A very satisfying solve that I thought was on the harder side of the spectrum. I have no queries or quibbles.
Across | |
1 | REPULP – (purple)*; “do” is anagrind; |
7 | CALPA – C-ALP-A; about=A; a relatively long period of time (by human calculation) in Hindu and Buddhist cosmology; |
11 | NOREASTER – (treason)*-ER; “high” =rotting is anagrind; |
13 | KADE – KA(D)E; KAE=a jackdaw in Jedberg; dead=D; a fly that infests sheep; |
14 | EXTROVERTS – EX-TROVER-TS; direct from=EX (as in ex-factory); (legal) action to return goods=TROVER; TS from (s)T(a)S(h); |
16 | STOEP – S(TOE)P; special=SP; a veranda; |
18 | ID,EST – (pr)IE(st); |
19 | STROMATA – STR-O-MATA(i); strong=STR; tree in NZ=matai; supporting frameworks in cells; |
20 | PIERIDAE – PIE-RID-AE; prize=PIE; delivered=RID; one in Perth (Scotland)=AE; white and yellow butterflys; |
24 | SLANG – S(poken)-LANG; language=LANG; brill clue; |
25 | SWALY – SWA(L)Y; lough=L; a marshy place; |
26 | NUNCUPATES – NUN-(case put)*; legal jargon for taking an oath; |
28 | WING – W-ING; wide=W; meadow=ING; |
30 | ELF-SHOT – (“the likes of” minus “Ike”)*; “career” is anagrind; a sickness that follows being hit by an ELF-SHOT; |
31 | LUNARNAUT – L-UN-ARNAUT; league=L; ARNAUT=an Albanian in the Turkish army; Neil Armstrong, Jim Lovell, Buzz Aldrin, etc; |
32 | EMOTE – (r)EMOTE (as in TV controller); |
33 | ETERNE – E-TERN-(lin)E; schooner=TERN; old word for eternal; |
Down | |
1 | RIFEST – RIF(ES)T; El Salvador=ES; |
2 | EAUX – (azal)EA-UX; wife=UX; |
4 | UNFREE – UN-F-(g)REE(k); force=F; “greek”=a rather poor rogue these days; |
5 | PRIVATDOCENT – PT=part surrounds (contrived a)* where a=acting; “courses” is anagrind; university professor in Germany; |
6 | TEREBRATULAE – (true eatable + r=run)*; “in a salad” is anagrind; the lamp shell braciopods; |
7 | CABRIO – CAB-RIO(t); about three pints=CAB; a convertible (car); |
8 | ASK – AS-K; Cambodia=K; |
9 | PEDESTAL – hidden (im)PEDES-TAL(kative); |
10 | ARETT – A-RET-T; retired=RET; tenor=T; old word for award; |
15 | SEABATHER – SEA(BAT-HE)R; brand=SEAR; Bradman a real giveaway; |
17 | TRILLIUM – TRILL-I-U-M; grace=TRILL (turn) in music; a lily; |
21 | IGNORE – I-G(N)ORE; old word for skirt=GORE; |
22 | E-WASTE – (AWE reversed)-STE(m); |
23 | TYSTIE – (universi)TY-S-TIE; society=S; draw (a game)=TIE; a guillemot on the Pentland Firth; |
24 | SOWLE – SO(W)LE; dialect for pull by the ears; |
27 | EOAN – E-O(A)N; echo=E (phoenetic alphabet); of the dawn; |
29 | GAT – two meanings 1=piece=gun (slang) 2=the last bit of raga; |
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