Placeholder post – I got a last-minute gig tonight and may not be able to blog the crossword until the morning. If anyone can get in through the new system and complete the crossword, feel free to leave comments. I’ll get the blog up as soon as I can.
Solving time : Well after putting the placeholder up, and going to do a show, I found this extremely difficult and it appears 35 minutes have passed, but not all of them on the crossword. I think if I was sober I’d do it a lot faster, but on the other hand, I had an excellent and amusing night, and I think I’ve got this all out. Oh, and I managed to log on to the new crossword club and this printed out just fine, so the panic attacks of earlier are alleviated.
And away we go!
Across | |
5 | sounds like an answer I’ve seen elsewhere this week, so let’s omit it |
9 | HORSE: ummm, double definition if you call “in need of” as a homophone indicator, or am I missing something? Edit: Of course I am – HOARSE minus A – see comments |
11 | MILLION: one of my last in and a crafty little clue – MILL(spinner),I(one),ON(leg – ref cricket) |
12 | ON PAPER: PAP in ONE then R |
13 | CASSIOPEIA: anagram of SOAP,IS,ACE,I |
15 | ARID: R in AID, and not R in SEE as I wrote initially |
18 | L,ASH |
20 | PRO,MEN,AD,ER: liked this charade, but didn’t see it until several looks at the clue |
23 | CENTAVO: anagram of VOTE,CAN |
24 | SLEIGH,T |
26 | IDAHO: hidden |
27 | EAGRE: a tidal bore – sounds like EAGER |
28 | GENOESE: ON reversed surrounded by GEESE |
Down | |
1 | MARBLES: BR reversed in MALES |
2 | SPECIFIC: C(cold) in (SPICE,IF) |
3 |
5 | CLAMPS: L in CAMPS |
6 | let’s cut this one out |
7 | EGGAR: EG then RAG reversed – a moth with cocoon-shaped eggs |
8 | CHEMICAL: (MALICE)* after CH |
16 | DU |
17 | ANDESITE: SITE(scene) with AND,E at the front |
19 | S,INNING: though the components of a baseball game are usually called INNINGS rather than INNING. And a tie-in to the start of the Major League Baseball playoffs that started yesterday |
21 | DEGRADE: that would be a Daughter with an E GRADE |
22 | RAF,FLE |
23 | CAST,E |
24 | SA,TIN: SA being the Salvation Army, of whom I have little good to say, so I’ll leave it up to The Goodies |
1. No problem with access — my old password was accepted.
2. Note the option to print in black has gone.
3. The header no longer shows the date of the puzzle.
4. Hyphens have appeared after clue numbers.
5. There are no spaces between clues and enumerations.
6. For the interactive puzzle: the “Submit” button doesn’t work; at least in terms of registering games played (bottom left). However it does show up on the right of the screen under “My recent games”
There is no option to delete your own comment.
as to the puzzle…very tricky…dont think much of Million as a clue…but i thought Satin was neat and sleight too!
i must be more eager!
If folks could comment on the new site in the posting on that topic (available by pressing the “Previous Entry” button at top of this page), it would be much easier to feed back your comments to the people at The Times.
I didn’t see yesterday’s specific posting.
However I must say I don’t mind it one bit. In combination with the wordplay and a checking letter or two it seems perfectly fair and produced a nice little “aha!” moment for me.
BTW, George, isn’t it cricket which has an innings and baseball that has an inning?
I slowed myself down by misspelling CASSIOPEIA, which was careless and made a number of easy clues impossible until I spotted the mistake.
I must say I rather liked 11ac, which I thought was craftily clued. I have no problem with either mill = spinner or million = square.
Put in egger for 7dn, not understanding what a reg could be, but I looked up egger and it was a moth so it had to be right.
Didn’t understand wordplay for satin either, and have now learned SA for salvation army.
Thanks for the blog.
That left me with the tough ‘andesite’, which had to be laboriously extracted from the cryptic.
I, too, am waiting for all-black printing to return.
Btw George you’ve got your eggs and your cocoons the wrong way round. It’s the cocoon that’s shaped like an egg.
MILLION – so the definition is… it’s a square of another number? Is that it? Could someone spell this out for me, please? I feel like I’m missing something and need an idiot’s guide.
I still don’t understand 9ac, and for the life of me couldn’t think of what welfare organisation might be SA, but couldn’t think of any other material to fit!
Quite a few odd / new / unknown words in there – EGGAR, EAGRE, GENOESE (if I’d had to guess, I would have said that he was a GENOAN instead).
COD 4d.
croaky = hoarse
in need of a = missing a
= horse
A real mixed bag today, with a lot going in quite quickly, but then several obscurities – EGGAR, EAGRE, ANDESITE, although CENTAVO was familiar to me.
I don’t mind the hyphens, don’t care about the colour of the black squares, don’t like the lack of a space before the enumerations, and REALLY don’t like the lack of a date at the top.
Took a few goes to spell cassiopeia correctly. I could draw it in a trice ( // ) there look. I assumed eagre was a bore of the woodwork tool variety (not a mullion miles away from auger I’m sure you’ll agree).
COD to sleight – very aptly I spent far too long trying to find a three-letter word for snow into which I could insert a three-letter word for vehicle.
Probably not two, to be fair.
The actual crossword, which I finally wrested from The Times grasp about 4pm, is a pussycat by comparison. Less than 15mins though I checked EGGAR and EAGRE afterwards to see if they were real. I too thought the wordplay for 11ac was fine but the def. (by example?) a bit ropy. don’t know why.. it is technically accurate I suppose.
You could argue that it’s a bit ropy because of the infinite number of possible answers, which technically could include any number at all.
However I think if you asked most people to list square numbers they would give you 1, 4, 9, 16, 25 etc, i.e. a list of the squares of integers. So in common parlance “square” and “square of an integer” sort of mean the same thing.
Combine that with the fact that you are looking for a single 7-letter word (which cuts out, for example, four, thirty-six, and 631.0144) and I think it’s OK.
But I know very little about cricket – does “on” mean the same thing as “square leg?” I had “mullion” as the answer for 11, thinking that “spinner” perhaps meant “muon” (a subatomic particle which may spin, for all I know).
Also had “angelite” instead of “andesite” for 17. Angelite is indeed a rock, but admittedly it does not fit the rest of the clue.