Jumbo 1001 – the one after the lord mayors show…

Bit of a step down from the cracking 1000th Jumbo, which took a lot of thinking. This seemed relatively easier and is probably a fairly standard offering. I am blogging this Sunday morning after a disastrous showing at Times towers yesterday, so will likely be curt and gloomy!


1 BRAWL – the pointed tool is the slightly lesser known BRADAWL without AD=these days, although at speed the more common AWL was enough to get the answer
4 SAFETY RAIL – (fairy tales)*
9 SHAMAN – HAM=actor, in SAN=hospital
14 HOLD WATER – HATER=one not enjoying, around OLD W = elderly wife.
15 UNADVENTUROUS – (van due to run us)* – for me “around” would have been ok for the anagrind and much better for the surface, but maybe that is only a personal thing?
16 VENTRAL – VENT=opening, R(e)A(l)L(y)
17 SCINTILLA – SIN=wrong, TILLER=shoot, all heard as the word for hint.
18 TALLY – (ligh)T, ALLY=colleague, for match the verb
19 COPPER BOTTOMED – COPPER=policeman, and not sure why BOTTOMED is “got the full facts” apart from “getting to the bottom of it”, but the whole is clear for “reliable”.
22 MANAGED – A NAG = horse inside MED=sea, for contrived.
25 UNDERSTUDY – double def
27 UNITED STATES – “United we stand”, STATES=conditions.
30 EVIAN – NAIVE reversed
31 REACTION – CREATION=universe, with C=constant moving, to get the “response”. A clue seen many times before in various guises.
32 CARED FOR – double def
35 THE RAVEN – THEN=afterwards, holding RAVE=party. This is a rare time when a lack of knowledge is a help. I dont know anything else about POE apart from the RAVEN so it went straight in. Had I known plenty it would have been a harder call!!
36 ORDINAND – OR=men, DIN=row, AND=with.
37 AORTA – reversed hidden – (wh)AT ROA(d).
39 NEW ZEALANDER – NEW=rekindled, ZEAL=enthusiasm, (w)ANDER=travel, without weight. Was fairly clear from a few checkers though, so the wordplay was wasted.
41 CURTAILING – LING=fish, behind CURTAI(n) = screen mostly.
43 CRIMSON – CRIM(e)= wrongdoing shortly, SON=boy
45 CENTRAL HEATING – One of those where the answer is a clue or part of clue itself. EAT IN=dine at home, and also (h)EATIN(g)=”central heating”
48 BASLE – L=lake, inside BASE = low.
49 MOUNT ETNA – (net amount)* – its always hard to disguise an anagram when the majority remains untouched, and this one is borderline.
51 ELEMENT – as in “IN ONES ELEMENT”, the misleading part is LEAD with its two pronunciations for verb and noun
53 SECOND CHAMBER – (carbon scheme)* around D=democrat.
54 BARBARIAN – BAR=stop, BARI=italian port, then AN.
55 SALOME – SOME=not many, around A L=a line,
56 RESTHARROW – didnt know the weed, but the wordplay was very clear cut with checkers!
57 TANSY – TANS=turns brown, at (da)Y, for the plant.

1 BEHAVE – BE and HAVE are two auxilliary verbs, in that they add tense to others.
2 ALL IN GOOD TIME – ALL-IN=exhausted, GOOD TIME=”always seeking pleasure” as in “good time girl”
3 LOWER – L=pounds, OWER=one in debt
4 SETTLER – double def.
5 FOREST OF DEAN – (one trades off)* – I quite like the use of “for re-creation” for the anagrind.
6 TOURISTS – TOURS=french city, around IST= is, in German.
7 RIANT – I=one, in RANT = tirade.
8 INVALIDATE – I=one, N=new, VAL=girl, I DATE=I go out with.
10 HOUSTON – HOUS(e), NOT reversed
11 MOONLIGHT – MOO=low, L=lake in NIGHT=darkness.
12 NOSEY – NO and YES “back to back”. Could have been YESON if that was a word?!?
13 ONE ARMED BANDIT – double def – “no gang of gunmen” and “handled machine”
20 PARENTAGE – ARENT = are not, inside PAGE = part of book.
21 MANDOLIN – MAN = chap, DO = achieve, NIL reversed.
23 DISARRANGE – ARR = arrives, after I’S, in DANGE(r)
24 SUPERTONIC – SUPER = wonderful, TONIC = boost, for the musical term.
26 THREE BLIND MICE – cryptic definition, where “de-tailed” gives it away.
28 THERAPIST – (a strip)* after THE
29 STURGEON – SURGEON = cutter, outside T= tons.
33 FOREIGN LEGION – (or go in feeling)*. Def is “join it to forget”
34 SAMUEL BARBER – SAMUEL = prophet, BARBER = surgeon (in the old days barbers did this!)
38 INACCURATE – IN=home, A CURATE = a minister, around C=clubs, for OUT.
40 WHIMSICAL – (claim wish)*
42 PRETORIA – PRE=before, TORI= conservative, spoken, A=area
44 STERNUM – SUM=problem, around TERN=bird.
46 EYEBROW – E=eastern, BEY=governor, about, ROW=quarrel.
47 STINGY – double def – two words with soft and hard G’s.
48 BASIS – I in BASS=singer.
50 TOBIT – (jacke)T, then OBIT = passing mention, for the book of scripture.
52 EXACT – AXE=weapon, raised, C(u)T. definition is dead as in dead right.

3 comments on “Jumbo 1001 – the one after the lord mayors show…”

  1. I didn’t understand 1dn (until now, that is), otherwise straightforward standard fare, as you say. Which is to say, good stuff..
  2. A fairly brisk (for me, for a Jumbo) 48′, with no marginal comments or ?’s, other than at 17ac: I assumed it was ’tiller’, but didn’t know that meaning. Also DNK 24d (no prob) and 56ac, which I had to check afterward. I was rather shocked by the inadequacy of 49ac, thinking to myself, ‘Can they DO that?’ But I liked 36ac, 39ac, and 23d.

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