Saturday Times 24873 (11th June)

Posted on Categories Weekend Cryptic
Solving time 19:26 in the end, but apart from 14ac I found this pretty straightforward. I was staring at that D?E? for about 7 or 8 minutes at the end, just unable to parse it.

1 HOT UP – T.U. (Trade Union) inside HOP (bound).
4 TASMAN SEA – (steam as an)*
9 NARROWEST – ARROW (dart) inside NEST (retreat). The game of darts is informally also known as arrows, if anyone was wondering about the otherwise flimsy definition there.
10 EDITH – H(usband) after EDIT (change).
11 MANSFIELD PARK – MAN (staff) + FIELD (discipline) inside SPARK (set off). One of Jane Austen’s novels.
14 DOER – (forewor)D + O’ER (completed for poet). My last one in by a distance. For ages I thought I was looking for the name of some obscure actor or poet.
15 PRIMA DONNA – PRIM (proper) + ADO (commotion) + NN (knights, chess abbreviation) + A.
18 WIDOW’S MITE – I + ‘D (one had) inside WOWS MITE (impresses small child). From Mark 12:42 – “And there came a certain poor widow, and she threw in two mites, which make a farthing.” A significant contribution, as that was all she had.
19 BERG – BE (live) + R(ecordin)G. Alban Berg (1885-1935), Austrian composer.
21 WEATHER-BEATEN – WET (watered) HERB (plant) EATEN (worried) around A(rea).
24 SOLTI – hidden reversed in “circuit lost”. Sir Georg Solti (1912-97), Hungarian-British conductor.
25 INAUGURAL – IN AUG (during summer) + (r)URAL.
27 FISHGUARD – F (fire without ire) + IS H(ot) + GUARD (mind). A port in west Wales.
28 NAPPA – sounds like “napper” (if you have the right accent). A type of soft leather made from goatskin, usually spelt with only one P.

1 HAND-ME-DOWN – (damned H now)*
2 TOR – ROT reversed.
3 PROOFS – P(age) + ROOFS.
4 THEREFROM – HERE (present) + FR (father, priest) + O.M. (Order of Merit, medal), all after T(ime).
5 SATED – SLATED (put on schedule), without the L.
6 ADELAIDE – A (article) + “delayed”.
7 STICK INSECT – STICK (hang around) + IN + SECT (order).
8 ACHY – AY around CH(apter).
12 NE’ER-DO-WELLS – (old newsreel)*
13 MARGINALIA – (alarming)* + A1 (cracking) reversed.
16 METER MAID – ME + AID around TERM (call)
17 TWEAKING – WEAK (poorly) inside TING (sound as a bell).
20 REAGAN – RE (successor to do – think Julie Andrews) + AGAIN without the I.
22 HAIFA – middle letters of the words “That gift was”.
23 AS IF – A SIF(t).
26 RIP – RIP(e).

12 comments on “Saturday Times 24873 (11th June)”

  1. I finally got round to doing without the Saturday and Sunday puzzles last weekend so that from now on I can tackle weekend puzzles nearer to their appearance in the blog. This has the advantage that I stand a chance of remembering the solving experience which in the past I’ve usually long forgotten.

    I enjoyed this one and although it took me 50 minutes to solve (without aids) I never felt stuck or short of ideas of things to try.

    I was pleased to remember MARGINALIA from a few weeks ago as it caught me out on the last occasion. I didn’t understand 5dn as I’ve never heard of the required meaning. It’s not in Collins and the COED says it’s American so I don’t feel too bad about that.

    I didn’t understand the RE part of REAGAN until coming here, probably because I always spell tonic note DOH. I think it’s a brilliant clue.

    4dn was weakened by having ‘from’ in both clue and answer. It could easily have been avoided – ‘Coming out of’ springs to mind but I’m sure there are better alternatives.

  2. Funny, a near identical solving experience for me: 19 minutes with quite a long period at the end staring at 14ac trying to think of the right poet.
    There was nothing unknown in here for me, although I didn’t know what WIDOW’S MITE meant and NAPPA only rang a vague bell.
    He’s a crossword regular but I’m not sure I’ve ever heard a note of BERG’s music. I’m more familiar with the quartet named after him.
  3. 10:10 for me (exactly the same time as the previous day’s). I twigged DOER reasonably quickly, but I’m all too familiar with being stuck on one annoying final clue. You just have hope that sort of thing doesn’t happen to you in the Championship!
  4. 44 minutes. I can no longer remember what was my LOI, but it may have been FISHGUARD, which I’d never heard of (ditto for NAPPA). DOER wasn’t a problem, once I had the checkers. I only noticed now that I never went back to figure out 11ac and 20d, and I suspect I never would have got them without linxit’s help. Vinyl’s right about today’s; I spent 43′ yesterday before dinner, and am half done.
  5. Please help! Looking for two answers to 24879, but links for 18 June point here (11 June)
    1. Yes, that’s because we always blog prize puzzles after the closing date. We have a policy of never giving away hints or solutions to live competition puzzles. Sorry, but you’ll have to wait until Saturday, when all will be revealed! 🙂
  6. We are time travellers returning to this crossword from nine years in the future. That’s because we have run out of recent ones and have resorted to the Times Cryptic Crossword Book 19. Solvers here in the 2020’s didn’t think this was particularly difficult. 21 mins is well under our personal snitch. Oh, sorry! Snitch wasn’t invented until after 2011, so you won’t have heard of it.
    Lots of Antipodean clues in this: Tasman Sea, Adelaide and the Adelaide suburb Mansfield Park, which the setter has put west of Adelaide in the grid . It should be placed NW of course. There was a book about it I believe.
      1. Thanks! We hadn’t found it and it’ll be very useful as we make our way through the book.

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