This was hard work, with a number of excellent clues. I believe I have almost all sorted out, but I am still left with one where the wordplay is unclear to me – to put my mind at ease I would be grateful for an explanation of 52A – [edit] thank you to keriothe for the enlightenment.
I did not time myself as it took several sittings – but it was an enjoyable slog, especially when the light dawned on some of the trickier clues.
Across | |
1 LIBRETTOS – ET = visitor from afar, in BRISTOL* | |
6 BASHFUL – double definition. Red = embarrassed (or shy) | |
10 DUBAI – DUB = call, followed by I, A(nswer) reversed (or going to the west) | |
13 MILLENNIUM BUG – MILL = factory, EN = in (French), N.I. = Northern Ireland = province, (h)UMBUG = hoax | |
14 RECOVERED – R(ous)E, COVE = fellow, RED = socialist | |
15 ON APPRO – O(ld), PRO = master, around NAP = drop off | |
16 DELILAH – L(oud) in HAILED = drew attention of, reversed. Cops is used as the containment indicator | |
17 EOLITHS – (THE SOIL)* | |
18 NEAR AS DAMMIT – N = knight, EAR = attention, DAMMIT = curse. I wavered between DAMNIT and DAMMIT for the last word, and I can see from the Crossword Club forum that a number of others did as well | |
20 SMALL PRINT – MALL = walk, in SPRINT = fast run | |
23 TROUT – if one takes the TR out of STRONG, one is left with SONG = air | |
24 FORTHWITH – FORT = defence, H,H = hours, around WIT = intelligence | |
25 SYRINGE – S(tation), (IN GREY)* | |
26 GUTTER PRESS – (scandal-mongerin)G, UTTER = say, PRE = before, S.S. = craft | |
28 SUBCONTRACT – SUB = BUS (= public transport) reversed, CONTRACT = purse | |
30 FOR ALL I CARE – FOR ALL = universal, IRE = rage, around CA = about | |
32 WELSH RABBIT – WELSH = default, RABBIT = gas (as in chatter) | |
34 OSTRICH – MOST RICH = most well endowed, with its head removed (in the sand). Very clever, even if the answer is clear from the checking letters | |
36 DECIMATED – DEC(ember) = number of days, followed by I MATED = chess champion’s claim | |
38 HULLO – HULL = shell, O = duck | |
41 LOLLIPOP LADY – I POP = I go quickly, LAD = boy, all inside LOLLY = ready (money). And the whole is a cryptic surface. I’m not sure how this would go down with any US solvers. | |
45 CHINWAG – CHIN = punch, WAG = celebrity girlfriend | |
46 LOTUSES – LOTS = can be drawn, around USE = practice | |
47 SCROOGE – SO = the truth, CR = King Charles, OGE = EGO = I, reversed. Another fine clue | |
49 Deliberately omitted – please ask if unsure | |
50 AT ONES WITS END – ATONE = make up, S(econds), WIT(h), SEND = dispatch | |
52 HADES – You tell me, please! I know the answer is correct from my Crossword Club score but the wordplay escapes me. Dante’s Inferno leads to Hell = Hades, but I could not find anything relevant for Perec. Thanks to keriothe Georges Perec wrote a novel called La Disparition that didn’t use the letter e so had no es! | |
53 PAYSLIP – PAYS LIP + service (from the clue) = gives only verbal support | |
54 MARSHLAND – MARS = ruins, LAND = light, around H(ot) | |
Down | |
1 LAMPOON – O = round, in LAMP ON = something we might switch in dark | |
2 BALD AS A COOT – TOO, C(old), SAD = dismal, LAB = workshop, around A(rea), all reversed. Unlocked = without locks = without hair. Another clever one | |
3 EYE UP – last letters in thE balconY wherE yoU droP | |
4 TENFOLD – T(emperature), ENFOLD = wrap up | |
5 SOU – SOU(k) = market | |
6 BOBSLEIGH – (BIG, B(lack), HOLES)* | |
7 SAGELY – SAY = come out with, around GEL = posh lass | |
8 FOR WHOM THE BELL TOLLS – double definition, the second of which is “work” | |
9 LACTEAL – hidden reversed in paelLA ETC ALso | |
10 DEVELOPER – DEVELOP = contract (an illness), E.R. = leading lady | |
11 BURNT SIENNA – (EU BAN IN)* around R.N. = Royal Navy = fleet, ST(reet) reversed. Took me ages to work out the wordplay. | |
12 INDUS – INDUS(try) = hard work | |
16 DUMFRIES AND GALLOWAY – DUES = expenses, around FIRM*, AND = with, followed by GAY = bright, around ALLOW = permit | |
19 ATTWELL – A = article, T,T = times, WELL = expertly | |
21 TWENTY-TWO – TWENTY = score, TWO sounds like TOO. One of the lines marked on a rugby field, at 22 metres from the goal line. I can still remember it being 25 yards! | |
22 JIGSAW – J(udge), I SAW = witnesses statement, around G(oes) | |
23 TUG OF LOVE – double definition | |
24 FOPPISH – FISH = cold customer, around O(ld), P,P = pages | |
25 SLOSHED – (rehearsal)S, LO = behold, SHED = cast off | |
27 SPEECH – SCH(ool) around PEE(r) = Lord | |
29 Deliberately omitted – please ask if unsure | |
33 BALLAD OPERA – BALL = bouncer, ADO = trouble, PER = via, A | |
35 INCHWORMS – INCH = to edge, W(ith), OR = gold, M(ark), S | |
37 MOONSTOMP – MOONS TO MP. Not a mature political statement. | |
40 LEG SLIP – LEG = GEL = application, reversed, SLIP = piece of paper | |
42 POST-WAR – POST = send, WAR = RAW = green, reversed | |
43 YIELDED – (w)ELDE(r) in DIY = home improvements, reversed | |
44 ST PAUL – double definition | |
45 Deliberately omitted – please ask if unsure | |
48 RETCH – R(ubbis)H around ETC = and rest | |
51 Deliberately omitted – please ask if unsure |
Tricky but very enjoyable puzzle I thought.
I had found the author in Wikipedia, but found nothing in the titles of his novels. I didn’t look into the content.
Perhaps a little obscure?