laugh |
29 | THRILL – TRILL = sing, around H=hospital |
30 | BACKHANDER – BACKER=supporter, around HAND=help |
33 | BOTTLE BANK – BOTTLE=courage, BANK=financial institution |
35 | MADE UP – sounds like MAID=girl, UP=at university |
37 | OCHRE – ORE=valuable material, around CH=church |
39 | THE MIND BOGGLES – A reverse clue – (Dim then)* could be clued by “The mind boggles” |
41 | PANDA CAR – (a PC ran)* around DA = district attorney = prosecutor |
44 | AGITATO – A GI=soldier, TA=volunteers, TO(o) = almost excessively |
45 | FOPPISH – FISH=creature in water, around P,PO = quiet river, backwards |
46 | MADONNA – MANNA = heavenly food, around DO=party |
47 | TIE THE KNOT – double def |
49 | RECOLLECT – COLLECT=prayer, after RE=bible lessons |
53 | AMENITIES – AI=A1=excellent, (site)* around MEN=people. |
54 | HEINOUS – EIN= a, german, inside HOUSE=residence, less the E=english |
55 | RESIN – REIN=restriction, around S(hop) |
56 | FUN AND GAMES – FUMES = gets angry, around NANA=grandma, around D(o)G=dog heartlessly |
57 | TAKES CHARGE – double def. |
Down | |
1 | REST CURES – REST=depend on, CURES=french priests |
2 | GENERAL ANAESTHETIC – Cryptic definition. Number, as in something that numbs, general being the senior officer. |
3 | TEARY – TEA=drink, R(eall)Y |
4 | INADVERTENT – IN ADVERT=”where commercial goodies are promised”, ENT=ear, nose, throat, hospital department |
5 | GADARENE – GAD=gosh, A RENE=frenchman |
6 | RICHTER SCALE – (circles earth)* |
7 | RESPIRATOR – (reports)* around (air)* |
8 | APPLE – (d)APPLE(d), where pollarded suggests removing both top and tail, although not quite sure why |
9 | APPARATCHIK – A PARA=soldier, siezing P=power, then (thick)* |
10 | MODAL VERB – MOB=crowd, around REV=minister, LAD=boy, reversed. The definition is “will, possibly”. |
11 | RHEA – hidden in (you)R HEA(dlight) |
12 | LAME – two pronunciations, one with an accented E. |
18 | EDWARD THE CONFESSOR – (does fret heads crown)* |
19 | GENDARME – GEN=dope, then DARE=challenge, around M=male |
21 | INSTALL – IN=home, ST=street, ALL=everything |
23 | ASSUAGED – ASSUMED=supposed, around AGE=long period, with ME=maiden, removed. Not quite sure how the E gets into the maiden, so I have probably misread this, but the answer must be right?? |
27 | BRING OFF – RING OFF = end phone call, after B=first bit of bullying |
28 | HABITUAL – (a bali hut)* |
31 | AVOIDED – I=one, D=definition, primarily, inside, A V=very, OED=big dictionary |
32 | LAKE DISTRICT – LED=brought, around A K = a thousand, then I STRICT = one precise |
34 | BADMOUTHING – O=old, M=male, DAB=expert, all reversed, then U THING = university obsession |
36 | PHARMACIST – (chap is smart)* |
38 | AGAPANTHUS – AGA = arab official, PAN=censure, THUS = as a consequence |
40 | INANITION – I NATION = I race, around NI=province |
42 | REACTANCE – (can create)* |
43 | THURROCK – ROCK = modern music after THUR = thursday= a weekday |
48 | EPSOM – EPS=records, OM=order of merit=honour (the fact that this is limited to 24 living people is extra information) |
50 | LARCH – L(umberjack) and then ARCH=knowing |
51 | NAFF – FAN = supporter, reversed before F(ootball) |
52 | JEAN – JEAN(s) = short trousers |
The upshot is that if you are not logged in when you open livejournal, it is as if the blog never existed. I have, of course, changed this so that all and sundry can see it now, although I suspect that won’t alter much!!