Jumbo 1083

Posted on Categories Jumbo Cryptic
Initially there was an issue with the online puzzle where I believe the solution to 44D was mistyped as WATCHER, but I understand that this was fixed within a couple of days.

I also have a query on the clue for 15A where there appears to be a superfluous word

1 APRICOT – APR I = April 1 = spring day, COT = somewhere to sleep
5 SCALPEL – (PLACES)* around L(ine)
9 PLAY PEN – PLAY = pretend, PEN = write
13 PINPOINTING – PIN = part of grenade, POINTING = mortar
14 GO BALLISTIC – GOBI = desert, around A L(arge) LIST = series of items, C = about
15 CULLS – (s)CULLS = rows. I am not sure why the word “preferred” appears in the clue. In the paper version it appeared after the enumeration?
16 SECULAR – SECUR(e) = safe, around L.A. = city
17 RACEHORSE – (CARE)*, HORSE sounds like HOARSE = rough
18 THE STAR SPANGLED BANNER – double definition, the first cryptic
23 AUDITION – A (er)UDITION = learning, where the removed letters capitalised would be E.R. = monarch
25 BOGART – BOG = smallest room, ART = pictures
27 GLITTER – G(ood), LITTER = kids
30 EXERT – EX(p)ERT = one accomplished
32 LEASING – L = pounds, EASING = not so onerous
33 DETRIMENT – DETRIT(us) = debris, around MEN = people
35 CASSANDRA – double definition. On research I discovered Cassandra was Jane Austen’s sister
36 CANTEEN – CAN’T E’EN = is even incompetent
37 GLOVE – G(ood), LOVE = nothing
38 PROPPED – POPPED = nipped, around (sc)R(um)
40 AUSTIN – hidden in (exh)AUSTIN(g)
41 PROLIFIC – PRO = expert, L(eft), IF = condition, I = one, C(old)
44 WONDERS WILL NEVER CEASE – WONDER SWILL = marvellous pig food, N.C. = North Carolina around EVER = always, EASE = no trouble
48 TERMINATE – T(ime), ERMINE = fur, around A(ccountan)T
50 MOBSTER – MOB = in admiration, surround, STER(n) = severe
53 HYENA – HEN = one that pecks, around (bod)Y, A
55 REACTIONARY – RE = about, A, (di)CTIONARY = reference work
56 ROYALTY – ROYAL = sail, followed by initial letters of T(aking) Y(acht)
57 TANKARD – TAN = beat, KARD sounds like CARD, of which a heart may be one
58 OVERTAX – OVERT = open, AX(e) = cut
1 ALPACA – ALA(s) = unfortunately, around PAC = CAP = better, reversed
2 RINGLET – double definition, the second cryptically suggesting that a ring-let would be a short ring or call
3 CROWS FEET – CROWS = is triumphant, FEET sounds like FEAT = achievement
4 TUNIS – TUN(e) = air, IS
5 SKIN CARE – SCARE = unnecessary concern, around KIN = family
6 ANGEL – AN, GEL = upper-class woman
7 PIG IRON – PI = apparetly good, GIRO = cheque, N(ew)
9 POLICE DOG – POD = school, around LICE = vermin, OG = GO reversed. For any overseas solvers a busy is slang for a policeman
10 AMISH – A MISH(ap) = an accident
12 NUCLEAR – double definition
19 TROLLED – (RETOLD, L(ies))*
20 PROVINCES – PRO = for, VIN = french wine, CES = SEC = dry, reversed
21 ARISING – A RIG = a construction, around SIN = error
22 PAPER CUP – P,P = pages, around APERCU = observation
24 DRESS-DOWN FRIDAY – double definition, the first referring to Crusoe’s Man Friday
26 ARGENTINE – AREN’T IN E(ast) = are in the West, G(rand)
28 RETRENCH – double definition
31 TRAMPLE – TRAM = MART = market, reversed, PL(ace), E(nergy)
34 TANTRIC – TRIC(k) = bit of conjuring, around A N.T. = a holy text
39 DASTARDLY – DAD = old man, around STAR = have a big role, L(ad)Y
43 WESTWARD – WE = Royal I, ST(e)WARD = help to supervise
44 WOTCHER – sounds like WATCHER = observer
45 LAMBKIN – LAMB(s)KIN = woollen garment
46 ELEGANT – (practic)E, LEG = GEL = set, reversed, ANT = worker
47 LARYNX – LYNX = good looker, around A R(ight)
49 IN ALL – I ALL = score draw, around N(ote)
51 BURQA – BUR = RUB = polish, reversed, Q.A. = quality assurance
52 RETRO – METRO = underground, with the first letter changed

3 comments on “Jumbo 1083”

  1. 38m, but with CALLS. I couldn’t make any sense of the clue, partly because I don’t think I’d ever have associated ‘picks’ with CULLS and partly because of the extraneous ‘preferred’. It never occurred to me that this might be an error: this sort of thing seems to be happening a lot at the moment.
    1. The suspicion has to be that the new Editor does not bless the crossword and its clueing in their final form. The sudden plethora of extraneous comments only started when he came on board. Sloppy.

      Edited at 2014-04-05 07:28 pm (UTC)

  2. A rare attempt at a Jumbo (inspired by the large amount of heat a clue generated), and an even even rarer finish with no faults. About an hour and a half while trying out a new eatery in Lai Chi Kok – something more exciting than which it is difficult to imagine.

    I rather think the current editor and his predecessor were not unlike in their blessing capacities – it’s rather, as someone else suggested, that RR marks his comments up ‘online’ in such a way that they are enabled to get through the rigorous checking systems!

    On edit, I think I misconstrued BT’s use of bless.

    Edited at 2014-04-06 10:41 am (UTC)

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