Initially there was an issue with the online puzzle where I believe the solution to 44D was mistyped as WATCHER, but I understand that this was fixed within a couple of days.
I also have a query on the clue for 15A where there appears to be a superfluous word
Across | |
1 APRICOT – APR I = April 1 = spring day, COT = somewhere to sleep | |
5 SCALPEL – (PLACES)* around L(ine) | |
9 PLAY PEN – PLAY = pretend, PEN = write | |
13 PINPOINTING – PIN = part of grenade, POINTING = mortar | |
14 GO BALLISTIC – GOBI = desert, around A L(arge) LIST = series of items, C = about | |
15 CULLS – (s)CULLS = rows. I am not sure why the word “preferred” appears in the clue. In the paper version it appeared after the enumeration? | |
16 SECULAR – SECUR(e) = safe, around L.A. = city | |
17 RACEHORSE – (CARE)*, HORSE sounds like HOARSE = rough | |
18 THE STAR SPANGLED BANNER – double definition, the first cryptic | |
23 AUDITION – A (er)UDITION = learning, where the removed letters capitalised would be E.R. = monarch | |
25 BOGART – BOG = smallest room, ART = pictures | |
27 GLITTER – G(ood), LITTER = kids | |
30 EXERT – EX(p)ERT = one accomplished | |
32 LEASING – L = pounds, EASING = not so onerous | |
33 DETRIMENT – DETRIT(us) = debris, around MEN = people | |
35 CASSANDRA – double definition. On research I discovered Cassandra was Jane Austen’s sister | |
36 CANTEEN – CAN’T E’EN = is even incompetent | |
37 GLOVE – G(ood), LOVE = nothing | |
38 PROPPED – POPPED = nipped, around (sc)R(um) | |
40 AUSTIN – hidden in (exh)AUSTIN(g) | |
41 PROLIFIC – PRO = expert, L(eft), IF = condition, I = one, C(old) | |
44 WONDERS WILL NEVER CEASE – WONDER SWILL = marvellous pig food, N.C. = North Carolina around EVER = always, EASE = no trouble | |
48 TERMINATE – T(ime), ERMINE = fur, around A(ccountan)T | |
50 MOBSTER – MOB = in admiration, surround, STER(n) = severe | |
53 HYENA – HEN = one that pecks, around (bod)Y, A | |
55 REACTIONARY – RE = about, A, (di)CTIONARY = reference work | |
56 ROYALTY – ROYAL = sail, followed by initial letters of T(aking) Y(acht) | |
57 TANKARD – TAN = beat, KARD sounds like CARD, of which a heart may be one | |
58 OVERTAX – OVERT = open, AX(e) = cut | |
Down | |
1 ALPACA – ALA(s) = unfortunately, around PAC = CAP = better, reversed | |
2 RINGLET – double definition, the second cryptically suggesting that a ring-let would be a short ring or call | |
3 CROWS FEET – CROWS = is triumphant, FEET sounds like FEAT = achievement | |
4 TUNIS – TUN(e) = air, IS | |
5 SKIN CARE – SCARE = unnecessary concern, around KIN = family | |
6 ANGEL – AN, GEL = upper-class woman | |
7 PIG IRON – PI = apparetly good, GIRO = cheque, N(ew) | |
9 POLICE DOG – POD = school, around LICE = vermin, OG = GO reversed. For any overseas solvers a busy is slang for a policeman | |
10 AMISH – A MISH(ap) = an accident | |
12 NUCLEAR – double definition | |
19 TROLLED – (RETOLD, L(ies))* | |
20 PROVINCES – PRO = for, VIN = french wine, CES = SEC = dry, reversed | |
21 ARISING – A RIG = a construction, around SIN = error | |
22 PAPER CUP – P,P = pages, around APERCU = observation | |
24 DRESS-DOWN FRIDAY – double definition, the first referring to Crusoe’s Man Friday | |
26 ARGENTINE – AREN’T IN E(ast) = are in the West, G(rand) | |
28 RETRENCH – double definition | |
31 TRAMPLE – TRAM = MART = market, reversed, PL(ace), E(nergy) | |
34 TANTRIC – TRIC(k) = bit of conjuring, around A N.T. = a holy text | |
39 DASTARDLY – DAD = old man, around STAR = have a big role, L(ad)Y | |
43 WESTWARD – WE = Royal I, ST(e)WARD = help to supervise | |
44 WOTCHER – sounds like WATCHER = observer | |
45 LAMBKIN – LAMB(s)KIN = woollen garment | |
46 ELEGANT – (practic)E, LEG = GEL = set, reversed, ANT = worker | |
47 LARYNX – LYNX = good looker, around A R(ight) | |
49 IN ALL – I ALL = score draw, around N(ote) | |
51 BURQA – BUR = RUB = polish, reversed, Q.A. = quality assurance | |
52 RETRO – METRO = underground, with the first letter changed |
Edited at 2014-04-05 07:28 pm (UTC)
I rather think the current editor and his predecessor were not unlike in their blessing capacities – it’s rather, as someone else suggested, that RR marks his comments up ‘online’ in such a way that they are enabled to get through the rigorous checking systems!
On edit, I think I misconstrued BT’s use of bless.
Edited at 2014-04-06 10:41 am (UTC)