A pleasant middle of the road Mephisto with no sportsmen or women but still containing some balls
Across | |
1 | LOBI – LOB-I; I=current (physics); |
4 | HOMALOID – HO-MA(LO)ID; Euclidean space; |
10 | IRENOLOGY – IRE-(YON reversed) surrounds LOG; that=YON; study of peace; |
11 | VERSO – hidden (co)VERS-O(ne); |
12 | DOUCETS – (does cut)*; not Ed Balls this week but cobblers from Dancer instead; |
14 | ANOURA – AN(O-UR)A; amphibians; |
15 | BRECHAM – BRE(CH)AM; a horse collar; |
16 | AMOS – AM(b)OS; |
18 | TANGHININ – (thinning + a)*; a from a(gent); a poison; |
24 | TUAN – (man)TUAN; Virgil was a Mantuan and it is the setting for Rigoletto; Malayan for “sir”; |
26 | HIP-GOUT – (I ought)* surrounds P=softly, gently; |
28 | CERUSE – C(E)RUSE; |
29 | RIM-SHOT – (hit or ms)*; jazz drummer hitting the rim of the drum; |
30 | EN,AMI – (I’M-AN-E) reversed (peverse=indicator); E from E(nemy); a French friend; |
31 | COTELETTE – CO(TE)LETTE; TE from TE(al); a French chop; |
32 | THRAWART – TH(RA)WART; crooked on the Clyde; |
33 | REAR – too meanings 1=back 2=old word for early; |
Down | |
1 | LIVE,BAIT – (viable)*-IT; drink=IT=Italian vermouth; |
2 | BERCEAU – (a bed cure – d)*; a French covered walkway; |
3 | INSECTA – (site can)*; |
4 | HOOCH – two meanings 1=a shout in the fling 2=the real Mackay; |
5 | OLD,MAN – Turkish robe=dolman then “sink” the “d”; |
6 | AGUNAH – A-GUN-AH; a deserted Hebrew woman; |
7 | ODEUM – ODE-MU (reversed); |
8 | INTROITUS – (trios unit)*; more usually female genitalia but in the C small print – an unfortunate name for an anthem; |
9 | DISA – DISA(bled); an orchid; |
17 | SNOTTIER – TONS reversed-TIER; |
19 | INGENER – IN-(green)*; Waggledagger’s engineer; |
20 | NIOBATE – NI(O-BA)TE; O=old; BA=AB=sailor=salt reversed; a salt of niobic acid; |
22 | NO-SHOW – NOS-HOW; |
23 | DIETER – (tired)* surrounds E=energy; |
25 | ARMOR – (h)ARM-OR; armour in Alabama; |
27 | P-CELT – P(C)ELT; look under “P” in C; |
28 | CRIT – CR(ed)IT; |
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