Solving time 11:29, even after having only 2dn in after the first two minutes, so once I’d woken up that has to qualify as one of the easiest Saturday puzzles of the year.
As usual, hovering the mouse over the clue number will reveal the clue.
Across |
1 |
SNATCH – alternate letters of infant inside SCH(ool). |
4 |
ASSAULTS – sounds like “a salts”. |
10 |
INDUSTRIOUS – IN + RIO (Brazilian location) + US (American), around DUST (powdery stuff). |
11 |
GYM – hidden in “Podgy men”. |
12 |
CASSATA – S(on) inside CASA (Italian for house) + TA (thanks). |
14 |
KREMLIN – K, M (thousands) + LIN(e) (queue endlessly), around ER (queen) reversed. |
15 |
STICKY-FINGERED – double definition. |
17 |
PEARLS OF WISDOM – (poem’s words fail)* |
21 |
HOUDINI – DIN (big noise) + I, after HOU(r) (45 minutes = three-quarters of an hour). |
22 |
LATERAL – LATER (after) + AL (gangster). Definition “shoot”, as in a side branch of a plant. |
23 |
DOT – DO (serve) + T(ime). |
24 |
CUB REPORTER – CUE (prompt) around B(ritish) + PORTER (beer). |
26 |
WAR BRIDE – cryptic definition. NB “trouble and strife” is Cockney rhyming slang for “wife”. |
27 |
STEWED – STEED (horse) around W(eight). |
Down |
1 |
SUITCASE – SUIT (executive) + CA (about) + S(om)E. |
2 |
AID – (m)AID (servant missing the first letter). |
3 |
COSSACK – C.O. (officer) + ‘S (has) + SACK (rifle). |
5 |
STOCKING FILLER – STOCK (store) + IN (trendy) + (girl left)*. |
6 |
AUSTERE – AUSTER (wind from south) + E(ast). |
7 |
LEGAL TENDER – GEL reversed (stick-up) + A + LENDER (bank, perhaps) around T(ake). |
8 |
SIMONE – SIM (phone card, Subscriber Identification Module in full) + ONE (I). |
9 |
BREAKFAST IN BED – reverse cryptic, “begged” (egg in bed) could be cryptically indicated by the answer. |
13 |
SLIDE GUITAR – (is it underused Elgar)* |
16 |
IMPLORED – I’M + PLOD (busy, both slang terms for a policeman), around RE (about). |
18 |
RAILCAR – RAIL (rant) + CAR(p) (complain endlessly). |
19 |
INTROIT – (trio)* around N(ew) + IT(alian). |
20 |
SHADOW – HAD (kept) inside SOW (pig). |
25 |
TOW – TO W(est), i.e. away from east. |
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