Easiest Saturday puzzle for a long time, solved in 10:30. Would have been sub-ten too, but for 21dn (my COD), which I knew had to be DEFEND but took ages to see how it worked!
Across | |
1 | LONG JUMPER – double definition, the second descriptive of his auntie’s knitting perhaps! |
6 | OKRA – OK (decent) + R.A. (artist). |
8 | FEISTIER – I.E. (that is) inside (strife)* |
9 | GODIVA – “GO, DIVA!” Lady Godiva famously rode naked round Coventry in the 11th century. We have a statue of her in the city centre. Joan Sutherland (1926-2010) was an Australian opera singer. |
10 | SWOT – TOWS (pulls) reversed. |
11 | ANGEL FALLS – tabloid headline style description of his descent into Hell, or the world’s highest waterfall. I’d always thought of a force as a word for a small waterfall, but there’s no distinction made in Chambers. |
12 | VOICEMAIL – VOICE (as a grammatical term, e.g. active) + MAIL (sounds like male). |
14 | SLEET – LEE (away from the wind) inside (ca)ST(le). |
17 | REALM – REAM (papers) around L(iberal). |
19 | NEARLY MAN – double definition. |
22 | JUMBLE SALE – answer taken as wordplay gives “ales”. |
23 | ERIE – found in “sERIEs”, but the clue could also possibly be referring to it as one of the Great Lakes. |
24 | DIVINE – triple definition. |
25 | CONFETTI – cryptic definition. |
26 | RELY – ELY (city) next to R(ight). |
27 | DANISH BLUE – DAN (Dare, pilot of the future from the Eagle comic) + I’S + H(usband) + BLUE (waste). |
Down | |
1 | LIFESAVER – (flies)* + AVER (maintain). |
2 | NAIROBI – IBERIAN (Madrileno, i.e. citizen of Madrid) reversed, with O (nothing) replacing the E for European, which gives us the capital of Kenya. |
3 | UP IN ARMS – double definition. |
4 | PEREGRINE FALCON – P(ower) + (rifle once range)* |
5 | REGALE – R (rex, king) + E.G. (say) + ALE (drink). |
6 | OLD BAILEY – OLD (former) + BAIL (security) + YE (you) reversed. |
7 | REVOLVE – REV (priest) + OLIVE (symbol of peace) minus the I. |
13 | CELEBRITY – B(ritish) inside CELERITY (expedition, in the sense of getting a move on). |
15 | TANGERINE – TINE (sharp point) around ANGER (passion). |
16 | ARDENNES – (ensnared)*. A forested region of France. |
18 | ERUDITE – E (compass point) + RUDE (discourteous) around IT. |
20 | MARITAL – AL (Capone, gangster) underneath MAR (ruin) + IT. |
21 | DEFEND – FED up (bored, geddit?) + END (goal). |
I have always thought of the Ardennes as being Belgian, but indeed it also goes well into France (and Luxembourg) and even has a Department named after it..
And do you really call okra Lady Fingers, which I only know as a kind of sweet biscuit?
(inf) vt to squander. [Prob for blow1]
And yes, okra is also called lady’s fingers here.
My only actual experience in the UK was a whirlwind 8 days and 7 nights in the middle 90s.
I’d never come across “blue” for “waste” in my life until it appeared in a crossword a while back. Since then I’ve seen it three or four times… always in crosswords.
Edited at 2013-02-10 04:49 am (UTC)