Jumbo 1335

Posted on Categories Jumbo Cryptic
A puzzle of about average difficulty with just a couple of unknowns. I see quite a lot of 1-error entries in the leaderboard, which I would guess are as a result of people either sharing one of my unknowns (11D) and falling victim to a credible alternative reading of the wordplay, or perhaps getting the “wrong end” of the letter substitution in 40A.

FOI 1A, LOI 11D, COD 49A for the surface.

Definitions are underlined, * = anagram, {} = omission, cd = cryptic definition, dd = double definition

1 Crazed stabber cuts seat without thinking, OK (6-5)
RUBBER-STAMPSTABBER* in RUMP (seat), to give (Chambers): “To approve without exercise of judgement” with OK in its verbal sense
7 Olympic site secured by Pole in charge after cruel treatment? (11)
MASOCHISTICSOCHI (Olympic site) in MAST (Pole) + IC (in charge)
13 Requirement for telling computer how to detect orator’s plagiarism? (6,11)
SPEECH RECOGNITION – to detect an orator’s plagiarism would possibly require the RECOGNITION of a prior SPEECH given by someone else
14 Recalled games with the woman leading mindless followers (5)
SHEEPSHE (the woman) + reversal of PE (games)
15 Unashamed sexy person’s trick (6)
OUTFOXOUT (Unashamed) + FOX (sexy person)
16 Winds blowing strongly through shelter seen in fine print? (8)
LEGALESEGALES (Winds blowing strongly) in LEE (shelter)
17 Some beware voyages, returning in dismay (7)
OVERAWE – hidden reversed in bEWARE VOyages
19 Men only come again with one providing a change of scenery (9)
STAGEHANDSTAG (Men only) + EH (come again) + AND (with)
21 Head off scorn in public, maintaining America is fake (8)
ILLUSORY – {p}ILLORY (Head off scorn in public) around US (America)
23 Singer Joanna knocking out number loudly (4)
PIAFPIA{no} (Joanna knocking out number, using the slang word for a piano) + F (loudly), to give us the French singer Edith Piaf perhaps most famous for her rendition of La Vie en Rose
25 Perhaps an aggressive dog is half-heartedly resentful (5)
BITERBI{t}TER or BIT{t}ER (half-heartedly resentful)
27 General agreement has Office for National Statistics involved in this event (6)
CENSUS – if you insert ONS (Office for National Statistics) into the answer then you get CONSENSUS (General agreement). In the UK the ONS is responsible for conducting a census every 10 years.
28 Faltering French of keen nurses (10)
INDECISIVEDE (French of) in INCISIVE (keen)
30 Not a good bet, dealing with grand service (8)
EVENSONGEVENS (Not a good bet) + ON (dealing with) + G (grand). I’m assuming here that the interpretation is that the subject of a good bet is more likely than not to occur, whereas the subject of an evens bet has only a 50% chance of occurring.
31 In shifting dune, chumps note feline is wild (14)
UNDOMESTICATEDDUNE*, around DOMES (chumps) + TI (note) + CAT (feline), where dome and chump are both (slang) terms for the head. I didn’t know this meaning of chump.
34 Changing out of uniform, shapeless, in allotment (14)
METAMORPHOSINGAMORPHO{u}S (out of uniform, shapeless) in METING (allotment)
35 One school in time to give up bond (8)
LIGAMENTI (One) + GAM (school), in LENT (time to give up)
38 I’m po-faced, therefore also smothering humour, ultimately (10)
SOBERSIDESSO (therefore) + BESIDES (also) around {humou}R (humour, ultimately), to give (Chambers): “A sedate, serious-minded and solemn person”
40 Cheerful, different note for start of abstinence (6)
GENIAL – {d}ENIAL (abstinence) but with a different note at the beginning (G instead of D)
41 Wandering etc, touring West Indies repeatedly (5)
TWICEETC* around WI (West Indies)
43 Central power eradicated in quickfire attack (4)
RAIDRA{p}ID (Central power eradicated in quickfire)
44 Tall drivers enjoy less of this winding road home (8)
HEADROOM – (ROAD HOME)* Nice clue.
45 Tend to be dishevelled with hair covering shapeless garment (4,5)
48 Really a menace, delaying the queen (2,5)
AT HEARTA THREAT (menace) with the R (queen) being put back (delayed)
49 Disturbed and called into action (8)
DERANGEDRANG (called) in DEED (action)
50 Burns possibly making black marks all over, causing shock (6)
TREMOR – reversal of ROBERT (Burns possibly) with the B (black) replaced by an M (marks). Took me a while to see the parsing of this.
53 Start off quite well, then pint makes you clumsy (5)
INEPT – {f}INE (Start off quite well) + PT (pint)
54 Violence bid is iced, changing to peaceful form of protest (5,12)
55 Clear the lady settles in country (11)
NETHERLANDSNET (Clear) + HER (the lady) + LANDS (settles)
56 Modern treatment of European majority of 55 splitting gap year (4,7)
GENE THERAPYE (European) + NETHER{lands} (majority of 55, i.e. most of the answer to 55A), in GAP + Y (year)
1 Nasty persons spreading bile are to blame (11)
2 Plaintively express line in rhythm (5)
BLEATL (line) in BEAT (rhythm)
3 Hold top off barrier to let rising sun in (7)
ENCLOSE – {f}ENCE (top off barrier) around reversal of SOL (sun)
4 Active ace removed from jet (4)
SPRYSPR{a}Y (ace removed from jet)
5 Type of union formation that makes sparks fly (3,7)
ARC WELDING – cd, hoping to make us thing of an exciting wedding
6 Universal good name in airy quality, ignoring the initial belligerence (14)
PUGNACIOUSNESSU (Universal) + G (good) + N (name), in {s}PACIOUSNESS (airy quality, ignoring the initial)
7 Eating fish, virile or not? (8)
MAIDENLYMANLY (virile) around IDE (fish)
8 It’s wet and sticky topping of stewed fruit (5)
SLIMES{tewed} (topping of stewed) + LIME (fruit)
9 Open part of station training for swindlers? (9)
CONCOURSE – training for swindlers might be a CON COURSE
10 Harmonious arch (6)
11 It’s too late to undo result of frying accident (3,3,2,2,3,4)
THE FAT IS IN THE FIRE – literal interpretation of a figurative phrase, (Chambers): “A critical act has precipitated the trouble”. Can’t say I’d heard of this and one could be forgiven for going for PAN as the second word, seeing as that appears in a perhaps more well-known saying involving frying and fires.
12 Dickensian character of police business? (11)
COPPERFIELDCOPPER (police) + FIELD (business)
18 Excited calf runs round a certain bird handler (8)
FALCONERCALF* + R (runs), around ONE (a certain)
20 Rebellious BBC (not united) bash the monarch with space in roster (4-13)
ANTI-ESTABLISHMENTA{u}NTIE (BBC (not united)) + STAB (bash, i.e. an attempt) + LIST (roster), around HM (the monarch) + EN (space). Auntie as a facetious name for the BBC.
22 Short ditty, catch or verse (6)
SONNETSON{g} (Short ditty) + NET (catch)
24 Statistical diagram segment mostly on deer (3,5)
PIE CHARTPIEC{e} (segment mostly) + HART (deer)
26 Perennial old shipwreck’s stern half has been raised (8)
ROSEMARYMARY ROSE (old shipwreck) but with the last 4 letters (stern half) moved to the front. The Mary Rose was one of Henry VIII’s warships – it sank in 1545 and was raised to much fanfare (at least in the UK) in 1982.
29 Reversing pieces for ludo and chess, sound as a bell (14)
COUNTERMANDINGCOUNTER (piece for ludo) + MAN (piece for chess) + DING (sound as a bell)
32 Unimportant affair eclipses journey’s end (8)
TRIFLINGTRI{p} (journey), with the P (end) replaced by FLING (affair)
33 Something primarily gripped to protect one (6)
SHIELD – &lit, comprised of S{omething} (Something primarily) + HELD (gripped) around I (one)
34 Inappropriately romanticise a deformity (11)
36 Branch operations? (4,7)
TREE SURGERY – cd, perhaps hoping to make us think of branches of a business
37 Merry man‘s description of smallest room in Vegas? (6,4)
LITTLE JOHN – John is an American term for the toilet. The smallest room is a euphemism for same so one might think simply JOHN should be the answer, but I suppose the question mark allows for some reinforcement that it is indeed a little room. Little John is Robin Hood’s second-in-command in the band of Merry Men.
39 Jerk hugged by Daniel, shivering just the same (9)
42 Basic upbringing of male child keeps father sick (2-6)
NO-FRILLS – reversal of SON (male child), around FR (father) + ILL (sick)
46 Rodents, evidence of very cold student accommodation? (7)
DORMICE – very cold student accommodation might contain DORM ICE
47 Which thing’s going to said plant in Australia? (6)
WATTLE – homophone of WHAT’LL (Which thing’s going), to give (Chambers): “Any of various Australian acacias”
49 Skipping gate, found one’s way around bed (5)
DIVAN – reversal of NAVI{gate}D (Skipping gate, found one’s way)
51 Ray‘s part in German Tannhäuser (5)
MANTA – hidden in GerMAN TAnnhäuser
52 A sign of injury in Wagner’s world (4)
WELT – dd, the second the German word for world, as found in Weltschmerz, Weltmeisterschaft, etc

6 comments on “Jumbo 1335”

  1. I got through this in 1:10:59, but with 2 errors. An unforgivable ILLUSARY at 21a, and as guessed correctly by John, DENIAL instead of GENIAL at 40a. Ah well back to the old drawing board!
    Thanks setter and John.
  2. DENIAL here, too, and after some dithering, although the clue is clear. 31ac took some time, because I, too, DNK ‘chumps’. 11d biffed from enumeration and def; I was surprised to read that you didn’t know the expression, John. Liked 28ac and 35ac.
  3. 54 minutes with no real hold-ups. A tiny arrrgh at 47, not only a plant but an Australian one, but relieved by what I learned of Australian philosophy:
    This here’s the wattle, the emblem of our land. You can stick it in a bottle, you can hold it in your hand. Amen!
  4. All correct in about 1hr15m, I found a lot of this quite tricky, but a satisfying solve in all. Thanks for the parsing of 50a, 20d and 59d all of which I biffed. With the usual font problem at 50a, initially read this as “Bums possibly making black marks…”. Hmm. Thanks John and setter.
  5. FOI the obvious MANTA(ray). Happy to have opted for GENIAL over DENIAL. Only error DIVALENT for LIGAMENT because of ‘bond’. Thanks mohn.

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