Nice crossword with many examples of the vocabulary found more often here than anywhere else. Some good charades, a dose of wit, and two deceptive hidden words!
Definitions underlined.
7 | French citizen getting level with one Welsh lady? (8) |
PARISIAN – PAR (level), I (one), and SIAN (Welsh lady). | |
8 | Bring home a little corn: satisfaction, at last! (4) |
EARN – EAR (a little corn) and last letter of satisfactioN. | |
9 | File assembled about iron tower builder (6) |
EIFFEL – anagram of (assembled) FILE, around FE (iron). | |
10 | Composer initially lost in crowd (5) |
HOLST – first letter (initially) of Lost, inside HOST (crowd, as in ‘a host of…’). | |
11 | Proper sound of water on grass? (3) |
DUE – homophone (sound) of “dew” (water on grass). | |
12 | Some trespasser goes backwards, seeing fearsome woman (6) |
OGRESS – hidden in (some) tresspaSSER GOes, written backwards. | |
14 | Do ropy exercising and limp (6) |
DROOPY – anagram of (exercising) DO ROPY. | |
16 | Father meeting with arbitration service causes row (6) |
FRACAS – FR (father) and ACAS (Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service). | |
18 | It’s said to raise a smile (6) |
CHEESE – cryptic definition. What is said to make the subjects of a photograph look like they’re smiling. | |
19 | Noise made by dove, and one hundred and two ducks (3) |
COO – C (one hundred) and two Os (duck, zero in cricket). | |
20 | Vicar, if returning, gets some money (5) |
FIVER – REV (vicar) and IF, backwards (returning). | |
21 | Series of prayers are not finished in optimistic surroundings (6) |
ROSARY – Are (are, without last letter) inside ROSY (optimistic) surroundings. | |
23 | Girl meeting lieutenant gets jar (4) |
JOLT – JO (girl) and LT (lieutenant). | |
24 | BA, unless ordered otherwise, reserved public transport routes (3,5) |
BUS LANES – anagram (ordered otherwise) of BA UNLESS. |
1 | Parent to be reluctant to go and feign illness? (8) |
MALINGER – MA (mother, parent) and LINGER (to be reluctant to go). | |
2 | Quarrel, it’s recalled, very loud (4) |
TIFF – IT is backwards, and FF (fortissimo, very loud). | |
3 | Uses metal joints around one (6) |
WIELDS – WELDS (metal joints) around I (one). | |
4 | Gradually shifted plain Cheddar sandwiches (6) |
INCHED – hidden (sandwiched) in plaIN CHEDdar. | |
5 | Words of praise: that isn’t rare! (4,4) |
WELL DONE – if your steak isn’t rare, it could be well done. | |
6 | Determination to protect against ice (4) |
GRIT – double definition. | |
13 | Volunteers turning up in one-time grotto to dig (8) |
EXCAVATE – TA (volunteers), written up (turned up) in EX-CAVE (one-time grotto). | |
15 | Father’s attempts to make tarts (8) |
PASTRIES – PA’S (father’s) and TRIES (attempts). | |
17 | Writer to plagiarise in Home Counties? (6) |
SCRIBE – CRIB (to plagiarise) in SE (south east, home counties). | |
18 | Body copper finally found in thicket (6) |
CORPSE – last letter of (finally) coppeR, inside COPSE (thicket). | |
20 | Infantry, excessively loud, turned up (4) |
FOOT – TOO (excessively) F (forte, loud), written up. | |
22 | Steep slope’s beginning above tree (4) |
SOAK – first letter (beginning) of Slope on top of OAK (tree). |
Otherwise, FOOT-JOLT combo last in. Wasn’t aware of the usage of “foot” to mean foot soldiers.