A fair puzzle with a couple of unfamiliar words. 7D was my last one in as the checking letters did not suggest much – I left it blank initially until my subconscious came back to me with a solution, so I did not record a time.
Across |
1 ZABAGLIONE – ZONE = place, around (GLIB, A(nswer), A(nswer))* | |
6 MERCHANDISES – MERC = posh car, H(ard), ANDES = range, around I’S = one’s | |
14 POSSESSED – POSSES = gangs, (u)SED = employed | |
15 APRON – A = article, PRON(e) = apt | |
16 AUCTION – ACTION = the done thing, around U(niversity) | |
17 A MEMORY LIKE A SIEVE – cryptic definition – SIEVE = riddle | |
18 OTTER – O’ER = above, poetically, TT = teetotal = on the water | |
19 TOPSIDE – double definition – the first defining TOP SIDE | |
21 GIMLET – hidden reversed in hoTEL MIGht | |
22 ALIZARIN – A LIZAR(d) = a monitor, IN = popular | |
24 NOMINAL – NOM = MON(day) reversed, IN AL(l) = altogether | |
26 SOLUTION – double definition | |
27 FINISH – FIN(n)ISH = European | |
30 REACH-ME-DOWN – REACH = make, ME = (the) setter, DOWN = unhappy. I have not found it yet but I am sure I have blogged this answer before! | |
33 STORM PETREL – RM = room, PET = stroke in STORE = shop, L(arge) | |
35 WATERLOGGED – WA(i)TER = attendant, LOGGED = registered | |
37 deliberately omitted – please ask if unsure | |
38 MOSQUITO – S(mall), QUIT = pack in, in MOO = low | |
39 SHALLOW – SOW = plant, around HALL = lobby | |
42 deliberately omitted – please ask if unsure | |
44 DIM SUM – DIM = slow, SUM = to come to | |
46 POMFRET, – POM = little dog, FRET = gnaw at | |
48 COMBE – COMBE(d) = went through | |
49 UP HILL AND DOWN DALE – U = posh, PHIL = chap, LAND = estate, DOWN DALE sounds like DOWNED ALE = drank beer | |
51 AZULEJO – AZU(r)E = blue, with L(eft) replacing R(ight), JO(b) | |
52 FINAL – FIN(g)AL = cave man | |
53 LIGHT YEAR – (LETHARGY)* around I = one | |
54 MIGHT IS RIGHT – MIGHT I SIGHT = could one see, around R(esistance) | |
55 AT A STRETCH – double definition | |
Down |
1 ZIP FASTENER – ZIP = nothing, FASTER = quicker, around EN = in, from France, | |
2 BASIE – BASE = binary, around I(mpossible) | |
3 GREGORIAN – GIAN(t) = huge, around REGOR = ROGER = received, reversed | |
4 IN STYLE – I(slamis)T, around N,S = poles, YLE = ELY = see = diocese, reversed | |
5 NUDGING – NUD(e) = naked, GING(er) = shade of red. The removed ER is clued by “leading lady” – ie the Queen | |
7 CONVEX – CON = reason not to, VEX = eat | |
8 ARABELLA – hidden reversed in pigALLE BAR Acting | |
9 DOCTOR ZHIVAGO – (GOD TO V(ery) O(ld) CZAR)* around HI = welcome | |
10 SNIFTER – SNIFFER = solvent abuser, with F = strong replaced by T(ime) | |
11 SANDRINGHAM – SAND = polish, RING = gang, HAM = smoked joint | |
13 WATERMELON – WA(g), TERME(d) = dubbed, LON(g) = extensive | |
20 POMPADOUR – POM = Victorian (as in Australian) Briton, PA = parent, DOUR = forbidding | |
23 CORNETTO – CO = company = firm, (ROTTEN)* | |
25 deliberately omitted – please ask if unsure | |
26 SHOWROOM – S(alesman), HOW = the way, ROOM = MOOR = make fast, reversed | |
28 IRREGULAR – IR(ish), REGUL = LUGER = pistol, reversed, AR = RA = Royal Artillery = big guns, reversed | |
29 DES RES – DEE’S = river’s, around SR = sister | |
31 HUMAN INTEREST – E(nergy) in (NUTRIMENT HAS)* | |
33 STAKE A CLAIM – sounds like STEAK ACCLAIM | |
34 LIQUID LUNCH – a 1 QUID LUNCH would be cheap | |
35 WHITSTABLE – W(ith) HIT = success, STABLE = firm | |
36 deliberately omitted – please ask if unsure | |
40 AXMINSTER – AXER = person cutting, around M(ass) IN ST(reet) = way | |
41 NEBULOUS – NO = refusal, around EBUL = LUBE = oil, reversed, US = unserviceable | |
43 HOMBURG – HAMBURG = European city, with A from opera replaced by O(ld) | |
45 MUDFLAT – MUD = what is scandalously thrown, FLAT = floor | |
46 PLOUGHS – cryptic definition | |
47 SHUFTI – (THUS IF)* | |
50 ADEPT – AD = plug, EP = old record (no)T |
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