Phew! Some tricky clues here, in particular 7d and 15d, which made it feel harder than it actually was in the end. A few crosswordland abbreviations to watch out for – RA (Royal Academician) for artist and O for love (tennis score).
Thank you to Hurley.
Thank you to Hurley.
Across | |
1 | Daughter with strange instrument: DRUM Daughter = D, strange = RUM |
4 |
Western hemisphere wonder extremely well developed: NEW WORLD Anagram (developed) of WONDER and WL (extremely WelL) |
8 | Smithy songbird? Have another think!: FORGET IT Smithy = FORGE, songbird = TIT |
9 | Sailor has name for lake: TARN Sailor = TAR, name = N |
10 | Steal secret file about cases: LIFT Cases indicates hidden word ie the word is encased; about indicates reversal; secreT FILe |
11 | Slow mover tires too, unfortunately: TORTOISE Anagram (unfortunately) of TIRES TOO |
12 |
Book for students, prudish, I hesitate to say: PRIMER Prudish = PRIM, I = I, hesitate to say = ER |
14 | Corporation after gold, given new fall in US: AUTUMN Corporation = TUM (Trade Union Movement?), gold = AU, new = N |
16 |
What tourists may do in place we hear – bishop’s one: SIGHTSEE Homophone (we hear) of place = SITE, and a bishop’s place is a SEE |
18 | Single – golden oldie’s inside spinning: LONE Another reversed (spinning) hdden (inside) clue |
19 |
Prepare text – need hints regularly: EDIT Alternate letters (regularly) of nEeD hInTs |
20 | Love mountains by railway – source of fruit: ORANGERY Love = O, mountains = RANGE, railway = RY |
22 | Porch girl, northern, had recalled: VERANDAH Girl = VERA, northern = N, had recalled = DAH |
23 |
Prepare for crops – put money here: TILL Double definition |
Down | |
2 | Having more space, dock on rise? That is right: ROOMIER On rise = reversal of dock = MOOR, that is = IE, right = R |
3 | Vigour of man in good health, trim first of all: MIGHT Initial letters (first of all) of the other words in the clue |
4 |
Fool needing money to head North: NIT Reversal (head north) of money = TIN |
5 | Change wet gear at location in canal, maybe: WATER GATE Anagram (change) of WET GEAR |
6 | Soup tot toppled in distant location: OUTPOST Anagram (toppled) of SOUP TOT |
7 | When female is put out by learner, crosses cricket ground: LORDS Female (F) is replaced by learner (L) in FORDS (crosses) |
11 | Trio not entirely quiet used doorway: THRESHOLD Trio not entirely = THRE(e), quiet = SH, used = OLD |
13 | Mother carries headgear for sage: MAHATMA Mother = MAMA, including headgear = HAT |
15 | Drink this writer’s left when artist comes in: MINERAL This writer’s = MINE, artist = RA, left = L |
17 | Music genre – country, mainly English: INDIE Country, mainly = INDI(a), English = E |
18 | Move fast! It’s allowed: LEGIT Move fast = LEG IT |
21 |
Wood from Kashmir: ASH Hidden word |
Edited at 2016-05-27 01:14 pm (UTC)
I came back to 10a at dinner time and finally saw what was needed.
So I thought this a tricky one. I liked 8a but agree the definition was slightly askew. And now I know how to spell verandah! David
23ac 577
Since when has madam been Sal !
And what’s the ‘leaving madam unaffected’?
It’s always a bad clue when the answer doesn’t really explain it.
And 19d – are flats low-lying. Guess that’s ok as a clue but I found the whole xword difficult – needed to cheat on 1ac as tried ‘pa’ and ‘pap’ – in two years of quick cryptic I don’t think ‘pop’ has cropped up
Will repeat this query on Monday if no-one sees it
Tor prim
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