Well well. All pretty fair and straightforward but with a major controversy at 4dn. BIt heavy on the double definitions for my taste but enjoyable overall. A couple of well constructed anagrams. 8 and a bit minutes.
Across | |
1 | Great emotion to overtake one performing? (7) |
PASSION – PASS (overtake) + I (one) + ON (performing) | |
5 | Lots of exaggerated praise often going with pants? (5) |
PUFFS – double definition | |
8 | Beyond one’s understanding where one’s hat might be! (5,4,4) |
ABOVE ONES HEAD – double definition | |
9 | Glee? It’s unusual for this writer (7) |
ELEGIST – anagram (‘unusual’) of GLEE ITS. Nice surface. | |
10 | Was hesitant, displaying sporting trophy (5) |
ASHES – hidden word: wAS HESitant | |
11 | Dog found by daughter in south coast resort (6) |
POODLE – daughter is D, inside POOLE (South coast resort) | |
13 | Population count in North and South America by church (6) |
CENSUS – CE is church + N + S + US | |
15 | Girl’s ‘orrible experience in New York (5) |
NELLY – horrible experience is HELL, drop the aitch, put inside NY | |
16 | University fellow had, on reflection, to sound indecisive (2,3,2) |
UM AND AH – U (university) + MAN + HAD backwards | |
19 | Chasing some latest style? Sort of (5,1,7) |
AFTER A FASHION – cryptic definition | |
20 | Rugby union back in top that’s garish (5) |
LURID – rugby union back(wards) is UR, inside LID | |
21 | A remedy for upsetting expression of dismay (5,2) |
DEARY ME – anagram (‘upsetting’) of A REMEDY |
Down | |
1 | Aircraft quietly landing on narrow road (5) |
PLANE – P + LANE | |
2 | Inevitably, but never at the appointed time? (6,2,5) |
SOONER OR LATER – double definition | |
3 | Lack of warmth in retiring old British people (5) |
ICENI – ICE + IN backwards. Boudicca’s tribe | |
4 | A number appearing in the middle of corn-exchange (6) |
NINETY – Now hang on, this turned up in Wednesday’s 15 x 15 and I didn’t get it then. Buried inside CORN-EXCHANGE is XC which is ninety in Roman numerals. Bit stiff for the quickie? We’ll see what you all think, but I predict a riot. | |
5 | What’s paid to send things after time? (7) |
POSTAGE – POST (after) + AGE (time) | |
6 | Bright and energetic, says he’s afraid, strangely (5,2,1,5) |
FRESH AS A DAISY – anagram (‘strangely’) of SAYS HE’S AFRAID. Nice. | |
7 | Cruel people with unhappy lives crossing street (7) |
SADISTS – SAD (unhappy) + IS (lives) around ST | |
11 | NB: everyone is following very good game (7) |
PINBALL – Very good is PI, add NB + ALL | |
12 | Like a wedding cake set before husband, finally (7) |
LAYERED – LAY (set) + ERE (before) + D (last letter of husband) | |
14 | Clipped, as shirtsleeves often are? (6) |
CUFFED – double definition | |
17 | Some boats easily might be this (2,3) |
AT SEA – hidden word: boATS EAsily | |
18 | Joint, hot, served by Scandinavian girl (5) |
Number of minutes taken? Inside sixty!
Oh, and I liked POST AGE.
Edited at 2018-08-10 08:09 am (UTC)
Edited at 2018-08-10 07:56 am (UTC)
However, made it more or less on time with several surfaces to enjoy
Coming here I am reminded of the XC in the recent 15×15 blog which I read without doing the puzzle. Maybe I’ll remember it now.
I did not help myself by putting On And On at 16a when I first read the clue. COD to 11a. David
At least I’ve seen ICENI dozens of times, clued various ways, so not problem there. It was UM AND AH that required careful working-out from the cryptic.