Jumbo 1036 – a gentle stroll for your average RIGHT WINGER REAR ADMIRAL

Posted on Categories Jumbo Cryptic
Nothing to write home about here, fairly explicit word play or definitions make this an easy puzzle. No archaic or obscure vocabulary although I had to check GADARENE and INANITION. Not sure about a rogue E in 23D, but someone will no doubt put me right on that.


1 RIGHT WINGER – RIGHT WHINGER = veritable complainer, with the H=hard removed
7 REAR ADMIRAL – REAR=back, A D=daughter, M=married, IR=irish, AL(capone)=gangster
13 SANTA – ANT=worker, inside SA = salvation army = relief organisation
14 ADDICTS – A DD = religious scholar, IS outside CT=court
15 PIPE DREAM – a churchwarden is a long stemmed tobacco pipe.
16 CARRY OVER – CAR = vehicle, ROVER = dog with Y = little yen inside
20 RALLIER – someone rallying would be getting better from illness
22 NIRVANA – NI=northern ireland=province, RAN=governed, A(ristocrats) with V=very inside. Def is bliss.
24 TREADLE – T=time, READ=study, E=anglish, after L=length
25 SINISTER – SISTER=nun, around IN=home
26 ACROSS THE BOARD – A CROSS=furious, THE BOARD=set of company bosses
28 HYENA – YEN=desire inside HA = half of HA HA = laugh
29 THRILL – TRILL = sing, around H=hospital
30 BACKHANDER – BACKER=supporter, around HAND=help
33 BOTTLE BANK – BOTTLE=courage, BANK=financial institution
35 MADE UP – sounds like MAID=girl, UP=at university
37 OCHRE – ORE=valuable material, around CH=church
39 THE MIND BOGGLES – A reverse clue – (Dim then)* could be clued by “The mind boggles”
41 PANDA CAR – (a PC ran)* around DA = district attorney = prosecutor
44 AGITATO – A GI=soldier, TA=volunteers, TO(o) = almost excessively
45 FOPPISH – FISH=creature in water, around P,PO = quiet river, backwards
46 MADONNA – MANNA = heavenly food, around DO=party
47 TIE THE KNOT – double def
49 RECOLLECT – COLLECT=prayer, after RE=bible lessons
53 AMENITIES – AI=A1=excellent, (site)* around MEN=people.
54 HEINOUS – EIN= a, german, inside HOUSE=residence, less the E=english
55 RESIN – REIN=restriction, around S(hop)
56 FUN AND GAMES – FUMES = gets angry, around NANA=grandma, around D(o)G=dog heartlessly
57 TAKES CHARGE – double def.

1 REST CURES – REST=depend on, CURES=french priests
2 GENERAL ANAESTHETIC – Cryptic definition. Number, as in something that numbs, general being the senior officer.
3 TEARY – TEA=drink, R(eall)Y
4 INADVERTENT – IN ADVERT=”where commercial goodies are promised”, ENT=ear, nose, throat, hospital department
5 GADARENE – GAD=gosh, A RENE=frenchman
6 RICHTER SCALE – (circles earth)*
7 RESPIRATOR – (reports)* around (air)*
8 APPLE – (d)APPLE(d), where pollarded suggests removing both top and tail, although not quite sure why
9 APPARATCHIK – A PARA=soldier, siezing P=power, then (thick)*
10 MODAL VERB – MOB=crowd, around REV=minister, LAD=boy, reversed. The definition is “will, possibly”.
11 RHEA – hidden in (you)R HEA(dlight)
12 LAME – two pronunciations, one with an accented E.
18 EDWARD THE CONFESSOR – (does fret heads crown)*
19 GENDARME – GEN=dope, then DARE=challenge, around M=male
21 INSTALL – IN=home, ST=street, ALL=everything
23 ASSUAGED – ASSUMED=supposed, around AGE=long period, with ME=maiden, removed. Not quite sure how the E gets into the maiden, so I have probably misread this, but the answer must be right??
27 BRING OFF – RING OFF = end phone call, after B=first bit of bullying
28 HABITUAL – (a bali hut)*
31 AVOIDED – I=one, D=definition, primarily, inside, A V=very, OED=big dictionary
32 LAKE DISTRICT – LED=brought, around A K = a thousand, then I STRICT = one precise
34 BADMOUTHING – O=old, M=male, DAB=expert, all reversed, then U THING = university obsession
36 PHARMACIST – (chap is smart)*
38 AGAPANTHUS – AGA = arab official, PAN=censure, THUS = as a consequence
40 INANITION – I NATION = I race, around NI=province
42 REACTANCE – (can create)*
43 THURROCK – ROCK = modern music after THUR = thursday= a weekday
48 EPSOM – EPS=records, OM=order of merit=honour (the fact that this is limited to 24 living people is extra information)
50 LARCH – L(umberjack) and then ARCH=knowing
51 NAFF – FAN = supporter, reversed before F(ootball)
52 JEAN – JEAN(s) = short trousers

4 comments on “Jumbo 1036 – a gentle stroll for your average RIGHT WINGER REAR ADMIRAL”

  1. Fairly straightforward I agree, but with the same two queries as you Marcos: neither 8dn nor 23dn seem quite to work. However I didn’t actually notice the problem with 23dn and in any event I am always inclined to be charitable when it comes to jumbos, which must surely be a bit of a slog to set (or blog!)
  2. Sorry, I don’t do Jumbos so I’ve no comment on the puzzle, but I noticed a padlock symbol signifying “protected post” against the blog title and I’m wondering what this does. Do we know, and is it something bloggers can use in the unending fight against spam?
    1. I noticed the padlock symbol also but just ignored it until I read your mail and thought I would check. It turns out either I had accidentally clicked “members only” or more likely it had defaulted to that setting when I posted.

      The upshot is that if you are not logged in when you open livejournal, it is as if the blog never existed. I have, of course, changed this so that all and sundry can see it now, although I suspect that won’t alter much!!

      1. Thanks for the explanation and for your noble efforts blogging Jumbos to keep TftT complete. I try them occasionally but I find 2+hrs solving time too dispiriting after years of trying to improve my speed.

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